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My Profiles (About me!!! )

My own collection (Pictures)


Childhood Years

Adolesence Years

Teenage Years

Present Years


My High School YearsPage

It was almost One year and a Half ago that I was a high school student. High School is very much exciting and much enjoyable than my elementary years. Here is where I have a teacher that pronounces the 'r' as 'rrrr'. We also had a teacher that always had a lipsick on her teeth. Also, we have a teacher that says "love is 'into'", a teacher that has a microphonic voice that could be heared on the fifth floor eventhough she was in the open court, also a teacher that likes to imitate Jolina Magdangal (She's popularly known as "jolens"), and also a teacher who is ever loving, caring, supportive,and understanding even he is not with us when we are in our fourth year years. We do love him because he's always there for us, boosting our confidence that we can make it, even our teachers hate our batch because of the things we have done...
