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<b>1997 - Greatest Hits (UK Import)
1997 - Greatest Hits (UK Import) 

1. Crazy Crazy Nights

2. I Was Made For Lovin' You

3. Detroit Rock City

4. Lick It Up

5. Hard Luck Woman

6. Calling Dr. Love

7. Beth

8. Love Gun

9. God Of Thunder

10. Sure Know Something

11. Deuce

12. Do You Love Me

13. Strutter

14. Rock And Roll All Night

15. Plaster Caster

16. Hotter Than Hell

17. Shock Me

18. Cold GIn

19. Black Diamond

20. God Gave Rock And Roll To You II


This import from the United Kingdom is almost a companion album to the Greatest KISS album released in North America. This album pictured the band from their photo shoots for the re-union tour and also included song KISS songs from the non-make up era as well as the make-up era. This album truly distances itself from the North American release, and for that it is scored higher than the other album as well. 7.5\10