Tom Maynard

Singer ~ Songwriter ~ Sound Healer


The following are a list of links to other sites I enjoy or find interesting:

My Appalachian Trail blog - In 2017 I attempted thru-hiking the AT, walking from Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, to Rt 302 in Crawford Notch in New Hampshire, around 820 out of the total 2190 miles. This April (2023), I plan on getting back on trail at Harper's Ferry and heading south into Virginia. We'll see how far I get this time...

Musicians for the Greater Good website

Mike Delaney's website

Summer Acoustic Music week - If you love acoustic music, you will love this summer camp for adults. You don't have to be a musician (or perhaps you are, but don't realize it yet!!)

WUMB, Folk Radio in Boston - Folk and acoustic music 24/7. I've been listening to them since the early eighties. Become a member and support the only station of it's kind!

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