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My Profiles (About me!!! )

My own collection (Pictures)


Childhood Years

Adolesence Years

Teenage Years

Present Years


My Early Childhood Page

As far as I could remember,my early childhood years are quite much fun. I always climed at the tar apple trees and go under the house playing with the little ducklings. There is so much to tell but couldn't get the exact event I have for it wal almost 12 or 16 years ago. All I really do cherished most is when my mother, as you can see, she's a teacher, made me as her visitor. Well, at first, it's very uneasy for me to adopt with the surrounding. I always got jealous of my 'classmates' as they driven my mother on their knees. I hate them when they hug my mother as if she was their own. I thought that my mother don't love me.hehehehe....Stupid of me... My mother taught me everything. I started to enjoy doing things with others and making new friends. Share them in reading story books (especially Cinderella), wrote my first set of names, paint and draw on my drawing book, playing with other friends.
