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VG Day: Day Games!

Fall VG Day 2004
_______Main___Event___Day Games___Tournaments___Voting___Sponsors!___Directions___Rules_______

This page has been updated, so I decided to change it a little bit. I have listed below all the games we will have at the tournament. The ones listed in red will be playing all day and do not have tournaments. Everyone who pays admission will be allowed to play all of the games listed except during the times of the tournaments in play.

For Xbox:
Fuzion Frenzy

For Playstation 2:
(Sport Games)Madden 2004 or NBA Live or NFL Street

For Nintendo Game Cube:
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Soul Calibur 2

For Super NES:
Dr. Mario

For Nintendo:
Double Dragon
Super Mario Brothers
Duck Hunt
Wheel of Fortune
Dragon Warrior
Top Gun
Donkey Kong Classics
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
The Goonies II
Blaster Master

For Sega Dreamcast:
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Tech Romancer
Power Stone 2