Coat of Arms symbolic meaning
McNamaras of New Zealand
Site created 11th April 2003
Irish: Mac = clan/Gaelic for son , Cu/Con = warrior/hound, Muir/Mara = the sea.
MacConmara "cu na mara" - Sea Hound
Macnamara/McNamara can be interpreted as the family of Conmara, the warrior of the sea, or son of the hound of the sea.
County Clare 1300-1600
Map showing the location of the principal Gaelic Septs.
Source: Edward McLysaght, Irish Families
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Thomas McNamara, our earliest known ancestor to arrive in Australia, was born in County Clare in Ireland around 1841. The son of James McNamara and Bridet DUGGAN, he migrated to Australia sometime prior to 1867. In Victoria he married Bridget DALY in 1867 and seven children, namely Bridget, John, Michael, Peter, Daniel, Patrick and Annie. Thomas married Alice MALONEY(nee Kennedy) in 1879 and they had a son named Thomas Joseph MacNamaraThomas' first wife Bridget DALY and three of their young children died from illness in 1878. His five surviving children were Michael, Peter, Patrick and Annie McNamara, and Thomas Joseph MacNamara.
Thomas' oldest son, Michael McNamara, lived in Victoria and Tasmania before finally settling in New Zealand with his wife Florence Morris and children.
Peter McNamara remained in Victoria where he and his wife Julia McKenzie raised their family.
Patrick McNamara migrated to New Zealand where he remained settled with his wife (Edith) Jane Gibbs and family.
Thomas' daughter Annie McNamara, and her husband Tom Holloway raised their large family in both Victoria and New South Wales, finally settling in Sydney and around the Coffs Harbour area.
Thomas McNamara's son by his second marriage, Thomas Joseph MacNamara, was born in Victoria and settled in Brisbane with his wife (first cousin once removed) Catherine Maloney and family.
The people mentioned in this tree descend from these core members.
"Clare, a county of Ireland, province of Munster, 55 miles long and 38 broad; bounded on the West by the Atlantic, North by Galway, and East and South by the Shannon, which separates it from Tipperary, Limerick, and Kerry. It is divided into 79 parishes, has two market towns, and sends three members to parliament. It breeds more horses than any other county in Ireland, beside a great number of cattle and sheep. Population 209,595. Capital, Ennis." (From The New London Gazetteer, 1826)"The effects of the Famine and subsequent emigration are clearly seen in the population figures. In 1841, before the onset of the Famine, County Clare had a population of 286,000. Ten years later, after the Famine, this had dropped by 74,000, to 212,000. In 1966, just over a century later, the total population was just 75,000, a decrease of almost 75% from the 1841 figure." (
Key to identified generations
James McNamara , was born in Ireland circa 1818.
We don't know anything more about James except that his wife was Bridget Duggan and their son was Thomas came from County Clare.
"The Emigrant's must consist principally of married couples, not above 40 years of age at their last birthday ; but for every child above 14, an excess of one year will be allowed in age of the parents, if they are still hale and capable of labour. The candidates most acceptable are young married couples without children." Source: The Emigrant's Friend
This age criteria for Free Sailing Passage would have ensured some people changed their ages on documents in order to be allowed to sail. Many just didn't know their exact ages so birthdates can be quite inconsistent.
Whilst we know Irish born Thomas McNamara married in Victoria, Australia in 1867, we have yet to find any details of his arrival in Australia. His death certificate states he had spent "22 years in the colony of Victoria" which takes us back to 1866, and we also know that he married in Victoria in 1867.
Other records have shown us that Thomas settled in the Warrnambool and Woodford East region of south-west Victoria.
"The areas around Warrnambool and Port Fairy, through to Portland, became extensively settled in the 1840's and 1850's. There was a good demand for farmers, shepherds, labourers and tradesmen in the area and emigration was especially encouraged by Rutledge, Campbell and Atkinson and their agents who where loud in their insistence that many of the immigrants brought out or sponsored into Australia - through the bounty and emigrant schemes - be sent on to Portland and Warrnambool. From here they would be sent either by inter-colonial vessels or overland to Warrnambool [settled 1847,] and Port Fairy where their skills where often eagerly sought after, as many of the early tradesmen and farmers, who had improved conditions successfully for themselves, moved onto their own farms, or to take their skills & trades to developing places where higher prices would be paid for their labour." Source: A History of South West Victoria
Source: Janelle McNamara
I came across McNamara Road at Bushfield near Warrnambool and visited its sole, original house. The area is still largely farmland and the Warrnambool city council have no record of the origin of the street names in Bushfield and Woodford East. Through a few phone calls I discovered that the house and land were originally owned by a Frances McNamara (1857 - 1916; parents Jno McNamara and Mary Liddy) and his wife Bridget Shanahan (parents Thomas Shanahan and Cath Ryan) and remains in their family to date. Frances and Bridget passed it to their daughter Mary Agnes McNamara, who passed it to her daughter Beedie (aka Bridget Frances Conheady) and now Beedie's daughter and son in law (Anthony Crossley) run it. The family told me that the road used to go all the way down to the river but after finding a number of errant fisherman and a few marijuana plants on their land, they cut the road off and it has since remained a short, deadend lane. I'm still unsure as to whether this McNamara family are connected to ours but as they lived in the same area as ours, I'm still open to the possibility.
Our County Clare native Thomas McNamara died in Warrnambool Hospital Victoria on the 13th June, 1888 after an 18 month long illness, and was attended to by Dr R.H. Harrington. His death certificate (BDM8011) states that he was 54 years old and originated from County Clare, Ireland. A letter from his second wife Alice to their son Thomas jnr alleges that whilst in Ireland Thomas "lived near the town of Clare or near Kilrush."
Source: Peter Overlack
Thomas is buried in an unmarked grave in the Warrnambool Cemetery in the same plot as his first wife Bridget Daly, and next to the plot occupied by three of their children, Bridget, Daniel, and John. Thomas' step daughter's child, Lucy is also buried with them.
THOMAS MCNAMARA and his first wife BRIDGET DALY Irish born Thomas McNamara married twice and had a total of 8 children, all born in Victoria Australia between the years 1868 and 1880.
Thomas married Bridget Daly on the 1st December, 1867 at the Roman Catholic Church in Warrnambool, Victoria (BDM3966). The marriage certificate states that Thomas was a 26 year old Labourer from Wangoom Dry Lake and Bridget was a 21 year old Housekeeper from Warrnambool. Denis Ryan and Margrett Bratter witnessed the marriage.
BRIDGET DALY and ELLEN DALY Bridget Daly (also written as Daley & Daily) was born in County Tyrone, Ireland in the 1840's to parents John Daly and Ann Donnelly (also written as Danlin & Donlin).
I'm unsure when Bridget migrated to Australia but assume it was during the 1860's and was allegedly with her sister Ellen Daly.
Bridget's sister Ellen Daly married Thomas Frazer of County Tyrone, Ireland in 1872 (BDM2968).
They had seven children; Helena (Lena) Fraser, born 1873 in Nirranda ; Joseph Fraser , born 1873 in Nirranda ; Peter Fraser , born 1875 Nirranda ; Michael Fraser, born 1878 in Nirranda ; Dominick Francis Fraser (aka Francis Joseph Frazer), born 1881 in Nirranda ; David Augustine Fraser , born 1883 in Nirranda ; and Gabriel Victor Fraser , born 1888 in Nirranda.
"Ellen's son Dominic also went by the name Francis Joseph, and is buried in an unmarked grave in the Terang cemetery along with his wife, Elisabeth (nee Fraser). My Mum is Dominic’s only grandchild, and she remembers him as the loveliest man who doted on her when she came to visit. She says that Dominic loved his mother Ellen very much and would always buy her a special present when he came home to visit her. Mum has a beautiful carnival glass water set that was a gift to Ellen from her son. Mum says that he left home very young (13 or 14 I think) because he couldn’t get on with his father. Dominic and Elisabeth had 2 children, Thomas Peter (my grandfather) and Margaret Alma who married Leo Jackman (no children). Mum says her father (Thomas Peter) used to say that apparently Thomas Joseph Frazer could be a nasty old man particularly when he got on the ‘drink’. In the last three generations, the name has been spelt with a “Z”. Dominic was a very good football player (Terang I think) and Mum has a team photo which includes him and his brother Gabriel." Source: Shirley Hudson, Dominic's great granddaughter.Ellen Fraser (nee Daly) of Warrnambool died at the age of 69 years of heart failure on the 18th November, 1916(BDM16419). She was buried on the 20th November 1916 in Warrnambool Cemetery. Her death certificate places her birthyear as 1847, her arrival in Australia as 1862 and her marriage as taking place in 1866 (her marriage certificate was actually issued in 1872). Just another example of how inconsistent people's recollection of dates were back then.
Thomas and his first wife Bridget Daly lived around the Warrnambool farming district of Mepunga, Nirranda and Wangoom, and most likely worked on the local cattle and dairy farms.
By 1878, Thomas and Bridget had seven children, namely Bridget, John, Michael, Peter, Daniel, Patrick, and Annie.
Source: Ross McNamara
~ Michael, Annie and Patrick McNamara; and Peter McNamara ~
Thomas and Bridget's 4 surviving children
Tragically only Thomas and hsi children Michael, Peter, Patrick and baby Annie survived 1878. Between August 9th and October 17th 1878, Thomas lost his wife Bridget and children Bridget (10 years), John (8 years) and Daniel (3 years) to Diptheria.
Children Bridget and John were buried in the same plot in the Warrnambool Cemetery, and young Daniel was placed in the plot beside them. The record books for Beattie and Phillips Funeral Directors, Warrnambool (now owned by John O'Sullivan and Sons) show that Thomas bought "2 coffins with lined lids and covered, on the 9th August, 1878 for 2 children aged 8 1/2 and 10 years old. Payment of 27 & 6 was paid for each coffin by cash." And on the 18th August, 1878 Thomas purchased "a coffin covered and lined with lace around the lid for a child 3 1/2 years old, paid in cash for 1 pound 2 shillings." The record books also show that on the 2nd July, 1879 Thomas made another cash payment to the funeral directors Beattie and Phillips to cover costs.There is no record of the purchase of his wife Bridget's coffin with the funeral directors Beattie and Phillips in Warrnambool. Nevertheless, Bridget was buried in Warrnambool Cemetery in Plot no. 58 Comp 7, Roman Catholic, beside her 3 young children Bridget and John (plot no.60) and Daniel (plot no.59).
Ten years later on the 13th June 1888 Thomas himself died. Despite remarrying, Thomas was buried on the 15th June 1888 in the same plot (no.58) as his first wife Bridget Daly and beside their three young children. The five burial sites are still unmarked or without headstones.
Also buried in the family plot is Lucy Carter McNamara (aka Lucy McNamara Maloney) who was just a baby when she died in 1897. Lucy was the illegitimate daughter of Maria Maloney. Maria was supposedly the youngest child of Alice McNamara's first marriage to Patrick Maloney, although this is at odds with records as her purported father Patrick had died a few years before her birth. Thomas McNamara seems to have become Maria's step-father at a young age which is how Lucy's dual surname probably occurred. Lucy was buried in 1897 above young Bridget and John's unmarked graves.
~ Unmarked graves of Thomas, Bridget and their three young children along with Lucy McNamara/Maloney. The cemetery burial book states that a Margaret Travers is also buried in this plot.
The Warrnambool Cemetery logbook states that two additional people were buried in the McNamara family plot. According to the logbook Lucy Carter McNamara was buried as an infant in 1897 and Margaret Travers was buried on top of young Daniel McNamara's grave in 1915. Margaret was born in Ireland to parents Michael McGuire and Mary Haudley, and died aged 88 years in the Warrnambool Hospital on March 2nd 1915. Margaret married Hugh O'Donnell (died May 17th, 1874 aged 66 years)in Ireland and Patrick Travers (died May 16th 1895 aged 70 years) in Victoria and this last marriage produced a son named Patrick Jnr who possibly didn't survive infancy. The cemetery books state that Margaret is buried above baby Daniel McNamara, yet there is a burial plaque for her and her two husbands (shown below) on a separate gravesite a few rows along in the cemetery.
The plaque of Margaret Travers and her two husbands in the Warrnambool Cemetery
Research into this now suggests an error was made in the burials log book and Margaret Travers is not buried with, or attached to our family at all."All our records say that Margaret Travers is buried with your family in Grave 59 Comp 7 of the Catholic section. But I personally think there was a mistake made and she's buried with her husbands in 59 -17. I showed this to the trustees and they agree that it is a mistake."(email from the Warrnambool Cemetery Caretaker, 2004)
According to records, the overseer of Thomas' burial was a "Mrs McNamara", who would have been his surviving widow Alice. On June 15 1888, "Mrs Thomas McNamara purchased a 5 pound coffin covered, lined and mounted for her 55 year old husband," and arranged the funeral - "with the use of a one horse hearse and attendants to Warrnambool Cemetery." Alice paid cash payments of "2 pounds on the 19th February 1889 and 3 pounds on the 2nd April 1889."
After his wife and three children died in 1878, Thomas was left to raise 6 year old Michael, 5 year old Peter, 2 year old Patrick and 6 month old baby Annie. The following year, 1879, Thomas married Alice Maloney (nee Kennedy) and in 1880 they had their only child a son named Thomas Joseph MacNamara (shown below).
Thomas Joseph >MacNamara
Son of Thomas Snr & Alice
Source: Peter Overlack
Thomas McNamara and Bridget Daly's oldest child Bridget McNamara was born on 9th August 1868 in Wangoom, Victoria (BDM20299). The witness at her birth was a Mrs Murnane. In 1878 Bridget died from Diptheria in Mepunga, Victoria on her 10th birthday (BDM7514).
JOHN MCNAMARA 1870 - 1878 Thomas and Bridget's next child, John McNamara was born in Warrnambool in 1870 (BDM5826). He also died of Diptheria, aged eight, on the 9th August, 1878 in Mepunga.(BDM7515).
Thomas and Bridget's third child Michael McNamara was born in Nirranda, Victoria in 1871 (BDM20456). Michael, a retired roadman, died aged 83 on the 9th June 1954 in Patutahi, Gisborne, New Zealand.
~ Michael McNamara ~
Second eldest son of Thomas McNamara and Bridget Daly
Source: Ross McNamara
In 1898 at Mortlake, Michael married Florence Morris.Florence was born in 1881 in Victoria to parents Frederick Morris and Hannah Maria West(daughter of George West and Mary Hair). Florence was the second eldest of seven children. The Morris children were:
1. Edwin John Morris born in 1879 and died in 1885.
2. Florence Morris 1881-1947
3. Martha Morris 1884 - 1964
4. James Charles Morris born in 1886, died at war
5. Francis Morris 1889-1917
6. Ernest John Morris 1891- 22/12/1937
7. Robert Morris born in 1892, died in the 1960's.
Michael and his wife Florence lived at Mortlake Victoria before moving to Tasmania, and finally to New Zealand.Michael had four children. Two daughters and a son were born to his wife Florence Morris, and a daughter was born to his mistress Martha Morris (his wife's sister). Michael's two eldest daughters were born to the Morris sister's in the same year.
Carmellia Mary McNamara (known as Carmel) was born to Michael and Florence in Tasmania in 1901. She died in Napier, NZ in 1979 and was buried in Taradale.
(Ada) Jean and Carmel McNamara
Early 1900s Tasmania
Source: Julie Watt
Carmel married Hedley Verner Watt (aka Jack) in New Zealand.
Carmel McNamara and Jack (Hedley Verner) Watt
Wedding Day, Gisborne NZ
Source: Julie WattCarmel and Jack (Hedley) had four children;
Joan Muriel Watt had two children:
Ashley Allen Watt married Julie Sidwell and have four children:
Allen Watt
Marjorie Watt
Graeme Watt
Hedley Watt
Valerie Nola Watt married Jack Naylor and had two children:
Megan Naylor
Mark Naylor
Bertha McNamara was born to Michael McNamara and Martha Morris in Tasmania in 1901. Bertha married a man named Mahoney.
Ada Jane McNamara (known as Jean) was born to Michael and Florence in Tasmania Australia in 1906.
Carmel and Jean (Ada) McNamara
Early 1900s Tasmania ~
Source: Julie WattJean (Ada) married William Foden on 13/08/1921 in Tokumaru Bay, New Zealand. William Foden's brother Thomas Foden had married Ada's mother Florence Morris two months earlier. William and Jean (Ada) had two daughters;
Grace Florence Foden was born in Tolaga Bay, New Zealand on the 23/11/1922. Grace married >Bernard Taylor around 1940 and had atleast five sons;
Colin Taylor
Graham Taylor
Stuart Taylor
Brian Taylor
Mark Taylor
Valma Maxine Foden was born on the 1/01/1927 in Gisborne. Valma married a Mr Cooper and had 8 or 9 children.
Sometime after his three daughters were born in Tasmania, Michael sailed to New Zealand alone. Soon he sent enough money for his wife and daughters to join him on the North Island, but they got to the South Island and contacted Michael needing more money. Much to Michael's surprise, Florence had decided to bring her mother Hannah Morris along too, and they had run out of cash to get home. Mrs Morris, upon her death, was buried not far from Tolaga Bay on New Zealand's north east coast.
Michael's home in New Zealand
Source: Ross McNamara
In New Zealand, Michael and Florence had their only son;
Ernest James William Edgar (McNamara) Foden was born in New Zealand in 1911. Regarding Ernest's long name, the story goes that Hannah Morris was the one to register her grandson's birth and subsequently "named" him. Upon hearing of this, an unhappy Michael rushed to the registry office and officially added his name/s of choice for his only son. Although born a McNamara, Ernest was raised under his stepfather's name of Foden. He married Elizabeth Pearse in 1933 and they had a daughter;
Phyllis Grace Foden . Although legitimately a McNamara, following on from her father's adoption of his step-father Thomas Foden's name,Phyllis grew up with the surname of Foden. Phyllis married a man named Lennox.
Michael and Florence divorced on June 20 1921 and three days later Florence married Thomas Foden. Florence and Thomas Foden's daughter Mary Helen Foden was born on the 22nd July 1922. In 1948 Mary married a man named Paramore.Florence raised her McNamara children (atleast her son Ernest) under their step father's name of Foden (though Carmel kept McNamara). Florence died aged 66 on the 13th April, 1947 in Hastings, NZ.
Martha Morris married Eugene Ivers in 1912 and lived at Clive in Napier, New Zealand. They had two children, Cathleen (1916) and Stuart (1920). Martha died in Hastings, NZ, aged 80.
Thomas and Bridget's fourth child Peter John McNamara was born on the 25th November 1872 in Wangoom, Victoria. He died on the 29th September 1960 aged 88.
Peter John McNamara
Source: Kevin Hussey
"Old Pete" as his grandkids called him, is buried in Colac Cemetery Victoria in Section 34, Allotment 63 of the Roman Catholic Section.
Peter McNamara and Julia Jane McKenzie
Source: Kevin Hussey
Peter married Julia Jane McKenzie on the 24th October, 1899 (BDM 6949) at St. Joseph's Church Warrnambool.
St.Joseph's Church, Warrnambool
Both from Purnim, Peter was 26 and Julia was 22 at the time of their marriage. Witnesses to the marriage were Joseph Fraser and Lena Fraser Twins Joseph and Lena were Peter's maternal 1st cousins (Ellen Daly's children).Julia Jane McKenzie was born on the 6th October 1877 in Purnim Victoria to parents John McKenzie and Catherine Burris.
Julia Jane McKenzie (wife of Peter McNamara)
Source: Kevin Hussey
Julia was the 2nd eldest of John McKenzie and Catherine Burriss' eleven children who were,
1. Michael James Malcolm 1876, Purnim
2. Julia Jane 1877, Purnim
3. John 1878 Purnim
4. Patrick Joseph 1879 - 1952 Purnim
5. Murdoch 1880 - 1883 Purnim
6. James 1882 - 1942 Woodford
7. Edward Murdoch 1883
8. Catherine Mary 1885
9. William Windsor 1887, Woodford
10. Margaret 1888 Purnim
11. Francis Norman 1892 Purnim.
Julia's father John McKenzie (1830 - 1897) originated from Leach, Isle of Raasay, Inverness Shire Scotland. A Protestant, he sailed to Australia on the ship Edward Johnston in 1854 and married Julia's mother Catherine Burris, in Warrnambool Victoria in 1876. Catherine Burris' parents were Patrick and Catherine Burris Snr, possibly from County Kilkenny Ireland.
Pete and Julia lived in Railway Street, Colac. Julia Jane died on the 26th October 1952 in Colac aged 73 years. Julia and Pete are buried together in the Colac Cemetery in Section 34, Plot 63 of the Roman Catholic Section.
The graves of Peter and Julia McNamara (nee McKenzie)
McKenzie - McNamara Connection
Julia Jane McNamara (nee McKenzie), Valerie Bowen & Kit Bowen (nee McNamara)
Source: Kevin Hussey
Pete McNamara and Julia Jane McKenzie had eight children;
Thomas John McNamara (Tom) was born in 1900 and died in Colac in 1963, aged 63 (BDM 10772).
Thomas married Eileen Molymeux and had four children:
Kevin McNamara married Mary Alfreda Barrow and had five children:
Christine Margaret McNamara
David John McNamara was born in 1964 and married Donna Louise Hose
Gary James McNamara
Deborah Karen McNamara
Kylie Mary McNamara
Ross McNamara
James McNamara
James Patrick McNamara (Jim) was born in Purnim in 1902 and died in 1987. Jim married Bridget Mary Mulheron in St. Mary's Church Colac, Victoria on the 23rd October 1929. Bridget Mary Mulheron was born in 1901 to Thomas Mulheron and Mary Tressider. Bridget died in Colac in 1979.
Jim and Bridget had two sons;
Martin John McNamara , born 2nd November 1930.
Ambrose Francis McNamara born 7th December 1931 in Colac Victoria.
Kathleen Bridget McNamara (Kit) was born on the 6th October, 1904 in Purnim,Victoria.
Kit McNamara and Norm Bowen
Source: Kevin Hussey
Kit married Lawrence "Norm" Bowen in Victoria in 1930 and had 8 children;
Francis Desmond Bowen.
Valerie Patricia Bowen
Kevin James Bowen
Shirley Margaret Bowen
Brian John Bowen
Raymond Lawrence Bowen
Carmel Bowen
Graham Bowen
Peter Joseph McNamara was born in 1907 and died at 2 1/2 years of age in 1909.
Daniel Francis McNamara (Dan) was born on the 5th July 1909 in Nalangil, Victoria and died on the 10th October 1993 in Frankston, Victoria.
Grandson of Thomas Mc and Bridget Daly, son of Pete Mc and Julia McKenzie
Dan in the 1940's and Dan in 1983, aged 74
Daniel Francis McNamara married Ellen Eliza Dunstan Dan married Ellen Eliza (Nellie) Dunstan on the 26th October 1929 in Colac, Victoria.
Eliza Ellen Dunstan (Nellie) was born at Cororooke, Victoria in 1906 and died in Fitzroy aged 64, in 1970.
Eliza's father, Albert Edward Dunstan was born in Clunes, Victoria on January 6th 1878 (BDM1509). Three weeks before his 99th birthday, he died in Colac Hospital on the 15th December,1976 (BDM30392).
"Pop Dunstan as he was known to his family, Bertie to others, was best described as a wonderful, kind and loving family man. He walked over three miles to attend school at Irrewillipe East and his teachers name was Miss Cother. He started work at the tender age of nine and worked in all areas, including farming, mining, railway builder and as a shop operator. Pop Dunstan spent many years in Tasmania working. Upon his return to Victoria he married Winifred Morrish and then managed a dairy farm of 500 acres at Irrewillipe. For a man with such a short education he was very clever and achieved so many things in life. Albert Dunstan and his family were regular visitors to Irrewillipe Methodist Church, and attended many events there. Transport back then was his horse and buggy. He had a great passion for politics and was involved with the Country Party and development of roads in the district. Albert Dunstan was also at one stage, the president of the school committee." Source: Denise McNamaraAlbert Dunstan rests with his wife Winifred and daughter Ellen (Nellie) in the Methodist area of the Colac Cemetery, Comp 1,Plot 2.
The graves of Albert Edward Dunstan, Winifred Dunstan (nee Morrish), and Eliza Ellen "Nellie" McNamara (nee Dunstan)
A Christmas card from 97 year old Albert (Pop) Dunstan in 1975
Albert's parents were Thomas Henry Dunstan Snr and Eliza Blight and they most likely married in England prior to arriving in Australia. Albert's siblings were William Henry Dunstan 1865 Ballarat - 1909 Colac (died aged 43); Thomas Dunstan 1867 Ballarat - 1940 Colac (died aged 72); Alfred Charles Dunstan 1875 Clunes; Eliza Rosina Dunstan 1880 Colac - 1894 Colac (died aged 14); and Joseph James Dunstan, 1883 Colac - 1970 Colac (died aged 86).
Nellie's mother, Winifred Margaret Morrish was the second eldest of eleven children born to John Henry Morrish 29.1.1846 Illogan, Cornwall - 4.11.1942 Colac, Victoria) and Ellen Brennan (1860 Belfast/Port Fairy - 18.9.1909 Swan Marsh Colac Victoria) who married in Ballarat in 1877. Their children were John Henry Jnr(Kingston 1878); Winifred Margaret (Kingston 1879); Elizabeth ; Emily Beatrice (Kingston 1882); Mabel Evelyn (1884 Kingston); Camey Gertrude (Kingston 1885); Annie Edith (1887 Kingston); Catherine Muriel (Colac 1888); Linda ; James ; and Laura Morrish.
Albert Dunstan and Winnie Morrish married in Victoria on the 18th May, 1906 (VICBDM2867). In 1946 they lived at 42 Pollack Street, Colac.
The Dunstan house in Pollack Street (as it is now)
Albert Dunstan an Winnie Morrish had four children, Nellie, Tom, Winnie and Thelma.
Thelma, Nellie, Winnie, and their father Albert Edward Dunstan 1960s
Eliza Ellen (Nellie) 1906 - 1970. Thomas Henry Jnr was born in Colac in 1907(BDM25792)and married Millie Jean Christina Watson. Tom died in Colac on the 12th July 1946 aged 38 (BDM20496). Winifred Mary, was born in Colac on the 21st June 1910 (BDM18398) and married Victor Alfred Gore in 1930 (BDM8312)and William Bell in 1953. Thelma Laurel Dunstan was born in Colac on the 14th March 1913 and married unrelated Lloyd McNamara(BDM11298). Thelma died in Colac aged 60, on the 17th October 1973.Nellie attended the Irrawillipe State School and worked on her parent's farm at Tomahawk Creek Irrawillipe, Victoria. She lived at Colac and died as a result of a blood disorder/kidney failure in St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne in 1970. Her death certificate states her place of death as being Fitzroy. Nanna Mac rests with her parents Albert and Winifred in the Methodist area of the Colac Cemetery, Comp 1,Plot 2. Her headstone strangely has her name as "Ellen McNamara" rather than "Eliza Ellen McNamara."
Dan McNamara and Nellie Dunstan had nine children;
Ken,Des,Alby,John,Keith,Marg & Lyn 1941 John, Nellie & Joe 1960
Albert Francis (Alby) McNamara was born on the 20th January 1930 in Camperdown Victoria and passed away on the 4th August 1991 in Colac.
Alby and his first wife (Florence) Shirley McNair married in Geelong in 1947.
Alby and Shirley's Wedding
Victoria, 1947
Source: Riley Jones
Shirley with the McNamara clan
Source: Riley Jones
Alby McNamara and Shirley McNair have a daughter,After their divorce, Shirley married Scotsman James (Jim) Booth . In 1959 Alby married his second wife Sheila Rita Snell .
Alby & Sheila's Wedding Day with Nellie McNamara, Albert Dunstan and the Minister
Source: Riley Jones
Alby and Sheila have two sons;
Ross McNamara Ross McNamara
Wesley McNamara
Clockwise: (Milton) John, Keith, Alby, (Coleman) Joe and Des
~ Victoria, 1960s ~
Keith Thomas McNamara was born on the 2nd December 1931 in Colac, Victoria and passed away on the 17th August 2008. Keith married (Rita) Dawn Fitzroy . Dawn's parents were Gladstone Fitzroy and Ivy McCorriston . Keith and Dawn have 2 sons;
Alan McNamara have three children.
Gary McNamara Gary and his wife Denise Ashby have five children and two grandchildren.
Desmond James McNamara was born on the 2nd April 1933 in Colac. Des and his wife Joyce Cummory (nee Murphy, 19.03.1923 - 27.08.2007) had three children.
Nieca McNamara 14/05/1956. Nieca died at birth
Brett McNamara.
Brett and his wife Susan have four children:
Faith. Born to Evan and Danniarlla.
Rebecca. Rebecca and Darren Graham Aesche have two children:
MA , 2005
DB , 2006
Tanya McNamara
Terry McNamara
Kyle Wilson. Parents: Terry Mc and ?
Deklan Keith Desmond McNamara. Parents: Terry Mc and Melissa Madox
(Milton) John McNamara was born on the 20th August 1935 in Geelong Victoria and passed away on 17th February 1999 in Blackbutt Queensland. John and his second wife Chick have four children.
John McNamara & Chick (Victoria, 1960)
Gregory James 03.10.1963 - 25.01.1964
Kenneth Laurance McNamara was born on the 20th March 1937 in Geelong, Victoria.
Ken & Alby in 1940s Victoria
Ken married Irene Alma Closter in Fern Tree Gully, Victoria and have 3 sons.
Leon McNamara
Ashley McNamara
Wayne McNamara
Margaret Winifred McNamara was born on the 25th July 1939 in Geelong, Victoria.
Colac, Victoria 1940s
Kenneth, (Milton) John, and Margaret (note the child's face in the window)
Margaret and her husband Ian have a daughter.
Lynette Ellen McNamara was born on the 16th February, 1941 in Geelong, Victoria.
Lynette and August Hartmann have two daughters.
Coleman Joseph (Joe) McNamara was born on the 27th July 1945 in Colac Victoria. Joe married Pamela on the 24th June, 1967. Pam was one of four children born to Clement (Clem) Morris (3/3/1918 - 30/10/02) and Wendy (Gwen) Mabel Humphrey (20/06/1918).
Joe and Pam have two children;
Kelly McNamara
Shaune McNamara. Shaune and his wife Sarah have a child.
Joe McNamara moved to Queensland in the 1970s and he and his partner Pat had a son.![]()
Victoria 1948
John, Joe and Judy
(Milton, Coleman and Elaine)
Elaine Barbara (Judy) McNamara was born on the 23rd June, 1946 in Colac Victoria, and succumbed to Ovarian Cancer on the 29th October 2000. Judy rests at Dandenong-Frankston Road, Victoria.
Judy had a daughter who was adopted out at birth.
Annie Agnes McNamara was born on the 23rd December 1911 in Colac, Victoria. Annie married James Albert John Hussey in St Mary's Catholic Church in Geelong on the 28th May, 1938. James Albert John Hussey (aka Jack) was born on the 19th May, 1915.
Annie cooked meals at the Morongo Junior Girl's School for 32 years. "I used to start at 9 and knock off about 3.30." Annie loved her job but eventually chose to leave in order to look after her grandson Darryn and due to an accident in which her legs were broken.
Annie Hussey (nee McNamara) 2004
Annie and Jack had one son.
Kevin John Hussey , 1939. Kevin and Joan Allan have three children.
Leslie Edward McNamara(Les) was born on the 5th January 1914 in Colac Victoria. Les and Betty had 3 children;
Phillip McNamara
Wilma McNamara
Pam McNamara
Mary Theresa (Monnie) McNamara was born on the 1st December 1916 in Colac and passed away on the 12th June 2004 in Geelong Victoria.
Monnie and Les Day had four children: ![]()
Monnie and Annie (both nee McNamara)
Source: Kevin Hussey
Doreen Cardinal (nee Day)
Beverly Hedley (nee Day)
Noel Day (wife Faye)
Barbara Day
Monnie's grandchildren include: Tracie, Tim, Jamie, Justine, Wayne, Peter, Joanne and Donna.
Monnie's second husband was Keith Nash.
Thomas and Bridget's fifth child Daniel McNamara was born in Nirranda, Victoria in 1875 (BDM 4431). He died in 1878 and was buried in No.59 Comp 7 of the Roman Catholic section of the Warrnambool Cemetery on August 19 1878. His death certificate states that he was 18 months old.
Thomas and Bridget's sixth child Patrick McNamara was born on the 11th August 1876 in Nirranda, Victoria Australia and died in New Zealand in June 1964, aged 88.
Patrick's birth certificate states that he was named "John Patrick" when born in the Nullawarra Shire of Warrnambool, County of Haylesbury, District of Nirranda, Victoria, Australia. This seems strange given that at the time of his christening, Patrick had an older living brother already named John. The story goes that at his christening, the priest insisted that Patrick have two names. Consequently he was officially christened "John Patrick".
Tolaga Bay is 60 kms north east of Gisborne on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand
Grandson of James and son of Thomas ![]()
The McNamara home in Tolaga Bay, and Patrick in his garden
Source: Ross McNamara
Patrick survived the sad succession of deaths of his mother Bridget and three siblings. It would have been difficult for Patrick (aka John) and his brothers Peter and Michael to endure such losses and then find themselves in a new life with their stepmother Alice Kennedy/Maloney and all their new and many step-siblings.Patrick allegedly described his step-mother as being a "witch" and left home when he was 12. He got a job working in the stables at Dame Nelly Melba's residence in Lillydale, Victoria but then left for New Zealand (possibly with an uncle) when he was 19. Patrick didn't stay long in NZ and soon returned to Australia. Eventually Patrick returned to New Zealand alone, where he married and lived out his life.
Patrick off to work in 1936, and in 1943
Source: Ross McNamara
Jane and Patrick McNamara at their home at Tolaga Bay in 1928, and together in 1960
Source: Ross McNamara
Edith Jane was known as Jane Gibbs. She was born on the 29th November 1880 in Hastings New Zealand to parents James Gibbs Jnr (1851 England - 1929 New Zealand) and Sarah Bubb (1852 England - 1922 New Zealand) .
Jane's siblings , all born between 1877 and 1888 were; Eliza Gibbs, aka Lizzy (married Walter Bishop); Thurza Gibbs aka Nelly (married William Henry Beale and their granddaughter is Betty Anne Wratt); Frederick Gibbs (married Lydia Hopkins); Alice Gibbs (died aged 17); Miriam Gibbs (married Oliver Burge); and Eveleana Gibbs (married Herbert Waters). Jane passed away on the 22nd April 1964 in Gisborne.
Gibbs Family SitePatrick (christened John) McNamara and (Edith) Jane Gibbs had ten children;
Back Row: Annie, Myrtle
Front Row: Elsie, Allan and Joyce
5 of Patrick and (Edith) Jane's 10 children
1920s New Zealand
Source: Ross McNamara
Leslie John McNamara was born on the 1st March 1907 and died on 10th February 1973 in Palmerston North New Zealand. He married Alice (Billie) Ashworth and Marjory Scott . Leslie John McNamara had four children; Lesley, Earl, Reece and Howard.
Lesley McNamara had two sons;
Lynley McNamara
Daryl McNamara
Howard McNamara had two children;
Jane McNamara
Gregory McNamara
Maurice McNamara was born on the 12th March 1908 and died on the 25th September 1983 in Gisborne, New Zealand.
Maurice McNamara on the Panther in 1930
Source: Ross McNamaraMaurice and Doreen Warren had one son, Warren McNamara.
Warren McNamara
Steven McNamara
Lynda McNamara
Janene McNamara
Annie Evelyn McNamara was born on the 1st April 1911 in Hastings, New Zealand and died on the 10th April 1993 in Gisborne, New Zealand. Annie married Wilfred George Cust in 1937 in New Zealand. Wilfred Cust was born in 1908 in New Zealand and died in 1976 in New Zealand.
Annie McNamara and Wilfred Cust had four children.
Beverley Anne Cust
Harvey Cust
Graham Cust
Kevin Cust
Sydney James McNamara was born on the 31st July 1900 and died on the 13th September 1986 in Gisborne New Zealand. Sydney and Pearl Sayers had four children.
Leslie (of Sydney) McNamara
Edna McNamara
Raymond McNamara and Judith Wallace from Gisborne had 8 children;
Sharon McNamara, 1959, and Roger Morgan have four children;
Michael McNamara, 1960, and Linda Newton have three children.
Warrick McNamara, 1961 - 19 , has a daughter
Robin McNamara, 1963 - 19??, has a daughter
Kerrie McNamara, 1964, and Peter Crosswell have two children;
Craig McNamara, 1968 - 19??.
Grant McNamara, 1970, has two children;
Joanne McNamara , 1973
Raymond (Ray) lives in Opotiki New Zealand with his 2nd wife Patricia Crosswell .
Frank Frederick McNamara was born on the 30th July 1912 and died in Gisborne on the 9th May 1986.
Frank Frederick McNamara in 1928, and on the Panther in 1930
Source: Ross McNamara
Frank Frederick McNamara and Anne Crosby Source: Ross McNamara
Frank and Anne Crosby have 3 sons.
Donald Frank McNamara , 1940 . Donald and Reona Conwell in Christchurch have 2 children;
Ross Duncan McNamara 1947
Ross and Julie Ann Jackett have 2 daughters.
Louise Ann McNamara
Suzanne Alice McNamara
Myrtle Ellen McNamara was born on the 22nd December, 1914 in Hastings, New Zealand. Myrtle married Walter McCracken and had 3 children.
Stephanie McCracken Stephanie has two sons, Lloyd and Gordon Blythen.
Gordon McCracken
John McCracken had six children, Patricia, Charles, Rachael, Margaret, Maureen and Susan.
Elsie McNamara was born on the 1st January, 1918 and died on the 29th June 1990 in Gisborne, New Zealand. Elsie and James Rennie had 2 daughters.
Joyce Eunice McNamara was born on the 7th May, 1920 and died on the 5th November, 1999 in Gisborne, New Zealand.
Joyce McNamara
Source: Ross McNamara
Joyce and Douglas Tuck had 3 children.
Diane Tuck
Barry Tuck
Ian Tuck
Allan Charles McNamara was born in Gisborne on the 23rd December 1923 and died in Wellington New Zealand on the 17th March 1967.
Noel Stanley McNamara and Violet Hagley had three children.
Alaine McNamara
Vicky McNamara
Ric McNamara
Leslie, Annie (Cust), Myrtle (McCracken), Elsie (Rennie), Frank, Joyce (Tuck), Sydney,
Jane (Gibbs) and Patrick
Patrick's kids grown up. New Zealand 1940s
Source: Ross McNamara
Thomas and Bridget's seventh and last child Annie Mary Josephine McNamara was born in Allansford, Victoria in 1878. On her birth certificate her mother's name is recorded as "Bridgett Donelin" instead of "Daly".
Anne Mary Holloway died in Yass NSW on the 18th July 1960 aged 81.(NSWBDM23831/1960).
Allan McNamara and Annie Mary McNamara (Holloway)
Source: Ross McNamara
Annie was only a few months old when she lost her mother and three siblings to Diptheria in 1878. In 1879 her father married Alice Maloney (nee Kennedy)who most likely raised Annie and her brothers, as well as all of her own Maloney kids.
ANNIE MCNAMARA AND THOMAS HOLLOWAY On the 24th May 1897 (BDM 2909) Annie married Thomas Patrick Holloway , a "bachelor" of Birregurra, at St. Patrick's Church, Camperdown Victoria. Annie was 19 and Thomas 21 years of age, and Annie's "Guardian" on the marriage certificate was her brother Michael. Witnesses to the marriage were John Henry Hurley and Margaret Mary Griffin.
Thomas Patrick Holloway was born at Birregurra in 1876 (VICBDM 7156). His parents were Noah Holloway (son of James, 1840-1900) and Ann Maria Murray who married in 1862. Thomas Holloway's siblings were James (1863-1864), Noah Walter(1865 - 1949 Islington, NSW), Mary Ann (1867), John (1868), Richard (1870), Adelia Caroline (1872), Rose Anna Jane (1872), Elizabeth Hannah (1874), James Patrick (1875-1875), Margaret Josephine (1877), Francis Bartle (1881) and Marcella Kathleen (1883-1885).
On the 8th August, 1950 Thomas Patrick Holloway died of heart failure in Coffs Harbour, New South Wales aged 76yrs. Thomas Holloway's usual residence was in Red Hill, Coffs Harbour but he died in the Coffs Harbour District Hospital. The informant at his death was his son S.F.Holloway of Carrington Street Woolgoolga. Thomas was buried on the 9th August, 1950 in the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Coffs Harbour and the undertaker was D.Amos of C.H.Everingham & Co.(NSWBDM 1950/024647)
Annie McNamara and Tom Holloway had atleast ten children in Victoria before moving as a family to NSW.
Thomas Patrick Holloway Birregurra 1897 (VICBDM 2909)
James Vincent Holloway Camperdown, 1898 (VICBDM 1515. James was still alive in 1950 when his father died.
Annie Margaret Holloway was born in Skipton Victoria in 1899 (VICBDM 13694) and died as Annie Margaret Gay in Yass NSW on the 27th November 1971(NSWBDM 71745/1971).
In 1932 Annie Margaret married Victor Leo Noakes in Boorowa, NSW. Victor Noakes was born in Boorowa in 1905 to William Noakes and Isabella Hall (who had married in Boorowa in 1886). Victor’s siblings were Susan E, 1887; Emily I, 1888-1906; William C, 1890-91; Abraham T, 1893; Mabel A, 1894; Ivy M, born 1896, Jane A, 1899-1911; Bertie A, 1900, and Olive P, 1902. After his divorce from Annie Holloway, Victor Noakes married Dulcie Isabelle Pollard in Yass in 1947. Victor and Dulcie lost a son named Terrence Erven Noakes in Murrumburrah in 1942.
Annie Margaret Holloway then married William Edward Gay in Yass NSW in 1954(NSWBDM19337/1954). William Gay was born in Parramatta, Sydney to Alfred E & Ada A Gay in 1890. He died in Yass in 1961, aged 65 yrs. His siblings were Alfred G. 1893; Leslie M.1895; Joseph J. 1901; Olive L. 1903; Ernest S. 1898.
Kathleen May Holloway Skipton 1900 (VICBDM 14393). A Kathleen Holloway married a John Thomas Dunn in Broken Hill in 1936. John died in Broken Hill in 1944. Kathleen was still alive in 1950 when her father died.
Thomas Patrick Holloway Skipton 1901 (VICBDM 29982), married Marion Stella Ruby Smith in Sydney 1926. Marion Stella Smith died in 1967 in Parramatta, Sydney.
x Frederick John Holloway was born in Skipton 1904 (BDM 21347). Died in Skipton in 1905 (BDM 7015).
Eileen Holloway Skipton 1906 (BDM 6311). Marriages recorded include Eileen M.V. in 1924 to Josue Mauger Queripel in Paddington; Eileen May in 1936 to Albert Henry Verlin in Hurstville; Eileen Veronica in 1942 to John (C?)Edric Kitching in Sydney. Eileen died on the 17th October, 1985 and was cremated in the Ross Brindley section of the Lismore Memorial Gardens, NSW.
Leslie John Holloway Skipton 1908 (BDM 6860), married Zeta Clare Salisbury in Marrickville, NSW 1932. Zeta lived at Gymea and died on the 10th March, 1994. Leslie Holloway died in 1970 in Newtown, Sydney. Leslie was still alive in 1950 when his father died.
Stanley Francis Holloway Skipton 1909 (BDM 6342). Stanley died on the 2nd November 1980 and was cremated at the Lismore Memorial Gardens, NSW.
Stan Holloway in Woolgoolga
S.F Holloway was the chairman of the first Woolgoolga Urban Area Committee from 1947 until 1954.
Joseph Richard Holloway Skipton 1910 (BDM 14745). A Joseph Richard Holloway married Mollie Leplaw in Coffs Harbour in 1938. Joseph was still alive in 1950 when his father died.
Grace Josine Holloway Skipton 1913 (BDM 7575), married William A. Pearson in Petersham, NSW 1933. Grace was still alive in 1950 when her father died.
Francis Eugene Holloway Skipton 1915 (BDM 25489), married Lillian Joyce Goodenough in Marrickville, NSW 1939. A Lillian Holloway died on the 14th September, 1989. Francis was still alive in 1950 when his father died.
Thomas McNamara lost his first wife Bridget Daly in 1878 and married his second wife Alice Maloney (nee Kennedy) on the 1st May 1879 at St.Joseph's Church in Warrnambool Victoria (BDM1953).
St.Joseph's Church Warrnambool
Alice was born on the 3rd May 1834 and hailed from Nenagh County Tipperary in Ireland. Her parents were Hugh Kennedy and Mary Lahey .
Source: Alice's great grandson Peter Overlack
Alice came to Australia as an illiterate girl who then was bonded as a servant.
Alice McNamara
Source: Peter Overlack
Alice married her first husband Patrick Maloney/Moloney around 1853 and had approximately fourteen children. Patrick was born in Templemore (Strade), County Mayo in 1815. Patrick Maloney and five of the children are said to be buried in Port Fairy Cemetery. Alice and Patrick's children were;
James Maloney X born in Belfast (now Port Fairy), Victoria in 1854. He was still alive in 1923. A James Moloney married in 1883 (BDM2572).
Patrick Maloney (Died prior to 1923)
Michael Maloneyborn in Yambuk, Victoria in 1857. Still alive in 1923. A Michael Moloney married in 1880 (BDM3314) and 1884 (BDM6226).
William Maloney born in Yambuk in 1859 and married Bridget Theresa Leopard. They lived in South Australia and owned the Blue Lake Sheep Station. William and Catherine's daughter Catherine eventually married her first cousin once removed Thomas Joseph McNamara .
Alice Maloney was born in Yambuk in 1861. She died aged 80 and was buried in the same plot as her mother Alice in the Burwood Cemetery on the 17th December, 1940.
Catherine Maloney was born in Codrington in 1862 and died in Camberwell, aged 88, in 1950.
X Annie Maloney was born in Codrington in 1865. She died the same year.
Hugh Maloney was born in Yambuk in 1867. Was still alive in 1923.
Agnes Maloney was born in Yambuk in 1867 as well, but wasn't Hugh's twin. Hugh is recorded as a year older than her. Agnes was still alive in 1923.
Richard Maloney was born in Yambuk in 1869. He died in Heidelberg, Melbourne in 1927, aged 59.(This needs checking as he's recorded as deceased on his Mum's death certificate in 1923).
X Edward Maloney was born in Yambuk in 1870 and died in 1871.
John Maloney (Wasn't alive in 1923.)
X Peter Maloney was born in Yambuk in 1871. He died aged 14 days.
X Edward John Maloney was born in Yambuk in 1873. He died aged one month.
Patrick Maloney may have died about 1874 yet Alice Kennedy/Maloney had another child named Mary or Maria in 1876. It's not known whether Patrick Maloney is Maria/Mary's father.
Maria Jane (Mary) Kennedy/Maloney was born in Belfast (now Port Fairy) Victoria in 1876. There are two birth listings for Maria Jane in 1876 but one has Kennedy and the other states the surname as Maloney. Her birth certificate states "father unknown". Maria had an illegitimate daughter in 1897 who died the same year, possibly at birth. The baby's name was Lucy Carter McNamara (aka Lucy McNamara Maloney) and the father was listed as "unknown." Lucy is buried in the McNamara plot in Warrnambool Cemetery.
After their marriage in 1879, Alice and Thomas McNamara had their only child.
Thomas Joseph MacNamara
Son of Thomas and Alice
Source: Peter Overlack
Thomas's eighth and final child Thomas Joseph MacNamara was born on the 29th May 1880 in East Woodford, Shire of Warrnambool, County Villiers Victoria, Australia. Thomas died in his home in Kangaroo Point Brisbane in 1969 aged 89.
"Thomas was a very independent man who looked after himself to the end with regular visits from his daughter Pauline who found him peacefully on his bed." Source: Grandson Peter Overlack
Thomas Joseph MacNamara at the beach
Source: Peter Overlack
Thomas Joseph MacNamara " was a mining machinery engineer who worked in South Africa and Chile and was in San Francisco during the 1906 earthquake. Thomas had a number of shares in South Africa and appears to have been quite prosperous before the Depression, but lost heavily with the collapse of the world share market. He returned to Australia and married Catherine Maloney, his cousin once-removed with whom he had corresponded frequently during his time overseas. They ran a hotel at Fyansford which is a few minutes west of Geelong."
Fyansford Pub, then and now
Thomas and Catherine moved to Brisbane just after their daughter Pauline was born in 1923. (Source: Peter Overlack)
Thomas Joseph MacNamara's passport
Source: Peter OverlackCatherine Maloney was born to William Maloney (son of Alice and Patrick Maloney) and Bridget Theresa Leonard in Hamilton in 1890. Catherine died suddenly of a stroke in Brisbane in 1946. Thomas and Catherine lived at 101 Baines Street, Kangaroo Point (the house still stands) and upon Catherine's death, "Thomas locked up the front part of the house, including the living room as it was, and lived in the remainder until he died at 89." (Source: Peter Overlack)
Thomas Joseph MacNamara and Catherine Maloney had two children:
Pauline MacNamara was born in Geelong in 1923 and married Francis Kel Overlack. They have two>
Peter Overlack 1952
Wendy Overlack born in 1954, married Peter Richardson and has two children:
Ronald Leonard MacNamara born in Geelong in 1925 and died in 1986, married Mary Mackay and had four children.
Ian MacNamara
Paul MacNamara married Carol Galea.
Jane MacNamara >
Kaye MacNamara >
There seems to be atleast sixteen recorded births of children for Alice Kennedy/Maloney/McNamara. When Thomas McNamara married Alice, he was a newly widowed father with three surviving young sons and a baby daughter. So between them, Thomas and Alice had around 23 children (although Alice had lost 2 children and Thomas had lost 3 children at young ages).
Alice Kennedy/Maloney/McNamara outlived Thomas who died in 1888. Thomas' sons Michael, Peter, and Patrick were aged 17, 16, and 12 when their father died. It's known that Patrick left home and it's presumed the older 2 had already gone as relations with their stepmother Alice apparently weren't great.
ALICE MCNAMARA AND JAMES O'MEALLEY On the 9th February 1898 at St Joseph's Church, Warrnambool Alice married her third and final husband James O'Mealley of County Clare Ireland (VICBDM684). Their marriage certificate states that James had 14 children (12 living) and Alice had 13 (10 living).
James O'Mealley was born in Clare in 1827 to parents James O'Mealley Snr and Mary Toohey.
James' first wife Bridget Healey died at Bushfield on the 2nd January 1897 aged 54 years. James and Bridget O'Mealley (nee Healey) had atleast two children, daughters Alice and Elizabeth. Alice died on December 21st 1882 aged 21 years and Elizabeth, born in Yang, died on August 26th, 1873 aged 12 months. James, his first wife Bridget and their daughters Alice and Elizabeth O'Mealley are buried together in Row 20 of the Roman Catholic Section of the Warrnambool Cemetery.
O'Mealley Grave
Source: Janelle McNamara
James O'Mealley and Alice Kennedy/Maloney/McNamara lived in Bushfield for a time. James died at Bushfield (just outside of Warrnambool) on the 27th September 1913 aged 80 years(BDM11728).
Towards the end of her life, and possibly after the death of her final husband, Alice Kennedy/Maloney/McNamara/O'Mealley lived with her daughter "Miss Alice Maloney" at 23 Redfern Road, Hawthorn, Melbourne . Alice died there "from concussion and heart failure due to shock 2 days" on the 7th May, 1923. Her death certificate states that she was 91 years old, and was buried at Burwood Cemetery on the 9th May 1923 in RC Section 1, 845. The applicant for the burial site was Alice's daughter, "Miss Alice Maloney", who was eventually buried on top of her mother upon her death at age 80, on the 17th December 1940. There are quite a few Maloney's buried in Burwood Cemetery but we are yet to determine if they are connected.
>Parishes recording both McNamara and Duggan households in the Primary Valuation of 1848-1864
~ McNamara Surname Distribution Map in Ireland 1848 - 1864 ~
McNamaras from Co Clare Message Board
McNamara Family Genealogy Forum
Clare and Galway family names - McNamara