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 Whispers In the Wind: Liner Notes

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I dedicate this album to my dad, Harry A. Maynard, Jr. The song he chose to sing was one of family, about his wife and children, and grandchildren, and, now, great- grandchildren. Sometimes this meant turning his attention and energy to supporting us and away from his passion. Thanks, Dad, for all your sacrifices and your love. I hope you hear your voice in mine! I know I do!


Songs are a synthesis of experiences, relationships, dreams, stories, and something beyond understanding, something mystical, something of the Divine.
I thank the following people for their inspiration, support, guidance, friendship, and love: my musical brothers and sisters from New England Weather: Angela Marseglia, Ken Porter, Kathy and Mike Danielson, and Mike Delaney; Seth Connelly, who I sometimes think understands my music better than I do, and the other musicians on the recording: Valerie Thompson, Pat “Hatrack” Gallagher, Ken Porter, Leo Egan, and Tim Maynard; the campers and instructors from the WUMB Summer Acoustic Music Week (SAMW): most especially Dick Pleasants, Bob Franke, Kate Campbell, David Surette, Charles Williams, Freyda Epstein (of blessed memory), Linda Waterfall, and Lorraine and Bennet Hammond; my teacher, Shawna Carol, and friends from SpiritSong: Tom Cobb, Laurie Markoff, Erline Towner, Judy Carlson, Maureen Chase, Carolyn Sprague, Brenda Fingold, Kelliana, and Laurie Sequana Stolmaker; my councilors/ teachers/friends Chonyi Richard Allen and Sparrow Hart, and early musical inspirations, Mark Ryer, George Ghiorse, Norman Weeks, and Jack Broadford; and others far too numerous to get specific mention.

In addition, I thank my family for their support and love: my mom and dad, Rainy and Harry Maynard; my brother, Tim, and my sisters, Carol, Linda and Diane, and their families. Let’s sing some more!

Most especially, I give thanks and love to my boys, Jeff, Bryan, and Jonny, for their patience when their dad has been called away to his music, and for their incredible, shining love. See if you can see them and their mother hiding in the woods on the cover (the cat’s there, too)!

And to my beautiful partner and best friend, Debbie: you have been my inspiration from the beginning: your smile, your tears, your passion, your voice, your spirit, your love – I am most blessed to walk the Path with you. Dance, sing, live in Joy! You are my dearest Love!

Debbie on King Phillip's Lookout

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