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My Profiles (About me!!! )

My own collection (Pictures)


Childhood Years

Adolesence Years

Teenage Years

Present Years


My College Years Page

Year 2002, High School life goodbye... College life Hello!!!!. In my present years as a College student is the most enjoyable and exciting in all of my life. Here, I don't only met new faces, new situation, new teachers, new schedule but especially here, I met new friends and here we are, still friends. On the start of school days, My schoolmates from highschool: Edlyn, Cris, Richard, Hazel and Elainr are still my classmates in my course, Information Technology. It's only an accident in chosing this course. All I know was the Commerce Department Office for my sister is under the Commerce Department. As I was passing by the board to choose a course, my eyes just saw the BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY I. I was interested then and decided to enroll on it.

