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Steve's MST Archive

No, this is not a fan page to Mystery Science Theater 3000 (although it is a great show), this is an archive of MST'd fics. The basic concept remains the same, the biggest difference is that instead of lousy movies, it's lousy fanfiction.

This page is where I plan to store any fanfics I MST. If you would like me to post an MST you've done, e-mail it to me (no attachments), and give me a name to credit it to.

I will not post every one I get, I will post only those that I find to "not suck." As a free hint, mindless-author bashing is bad and highly frowned upon by me as it's the reason all the MST's I had done were deleted from because a bunch of numbnuts made MST's like that.

As a standard disclaimer, any fic I MST is done for the sake of humor. The MST is not a personal attack on the author nor should it be taken that way. If you don't like that I MST'd a fic of yours, too bad. You're entitled to feel however you want about it, but that doesn't mean I'm going to care if you hate me for MST'ing it.

Any fic MST'd by me was found on
As you may notice, in the MST's, I am accompanied by characters from Gundam Wing. I use them because when I began making MST's, I felt I would need a partner to help make fun of the fic, and since I was lazy, I used pre-established characters rather than make an original person up. In future MST's, I may have some help, but for the time being, you'll have to settle for imaginary friends.

If you care to know more about me, go here
You can Instant Message me on AOL, my username is AxMan15320, or, you can find me on Yahoo Messenger as AxMan_12

Free Guestbook from Bravenet Free Guestbook from Bravenet

I Have The Power (Tenchi Muyo/He-Man crossover) - by Kator (MST by Me - 1/27/2001)
Jim's Revelation (Outlaw Star) - Author Unknown (MST by Me - late 2001 I believe)
