Looking for news of updates past? You've come to the right place!
Also, on a slightly different note, we may very well be getting a resident norn breeder! Yay! More to come on that later, though. See you next week!
Now now, don't pout! We've got lovely big plans for the remainder of the time before The Can/US/UK/etc. school year starts, so just wait and see! Ooh, I'm all tingly just talking about them. Caught your interest now haven't I? Well, you'll just have to be good and patient, and wait like the rest of us. If you need something to do, then head on over to the Awards Hall to vote for the site of the month, or submit one of your own!
As far as updates go, I'm going to make a bit of CreatureArt this weekend, and hopefully that should be uploaded soon. And also, I'm going to *try* and make a piece of creature-related music for your enjoyment =)
Tomorrow's Updates: The Book Nook and Grendle Bobs, and *maybe* even the Grocery Store!
Over the next few days, I'll be puttering around here, cleaning out cobwebs and such, reorganizing things, so don't be alarmed if there are a few bronken links, all should be finished be the end of this week!
Join our Top 100! Vote in the poll below! Check out the Awards Hall and the Playground for new updates. Summer vacation's on for us humans, but what about your norns? Send those C1 critters on a vacation at The Getaway, Norntropolis' only vacation destination!
Just a bit of news for everyone! I've got a ton of new things put into the gallery, mostly free images and "photographs", and even one desktop image for your computer! :) Yay! Also, Norntropolis Bingo is back, and every day 6 numbers will be called. I'm trying to make this a more weekly thing. I'm breeding lots of interesting norns for uploading, though it'll be hard to get through the ones I've already uploaded...and I found out today that some of the norns in the Maternity ward don't have .zip files to go along with them so I've got to get that all fixed up or something. Enjoy this weeks updates! 04-12-2000
WAHOO! I tell ya, it's great to be back! Yep, finally Norntropolis is back from hiatus and rarin' to grow! :) I'm about to add tons of downloads to the TOY SHOP, and there are going to to be many new norns uploaded to all norn download sections, after I have completed a pet project of mine dubbed "The 28th Day". It's feral run after feral run of norns in my world. It will last for 28 runs, and so far, 5 have been completed. The whole project will take 28 days, and with 5 days completed, there are 23 more to go. The whole project is schedualed to be completed on December 20th, but I may update norns as I go along. I have been gone for a long time, and it seems that while I've been gone, many things have happened. JRC is down, which truly is not good, but more importantly, I'm sure we have all heard already that the CC sweetheart, Beth, has passed on. If you head over to the homecreatures forum, you will find a link to her final page. Anyhoo, I'm looking into getting some new hosting, because Angelfire does these little, "flip-flops" of which either I can't access my own site, or I've had to wait to whole months for new space... which shouldn't be a problem any more because they are granting 50MB increases! Hooray! This means an UNLIMITED amount of stuff to be loaded! I've also become manager of Helen's C1 division at Bibble, and as soon as I'm lazy enough to get up off my butt and get the disk, 3 new things will be added to the Book Nook, which we all know is in desperate need of content! So enjoy the newly revived Norntropolis, and keep watching for more updates! 28/11/2000
Hey everyone! It's me, Erin! And with me is our new co-mayor, TGN! You can see us together on the main page (I'm the "jolly hippie giant"!) greeting everyone. Finally, we have some more disk space - a whole 50MBs of it! I'm never gonna be bored with all that kicking around! And with the addition of new disk space, there's also the addition of new cobs! Yes, over the course of the next few weeks, you'll see major changes going on at Norntropolis, mainly new cobs being posted in EVERY SECTION, but also the addition (and subtraction) of norns in the Nornphanage and the Maternity ward. I'm working at it to make sure we only have the finest norns up for download. :) I haven't been updating in such a long time because our computer over here is just being a bugger and won't let me do any updating. :P Everything will be all well and good by the end of the week though, I assure you. And now a word from TGN:
I added a pile of cobs scattered around Norntropolis...maybe I'll add some more tomorrow...Also keep an eye out for some of my norns for download! Thats about it and Have a nice day!
Hi everybody! No, *still* haven't gotten the new disk space yet, but let me tell you, I've been gathering a whole shipment of cobs to be posted when we do! Rumor has it that this new shipment has over 100 cobs in it, but yet, it's still a rumor. :) In other news, new fun stuff has been added to the playground: Norntropolis Daily Bingo! Yay! It's a fun new Bingo game that can be played by anybody! So far I've only gotten prizes for C1 players (c'mon, I only made this thing up last night!), but I'm working on it. Also, new norns added to the Maternity Ward. They've been floating around in my webspace since August, so I finally posted them. You may also notice the new look to the Maternity Ward. :) I got tired of writing little descriptions for norns I knew hardly anything out, so you can just see their pictures and their names. I might consider a similar format for the Nornphanage in the future, or even more likely, the Retirement Home. Word of a new store opening soon, though it's being kept mum on what it's going to be about. Erm...ah yes, I've been thinking in more long-term ways this past weekend. Although I've no current plans to shut Norntropolis down (Shee-forbid!), it has become blaringly obvious that C1 is being played by fewer and fewer people. I am interested in purchasing C2, and most likely C3 after that (who knows, maybe even CA?), but I'd like to spend as much time as I can in building this city up. :) I'd like to run out my promised 30MBs of disk space, and when I've done that, I have plans for two sister-cities of Norntropolis, both currently unnamed. Don't worry though. As long as my game still runs, I'll be working at this site! Just think though, 90Mbs (or more!) of Creatures stuff! Yowzers, that would be cool! Anyway, in non-Norntropolis news, The Creatures Jungle is being moved to a new address I believe it is: http://www.geocities.com/~asynja and the old link is currently inaccessable. Well, that's all for now! 18-09-2000 Back with a few bits of updating news. Although we've run out of disk space for the time being, I've added two new contests to the Playground, and listed the winners of the other contests! Timmy, it turns out, was hiding in the "Neighbouring Cities" section. Bad boy! Check out the Playground for details on that and the other contests. Also, I changed the "Where in Albia?" spot, as well as the "What am I?". And finally, we have a prize pack! Two, Actually, that will alternate every two weeks or so. Each prize is a pack of 8 norns. The pack up for grabs this time, is filled with 8 tinted and coloured norns, all either Red, Orange, Pink or Yellow. It has been dubbed..."The Firey Norn Pack". They are exclusive to Norntropolis and will never be dowloadable anywhere else. (If you win, you have to agree to never ever post these norns anywhere. You may post their offspring though, if you want.). We have also won another award! We're now officially site of the month for the month of August, in the Land of Nornia. Check out the funky-fantabulous award in the Awards Hall. That's all for today, folks! 08-29-2000
Whee! We've won an award from the Friendly Creatures Nook! Head on over to the Awards Hall to check it out, if you want. :) It's that time again! "What time?", you ask? Well, it's time for Norntropolis to slow down for a bit! That's what! You guessed it, we ran out of disk space again! :P I've asked the nice people at Angelfire to not just give me 5MBs this time, but 10! That'll hold me until about December or longer. Nah, probably till next summer, if I take it slow! :) So for a while, we won't really have anything new going on, except in the contests section. I've finally figured out what I'm going to do for prizes. I'm breeding a six pack of coloured, ready to mate horse norns! They're totally exclusive! Never to be posted, ever! There's a golden one, and a pinkish-red one so far, a female and a male. Congratulations to Jessica for winning the "Where in Albia?" Contest! I'll be changing the spot as soon as possible, so look for it! :) I'll be changing all the contests, except "Where's Timmy?", actually. Check it out. Hmmm...what else was there...Nothing I can think of right now...oh, got to Home Creatures and check out the forum, and look for a post called "Julianne and Ping: powerhungry ops" or something along those lines. It's debating the wrongdoings of a few chatters in JRC, and its *extremely* long. :P Go check it out if you've got the time (it'll take about an hour to read). Anyway, that's all for now. 10:03 AM, 08-25-2000
*Yawn* Here I am on a bright, sunny, Sunday morning, already to type out all thats happened at Norntropolis this past little while. Brace yourself, this could get very long. ;) Okie, you probably noticed that on the main page I said phase one of five; well, it didn't work out like that in the end (things like that never do). I kept getting either ahead or behind myself, and so things got done in little ragged bits and pieces, and things went along very slowly. Then I got my act together, and finally it is all here for you to see: 6 or 7 new sections, more than 70 new norns added, more than 50 new cobs added, and a few new links as well. Let me see, the new sections added were: The Retirement Home, The Art/Albian Gallery (the name changes, depending on where you look...don't ask.), the Archives, the Census page, Tourist Info, the Playground, and um...I divided the links section into 3 specific areas for each version of Creatures. As of now, I've never seen a CA site listed, so I wasn't able to post any links to any CA sites. If you know a site that features CA, then send it my way, and it'll be pleased to find it gets its own little section until others can join it. Heh, this all sounds really weird, I'm pretty tired, so don't mind it. :P Anyhoo, you can go to the Tourist Info, and you'll find complete descriptions of all sections at Norntropolis, as well as descriptions for the two most visable buttons in town - the email and back buttons. I didn't really thing that the email button needed a description, but the back button does now, so I decided to get both up there to keep each other company...right. Well, those were the updates, and Norntropolis's birthday was last Saturday...Happy Birthday, Norntropolis! Now, (oh geez, she's going on some more?? puh-leez! :) I'd like to take this time to thank a few people - ok ok - quite a few people who helped me very much builiding Norntropolis, and contributing to it. There are three people who I need to thank more than ever, because they were really great and patient while pestered them with questions about design and such, or they helped contribute a lot. Anyway, the first person I'd like to thank, is Chelsea. Chelsea was the the original creator of Norntropolis, it was all her idea when we were running a breeding operation way back...anyway, she thought up the name, the concept of a city (though we both worked on the developement together), and got us the webshell. Most importantly, she introduced me to Creatures. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be doing this today, amazing my parents (what's there to be amazed about? This is easy!). Next I'd like to thank Helen of Bibble, who helped me a great deal after Chelsea moved and abandoned the whole Norntropolis site thing. She taught me a lot of the html I still use, she allowed me to use cobs and images from her page, and lastly, (but not leastly), she has been a great inspiration, not only to me, but to everyone out there who has seen her page! Now I come to the next and final most important person. Katie, who came along *just* as re-opened Norntropolis for business after losing interest for several months. She helped me a great deal by giving me tips, cobs, pictures, norns, and her friendship. She wrote "It's a Norny Life" which is in the Book Nook (at least, the first 8 chapters are). Oh yes, she's rewriting it, I think. Thanks to the three of you! You're awesome! I'd also like to thank those who have contributed, sent in comments, norns, cobs, and tips. You've helped build Norntropolis, and that's made all the difference. Thank you all, each and every one of you, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!08-20-2000
Here I am again with another bit of update news! Norntropolis has been Netscaped! I mean, now Netscape Navigator/Communicator users are able to view the pages they weren't able to before! I found out there was a stupid line of script at the tops of a few pages and that was the reason they weren't showing up. Now everything's fixed and viewable...I made sure of that, now that I have both Netscape and IE browsers on my comp. Anyway, that's all for now. 07-18-2000
Ah...what a beautiful July day this is turning out to be! Yet I'm still inside, slaving away on the internet, trying to make this site better by the day! How unfair! :( Only joking of course! But I have added more stuff to make this page better! Finally, I have added JR Chat! It can be found in the JR Nightclub. I've still got to change the non-frames page so that there is another row of buttons...you'll see what I mean when I'm done. Anyway, that's all I'm doing for now! Enjoy!07-17-2000
Here I am, doing a slight update for the second time today! Turns out Norntropolis is Sarah Ashworth's site of the month! Check out the awards section for more on that. Thanks so much, Sarah! I was rummaging throught my not-so-old old files and I found this screen shot picture of one of the dumbest things I've ever seen done by a norn in my game.
Finally! Some new content! I have uploaded 19 - count 'em - 19 new norns to the Nornphanage or Maternity ward. Most are from wolfling and feral runs, but a few were sent in by Miki B. Thanks! I made the buttons in the left hand frame closer together, so now it's not as hard to see them all. News on my wolflfin and feral runs: Alright here's what happened: My first feral run seemed to be doing not too bad. I imported 6 of my best - or so I thought - third gen. norns. during the day I kept them in for about 6 hours, and they were doing great! All of them survived, a few young 'uns were produced. So I left them on over night, and when I woke up, there were about 9 dead norns that had no records, plus all my third gens. Only two norns survived, Derrik, and an unnamed norn that I named Fittest, for "Survival of the Fittest". That he certainly was. So I tried another feral run, this time starting it at 8:00 in the morning and letting it run through the day. This one was held back on the 12th of July, and it ran while I updated Norntropolis. You'll notice that in the news for that day, I mentioned that 1. I was running a wolfling run (but really I was mistaken and it was a feral run), and 2. Creatures had just preformed and illegal operation. These "illegal operations" continued throughout the day, until about 6:30 that night, when Creatures crashed completely, taking with it my 10 feral norns that I was dearly hoping to post. I mourned overnight at my loss - why wasn't this working out?? - and the next day I was ready for another go. This time, I used the emergency kit and got myself new eggs, so that I'd start from scratch with a true wolfling run. I left the norns...I think it was overnight, and in the morning, I found that there were 8 dead norns, 5 of them being the from the first gen.: Auster, Axelan, and so on... but there were also 3 unnamed norns running around, and one of them was pregnant! I was quite happy at this, and named them all. I believe these norns were Berken, Bankas, and Bejan. Since there were only so few norns left, I decided to kind of switch gears and turn it into a feral run, so I went to the norn garden and got my self a few lovely coloured norns, and imported them, as well as one or two females from my own stores. This worked out very well, and in time, I got 12 wonderful new norns to post, plus the 2 results of the first feral run. and now you know how things went. 07-16-2000
You may have noticed Norntropolis has a bit of a new look today! I finally got some frames up - just to make it easier to get around. I know the buttons are a little big, so it's harder to use that side frame, but I'm going to make them smaller. I've also got a few bugs to work out with links and linking pages, and making sure that when you click on a link for another page, you won't be trapped in our frames. Tell me how you like the new look! I've also joined W.N.A.W. as you can see on the main page. I'm still working on getting a chat applet, and trust me, I've got lots of new norns on the way! My wolfling run kinda didn't work out, since only 2 males survived...I left the comp on overnight, and when I woke up there were like, 8 dead norns, and 6 of them had no records. Rats. I'm running a feral run though, and monitoring it, so this time it's working out ok. I'm going to leave it on overnight and see what happens. In the last update, I forgot to mention a thing or two. We've now got a contest going on to complete the story "It's a Norny Life" in the Book Nook. What's going to happen is this: Read through the seven completed chapters at this page, and then write a sample chapter and send it to me by email at emmygurl@yahoo.com . The person who writes the best chapter will get to complete the story! If you have any complaints or suggestions about this contest email me at the bottom of this page. Also, I would like to have a feral/wolfling run with the norns that people send me, so if you'd like to have a norn of yours in one of my runs, send them by email. I think that's about all for now. 07-14-2000
Sorry I haven't updated in what seems like forever, I've been away and sick and just so much has been going on. One new norn added to the Maternity Ward, a little boy named Jingles that Miki B. sent in. Thanks Miki B.! Hmmm...what else? Oh yes, a new link has been added to the Neighbouring Cities section, going to Crazy for Creatures! Also, it looks as though Phillip's Creatures Experience is getting a little competition now in the Awards hall for the Award this month. It seems as though Allana and Amanda's Creature Adoption Page and Crazy for Creatures also want the coveted award! Hmmm... things could get messy around here with three competetors going for one single award! :) I'm also running a wolfling run in my world at the moment...hey! "Creatures has performed an illegal operation"!! Grrr... that's not the first time today.... I'll have to fix it later, I guess... Anyway, as I was saying, I'll be posting the offspring of the wolfling run, since all of the parents are already on this page. I'll give you more info about all that when I'm through the run. Well, that's about all for now, sadly, I haven't done much updating. OH WELL! :) 07-12-2000
My, haven't I been the busy one today! I've added at least 30 (It must be that many, it seemed like that many!) cobs to Norntropolis, and nine new norns to the Nornphanage (say that 5 times fast! *G*) I also added many new links - and there's more to come; I'm not done in that section, not by a long shot! My graduation is the day after tomorrow, when I will be leaving Grade 8 for good! *Beams* I'm so glad to be out of school for the summer, because it means....UPDATES UPDATES UPDATES!! Oh joy! :) Now, here's a little bad news about something: I made a very big boo-boo and for almost a year now, had LummoxJR's Norn Pose up here in the Toy Store - WITHOUTH a note pad file or even any recognition that it was his. Note to all reading this: Don't ever post anything until you are sure that you are allowed to!! And always give the creator credit! I took Norn Pose down and apologized to LummoxJR right away, and so now, if you want to get Norn Pose, you'll have to the Norn Underground. Anyway, now we've all learned a valuble lesson. Is there anything else...oh yeah! We've come to a shining moment in Norntropolis History: We've reached 1,000 hits!! YAY! *Beams Proudly* :) I'm so happy, and that nice 1 - 0 - 0 - 0 looks very spiffy up in that counter on the main page! Oh yes, we've got a winner for the award of the month, If you'd be so kind as to step over to the Awards Hall, you can go see who this month's winner is. And that, folks, just about wraps everything up. Oh yes...I FINALLY GOT MY WEBSPACE!!! So I took down that other account and moved everything over here! *shudders* It took some time, and the image for the award kept linking back to the other page! Ok, now I'm really going to go! 06-25-2000
Finally! I have updated after quite some time, and the results aren't all that bad! I've added three new sections, the Awards Hall, the Pet Shop, and the Nameatorium. The Pet Shop isn't fully functional right now, because I was in a rush and couldn't complete it at the time. Eventually it will be fixed though, you can count on that! Cobs and norns won't be appearing here until maybe next week, because of the way I got myself more space - by opening a new account with angelfire and creating links to the new pages from the already existing ones...you'll understand when I actually get it all going. Because of the way I'm going about doing that...at least 100 new downloads will be added!!! Yay!!!! I've just got to gather enough for each section that is getting updated, and then, TADA! I really missed updating! Now I've got some purpose, and Norntropolis will be going strong in a few days or weeks. Hmmm... what else to report? There will be another section added in the not-to-near future, though I'm keeping it underwraps for now, and I've also got to prepare for the - ahem - *drumroll please!* BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!!! That's coming up rather soon, about 2 months away now! I hope to have my first thousand visitors by then! Oh yes, I'm extremely happy to report that Helen has reopened her page! Yay! Her guestbook is flooded with congrats on her coming back. Click hereto see her page. Let me see, what else have I to report? Nothing at the moment, except there will be a new site opening, owned by a friend of mine. I'll post the link as soon as it's ready. That's all for now, so happy norning for today! 06-18-2000
Well, I'm really sorry to report this, folks, but because of limited web shell space......................life in Norntropolis as we know it is temporarily frozen! Sorry! There are many new norns that I have recently recieved though, and they just sqeaked into my webshell before I ran out of space. You can find them in both sections in the Nornphanage and in the Maternity Ward. Ah, spring! This has got to be one of the best seasons of the year! I'm sure all you out there will love summer a lot better though, when I'll up date, not once, not twice, but.............SEVEN DAYS A WEEK! No update too big or too small, there will be new stuff on this page every day! YAY! There will also be a hugh birthday celebration here in Norntropolis, as we reach the end of our first year! I've already started to work on my thanks! It'll all a surprise, but let me tell you, it will be
I've done a big update, though not all of the changes are visible. I've gone through a lot of creatures pages, Getting and tradng URLs with people, this place is getting busier! I added 5 new norns, Cherokee, Cujo, Claris, Calvin and Unnamed. And, I FINALLYY ADDED SOME NEW COBS!! They're in the Greenhouse and the Toyshop not that new, but now they're on this page! *GASP* Who knew it could be that simple? :) I was being very lazy before. I'm also starting an award thing, where about every few weeks, I'll give out an award to a deserving page, for different reasons, stated on the award. If you think your page deserves an award, then go to the awards section (coming soon) and email me from there (or here, it really doesn't matter). I also hope to rack up a few awards to post in that section as well. *HINT HINT HINT* *WINK* ;) Well, that's about all for now! 04/30/2000
Wow! I didn't know I had this much updating! Well, you'll be happy to know, all broken links are fixed! (to my knowledge)Everything is the way it should be, or at least, it had better be, for all the time I spent today working on updating! Two new norns added, one to the maternity ward, another to the girls section. I added more links to the neighbours section, and made sure that every main page has the counter, email and back buttons. Geez, I didn't know how many pages here had the wrong backgrounds, and how many of them had errors and stuff! Well, everything is fixed! yay! I'm still waiting to hear from all you wonderful people! I know you're out there! Well, that's all for today...I think...Oh yes! We now have an ICQ section!!!! Send in your ICQ # and I'll post it so that other creatures obsesees can talk to you! O.k, that was it! So long! 04/20/2000
Well, not much in the world to report today, nothing going on! I just added about a bajillion links to the "neighbouring cities" secton of our page * oops * I mean city, so now, If you're sick of cruising around town, you can visit somewhere else! I also plan on getting lots more cobs, and norns so don't fret! I just am a little...should I say, unorganized? Well, in about a month, everything will be A-OK! So how is everyone enjoying the stories in the book nook? I hope you like them, they took me a while to write, and more are on the way! One's about a were-norn, and another is about two escapees...well, let's make that one a surprise! Anyhoo, I'll be going now! 04/18/2000
I'm back again!!! Yay! Sorry I left you all there for so long! I had a dumping of homework, and I wanted to get some of my stories done, and now, here we are! Yay!!! Ok, here's what's new: I've put two new stories in the Book Nook, both by me, and one of them is completely nutz. I fixed Norntropolis!!! None of the cobs would download, I found out the problem (I made a boo boo in the scripts) and fixed it, and now you can download cobs again! Big WOO HOO! Anyway, a few new norns in the Nornphanage, I think a male and a female...and I believe that's all. Pretty boring update eh? Oh yeah, I also could not edit because another virus ate our computer, so I couldn't use it for a while! Once again, do not fret, none of the norns are poisoned, or anything like that! I SWEAR! Nothing new in my world, because I haven't played in a month. Anyway, I can't update every week anymore, or even every two weeks, even though I will try! I have very limited hours now, and I have way too much homework. Anyway, that's all for now! 04/12/2000
More changes made! Just small ones, of course, but you'll notice a new header on the main page, and I changed the email buttons on all the pages. I was getting really tired of the way the old ones looked anyway. I also added more norns to the Maternity Ward! Finally! They're all females. I've also added a new female to the Girls section of the Nornphange. Her name is Brekke, and she's just an adolescent. That's about all the news for my webpage, but what about my world? Well, not much to report there, either. The grendle's trapped in an elevator on the island - you can ask me how if you want to do that yourself - and I've got about 5 new norns, all of which I've posted (the new updates, obviously). The weird thing is, none of my norns are being male! I've got all these females, and like, 4 males! If anyone can help me, then I'd be eager to hear suggestions! Anyway, that's about it for now. See you next time! -03/11/00