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.:Site Contents:.

.:The EarthBound Games:.
 EarthBound 0 / Mother 1 (NES)
 EarthBound / Mother 2 (SNES)
 EarthBound 64 (N64) *canceled*
 Mother 3 (GBA)
 Mother 1 + 2 (GBA)

.:The Smash Bros Games:.
 Super Smash Bros (N64)
 Super Smash Bros Melee (GCN)
 Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)

.:The Site Database:.
 Site Information
 Outside Links

.:EarthBound 0 / Mother 1:.
--Game Information--

Earthbound Zero, known as Mother in Japan, was never released in the United States. A company called Neo Demi Force bought the code dump for Mother and created an English version ROM, titled EarthBound Zero, which allowed internet users to illegally download and play the game on their computers.

For everyone that has played Earthbound, the beginning of EarthBound Zero is very similar. You start in your room and as you try to walk out of your door, strange music comes on, lights flash, and a lamp starts to circle around you. The house is being attacked by a poltergeist. After defeating some lamps and chairs, the phenomenon stops, for the moment... You open up a doll and memorize a tune it plays. Your dad calls and tells you that you have the ability of PSI, which has been passed down from your great grandfather, George. Back in the early 1900's George and his wife suddenly disappeared into a forest. Years later George returned as suddenly as he had left. However, his wife never returned and George never spoke of where he had been or what had happened. Makes sense? Not really.