It is very difficult to add to the intelligent and pointed comments (below) by IM Malcolm Pein, but here goes.
The opening is a standard opening line ... but I don't approve of the move
However, after move 15, the computer program Fritz 8.0
calls the position as close to even.
18...Na4; was an interesting idea, (Why
not exchange?); but 3 different computer programs
notice a definite change in the scoring of the position.
(Making this move somewhat dubious.)
Having placed the Knight on a4, Kramnik almost immediately retracts it - giving Anand an edge.
The move of 21.c4! gives White a small but solid advantage from the opening.
22.f5! was the start of a vigorous King-side attack by GM Vishy Anand.
23...Nd7?! (Maybe - '?') completely
failed to accomplish anything positive for Kramnik.
(The idea was to re-position the Knight to e5 -
but it is just too slow!)
Anand responds to the passive Knight retreat by playing g2-g4!
on move 24, ripping
open a bunch of key lines to Black's King.
Kramnik tries to duck out of this struggle by heading for the end-game of
-colors. Nonetheless, this does not save Kramnik's bacon - this pig is
headed for the party.
(And he is the main course!) Anand's b2-square is easily defended ... but
the same cannot be
said of all the light squares in the second player's camp. 29...Rf8?;
is basically a blunder in a
lost position, Black had to close lines with ...g7-g5. Kramnik resigns as
he must lose major
amounts of material; 30.Rd1! and 31.Bg4!, leave Black with little to play
One can only hope that Kramnik plays the Najdorf this well against GM Peter Leko!
Read more of IM Malcolm Pein's reports in THE WEEK IN CHESS. This
game is in the issue,
# 508. |
(All games - Code initially generated with the program, ChessBase 8.0.)
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This game was first posted here: August 31st, 2004. This page was last updated on 01/04/13 .
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