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We are not associated with E.P.E.

James J. Curtin Archives/The Elvis Empire® was founded by Jim Curtin in 1975 in PA.
It is a private archive of Elvis photographs, collectibles, information and personal items of Elvis.

Jim's archive rivals the best Elvis collections in the world,including the Elvis Presley Estate: Graceland.

What most collectors and Graceland own, put together cannot compare to what Jim has.

Never has there been one single individual to own this much or this vast a collection.
Jim Curtin is the first and will be the last.

Since the mid 1980s, James J. Curtin Archives/The Elvis Empire® has been supplying 
many companies throughout the world with Elvis photos, collectibles, and information.
As a result, today Jim Curtin has to his credit over 50 publications and/or projects that he 
either created himself, published himself or helped create and publish, all concerning Elvis.

Jim is currently working on several books with his writer and assistant Renata Ginter, 
and is hoping to get them all published soon!

To this day, Jim still supplies companies worldwide, with Elvis and his vast knowledge and expertise.

Site designed by Renata Ginter

Copyright © 2000 Jim Curtin. All rights reserved
The names "The Elvis Empire" and "James J. Curtin Archives" are registered names.