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Welcome to the Travel Agency! Right now we're offering 1 free getaway for norns everywhere!

Does your norn need a vacation? Is he/she sluggish, bored, hungry or just in need of an adventure? Well, then send him/her on an adventure they'll never forget! Just remember, when you send your norn(s), include as much as the following information as possible:

*Does this norn have an eating disorder?

*Does this norn have a sleeping disorder?

*Would you like pictures of your norn's vacation sent back with them?

*How long would you like your norn to stay for?

*Your email address!!

A good example of the above is this: "This is Esther. She is an elderly banana norn who is getting a bit restless and stressed among my norns, most of which are related to her. She used to be a good eater but it is not so good anymore, she likes carrots the best and sometimes cheese. She has no trouble sleeping but she doesn't really get a chance to sleep because of all the other norns in my crowded world. I would like pictures from her holiday and I would like her to spend about an hour in the world. My email address is Please take good care of her. I would like her to have a caving holiday."

You can send up to 3 norns to stay for up to 3 hours to have one of these "adventures"! You have the choice of: a Safari, an Island Paridise, a Seaside Getaway , A Wilderness Walkabout, or Spleunking (Caving). Click on the vacations to see screen shots of each place. Please make sure you include your choice of vacation in your email. So...

And don't forget, if you would like a bitmap painting collage of your norn's vacation, just ask!