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This rare two piece navy blue suit has beautiful orange, red and yellow arrows
with studs going down the shoulders and the back.
Also the same colors are running down the legs.

This suit is very rare because only 3 were made like it.
Two blue and one white
(and this is one of the blue ones!)

Another rare accent to this suit is the special inside pocket made specifically for a handgun.
At that time Elvis was receiving death threats and wanted to be able to conceal a handgun on
stage and asked his costume maker to design him something for the stage with a
pocket for quick access to a gun should he ever need use it !

This suit comes with:
 copies of letters from Vernon Presley
 a certificate of authenticity
copies of photos of Elvis wearing the suit

 The price range of any authentic Elvis Presley jumpsuit is from 
$50,000 to $150,000 

Site designed by Renata Ginter

Copyright © 2000 Jim Curtin. All rights reserved
The names "The Elvis Empire" and "James J. Curtin Archives" are registered names.