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.:Site Contents:.

.:The EarthBound Games:.
 EarthBound 0 / Mother 1 (NES)
 EarthBound / Mother 2 (SNES)
 EarthBound 64 (N64) *canceled*
 Mother 3 (GBA)
 Mother 1 + 2 (GBA)

.:The Smash Bros Games:.
 Super Smash Bros (N64)
 Super Smash Bros Melee (GCN)
 Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)

.:The Site Database:.
 Site Information
 Outside Links

.:EarthBound / Mother 2:.
--Character Information--

Ness - Hero
Where you find him: In in house in Onett
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Strenghs: Offense, Defense, Guts, High HP
Weakness: Gets Homesick, Limited PSI Offense
Unique: Run, Auto Fight
Summary: Ness is not your average RPG super hero. He doesn't have weird hair, carry a sword, or have a dark past that he is yet to discover. Ness is your typical 13 year old boy. He plays baseball, goes to movies, and just has fun. He lives with his family in a small house on the outskirts of a town called Onett. His entire life is changed one night, when a starnge meteor crash-lands in the Hills of Onett.

Paula - 1st Friend
Where you find her: A cabin in Peaceful-Rest Valley
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Strenghs: Strong PSI, Defense, High PP
Weakness: Low HP, Weak Offense
Unique: Pray
Summary: Paula is the talk of the town of Twoson when Ness arrives there. Paula is the sweetest, most innocent, and even the cutest girl in all of Eaglelan. Too bad she has recently been kidnapped. The police suspect the neighborhood robber, Mr. Everdred, but it is a cult in Happy Happy Village who turn out to be the real wrong-doers. Ness must free Paula from Mr. Carpainter, the leader of the cult, and restore justice back to the people of Twoson. Paula then joins Ness on his quest. Little is known about the love relationship between Ness and Paula.

Jeff - 2nd Friend
Where you find him: The Boarding House in Winters
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Strenghs: Offense, Powerful items only he can use, IQ
Weaknesses: No PSI, Defense
Unique: Spy
Summary: Jeff is trying to get a good nights rest in Winter's Boarding School when Paula contacts him and tells him to head south to Threed. Jeff knows he must do this and willing leaves his friends behind to go and help Ness and Paula. Escaping in the middle of the night, Jeff takes some equipment from the locker area and sets out into the night. After meeting up with his dad (a sciencist), Jeff takes the family UFO to Threed and rescues Ness and Paula.

Poo - 3rd Friend
Where you find him: The Grand Palace in Dalaam
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Strenghs: Offense, PSI Offense, Teleport, Starstorm
Weakness: IQ, Won't eat any food, Only equips four items in the entire game
Unique: Mirror
Summary: Poo, Prince of Dalaam, is about to complete his Mu training. Just as he does, his dad tells him it is time to fufill his destiny by leaving the Kingdom of Dalaam and aiding Ness, Paula, and Jeff on their jounry. Poo must leave the team shortly after joining in order to learn PSI Starstorm, one of the most power PSI attacks in the game. Poo is a powerfull addition to the team, exspecially when he's properly equiped, however, his amount of PP is perhaps too small.

Other people that join the main characters periodicaly in the game
King- Ness's friendly, tamed dog
Pokey- Ness's stuck-up neighbor who turns out to be Giygas's right hand man
Picky- Pokey's well-behaved little brother
Buzz Buzz- A bee who came in the meteor to tell Ness his destiny
Tony- Jeff's best friend in Winter's Boarding School
Bubble Monkey- A monkey who blows bubbles and packs a walloping punch
Invisiable Man- Has one eyebrow and a gold tooth
Dungeon Man- Half dongeon and half man. Big, strong, and tends to get caught in trees
Flying Men- Brave circus entertainers who help Ness in Magicant