Law Office of 
Elyssa Korman Williams - DUI, Criminal Law
300 Colonial Center Parkway, Suite 100 Roswell, GA 30076 - (678) 613-5732

Our practice also handles family law cases, including divorce, child support, prenuptials and child custody.
Visit for more information.


Practice Areas:

     • DUI
     • Suspended License
     • Hit And Run
     • Racing
     • Other Traffic
     • Battery
     • Domestic Violence
     • Marijuana
     • Under Age Possession
     • Theft
     • Other

     • Drug Trafficking
     • Drug Possession
     • Sex Crimes
     • Burglary
     • Robbery
     • Aggravated Assault
 Probation Violations
 Bond Hearings

Office Location Map
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Attorney Elyssa K. Williams

Not all legal services are equal -  Beware of the one size fits all attorney!

Choosing A Lawyer

The attorney you choose DOES make a difference.  Just think about the world’s best known example……

Remember the O. J. Simpson trial?  Do you think that O.J. Simpson would have won his trial if Johnny Cochran hadn’t given him such a skilled defense?

That's why you can't shop for attorneys like you shop for shoes. They are not all created equal! I'm sure you realize that after watching the O. J. trial. So, deciding on an attorney based on price alone does not make much sense -- that is, if you want to have the best chance of being found not guilty.

Your Future Depends on Getting the Right Legal Help

If you shop for a bargain basement attorney, you’ll get a bargain basement defense. Can you really afford to settle for that? After all if you buy bargain basement shoes and they hurt your feet you can either take them back or you can live with the pain for a little while until its time to get new shoes.

But in a criminal matter you can't undo the bad outcome of a bad defense. You can't take it back and start over again like you can with shoes. If you end up in prison -- seeing your family only on visiting days -- because your attorney was inexperienced or inept, what kind of a bargain is that?

How Can You Make This All Important Decision?

So, what are you to do? Just go through the yellow pages or internet and pick out the name you like the sound of, or the attorney with the biggest ad?

I don't recommend that approach either...

Instead, you probably would like to know how skilled and experienced the attorney is at getting a not guilty verdict for his or her clients, or at least getting a lesser charge.

There are a few ways to make sure you get the right lawyer for your case - - a skilled lawyer who will fight for your rights --so you'll have the best chance of keeping your freedom!
And, after being in the criminal law field for 13 years, I think I can offer you some advice on the :

The 6 Most Important Things to Ask a Before Hiring a Lawyer

1. First of all, you must ask -- "How many years have you practiced criminal law?" Of course, the longer the time -- the more training and experience the lawyer will have. Ten years or more gives you a good probability that he will have expert knowledge to use in getting you the best outcome for your case. This expert knowledge not only relates to knowing the laws, but also knowing the other lawyers, judges, and how they operate... and being able to figure out the best strategy for your case.

2. Secondly, you must ask – How many criminal cases have you handled?”  At the very, very minimum, you want your lawyer to have handled at least 100 criminal cases. An attorney with that level of experience is going to be better at such things as jury selection, negotiating reduced sentences, closing arguments, and any number of critical elements in a criminal case. You don't want to get someone just out of law school!

3. Next, you should ask -- "How many trials have you handled?" Obviously, you would rather have someone who has tried a lot of cases, ideally 50 or more.  One of the ways I see defendants unknowingly losing their ability to get the best plea bargain (without going to trial) is having a lawyer who is inexperienced in criminal work and avoids going to trial.  Believe me, the prosecution can smell that inexperience and therefore will not offer as good a plea. But, if the prosecution knows the defense lawyer is not afraid of trial, your bargaining power is immensely improved. You see, the assistant D.A.'s don't want to waste their time trying a case if they think your defense attorney will win.

4. Something else you want to know is "Do you personally handle my case, or does a younger, less experienced associate do the work?”  Many lawyers will pull the “bait and switch” by selling you on their great credentials only to pass your case off to a younger, less capable associate in their office.  Wondering if the young lawyer can handle your case can drive you crazy and make it hard for you to concentrate on other things in your life like earning a living. Being charged with a crime is stressful enough—you don't need your lawyer’s office to add to the stress--- and maybe even give you headaches, ulcers, or high blood pressure!

5. There's another key question to ask that almost no one asks.How long does it take you to return phone calls?” It is sad that clients should even have to be concerned with this, but the truth is that many lawyers “forget” the how important each case is to the individual client whose life is hanging in the balance.

6. Last, but not least, you must ask, "Do you charge a flat fee price or do I pay you by the hour which can go on forever?" After an attorney does a thorough job of determining what kind of work is needed for your case, if they are experienced, they should be able to quote you a set price. After all, you want to know what it will cost you -- without having to worry about an attorney who purposely drags things out to run up his fees!

Ok, so you're probably wondering what my answers would be to the above questions. I'll lay it out for you:

* As I mentioned I have 13 years experience in criminal law, a combination of work I have done in New York, Florida, and Georgia--- in other words, I’ve been around the block a few times and have handled hundreds of cases from start to finish. I am both a former public defender and former prosecutor, having worked for a number of years prosecuting everything from DUI’s to murder cases. So, I understand how the other side thinks and acts. I know what motivates them to make a deal or drop a case. And let me tell you-- this inside knowledge is a real edge in criminal defense.

* I have handled several hundreds of criminal cases and have an excellent track record.

* I have done over 75 trials.

* * I will make you several GUARANTEES:

    1.  I guarantee my personal attention in each and every aspect of your case.  I thoroughly prepare each case and won’t pass your case off to some inexperienced associate.

    2.  I return phone calls within 48 hours….guaranteed. (though most calls are returned on the same day, trials and lengthy hearings can cause the 48 hour delay.)

    3.  Once I have analyzed your case, you will receive a Flat Fee Guarantee from me to handle your case -- so you will know how much it’s going to cost before I start. This way you’ll know that I'll do a  great job on your case in as short a time as possible. You see, I'll have no reason to drag things out because my fee won't be based on the number of hours I bill you. What that means to you is that you can get this situation over with as soon as possible and get on with your life.  I can also tailor my fees to what you want or need.  If you know you don’t want a trial, I won’t make you pay for one.

After all, isn't this what you're after -- to improve your chances of getting the best outcome, being kept up to date, knowing what it will cost, and getting this handled so you can concentrate on the rest of your life!

Since you have come to this website, you or a loved one probably have a pending criminal legal problem and so... what I am going to do for you is, if you call me and mention this letter, I will give you a Free 30 minute legal examination of your situation. All you have to do is call me at 678-613-5732 to schedule an appointment. If I'm in trial, I'll get back to you within 48 hours…guaranteed.

I want you to know that even though I have allowed a certain amount of time for some of these FREE legal examinations, my busy schedule may not allow me to take your case (There is only 1 of me and my time is limited - so calling right away will improve your chances!) If you put this off and call too late, don't be surprised if I have to recommend some other attorneys as second choices.

Good luck!

Elyssa Korman Williams, Attorney at Law
300 Colonial Center Parkway
Suite 100
Roswell, GA 30076

P.S. Just pick up the phone and call my office at 678-613-5732 and mention this letter to schedule your FREE 30 minute legal examination. And, if after the Free 30 Minute Legal examination, you don't think I'm the right attorney for you, YOU WILL OWE ME ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. No hassles and No Hard Feelings! So you really have nothing to lose!

Free Case Evaluation
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Disclaimer: The Law Office of Elyssa Korman Williams provides the information in this web site for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute legal advice. The use of this site does not create an attorney-client relationship. Further communication with our attorneys through the web site and e-mail may not be considered as confidential or privileged. Please contact Attorney Williams if you wish to discuss in more detail the contents of this web site.