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Whispers In the Wind is a collection of songs written in the past 10 years, inspired by stories of bravery and sacrifice, by my own journey to discover myself, and by the people I love. The title not only refers to the song of the same name, but to the whisperings of the Muse. I often envision the songs as having an existence beyond me, within the Song Stream, and available to those sensitized to the voices in the wind. Click here for a song list, and links to liner notes and lyrics.

A song for my sons: This is a song I wrote for my three boys: Jeff, Bryan and Jonny. This link is for a low fidelity version for faster playing online: Father's Song, and this one is a higher fidelity version if you want to right click and save it to your computer for use in an iPod or other MP3 player: Father's Song (this may take a few minutes).

I have a number of other songs for download or listening to from the site. Click here for descriptions and links to MP3 files.

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Copyright Thomas Maynard 2012 All rights reserved