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Welcome to the Playground, where just kidding around is all we do! We've a variety of games and contests to choose from, and there are even prizes to be one!

We have a small prize pack of coloured or high life-force norns for C1 up for grabs at the moment. If someone has C2 and C3, you could do the rest of the players here a favour and send me a few norns for a prize pack. :)

Where in Albia?

How *well* do you know Albia? Well, here's the contest to really test your smarts on how well you know your way around Albia! Every week there'll be a new picture posted, showing a small spot, object, or feature in Albia. If you think you know what the spot is, then here's what you do:

By clicking on the spot below, send an email describing and telling where the spot is in Albia. Make sure you're clear when you explain it, because I can't give you the prize (when there is on) if I don't understand what you're telling me. Here's this weeks spot:

Here's the last spot in Albia:

Last weeks winner: Terry

What am I?

What am I? is a game that also tests your knowledge of Albia. In this game, a description of an object or spot in Albia is given, and you've got to guess what it is. Simple, huh? If you think you're ready, then read the description below, and when you figure it out, click on the "I know!" text. This week's is easier (I think...) because I got complaints that last weeks was too hard. Here we go:

I’m made of wood and I’m made of string
And when you wish, for you I’ll sing!
What Am I?

I Know!

Last Week's answer: The Deathcap Mushroom, or the room it's in.
Last Week's winners: Terry and Jennifer. Congrats!

It's Challenge Time!

Are you obsessed with Survivor? Maybe you find life just too boring? Perhaps you have a lot of time to kill! Whatever the case, we've got a contest for you! It involves following a challenge posted here to the letter. It could be a writing challenge, it could be a drawing challenge, it could be a breeding challenge. It could even be a challenge sent in by you! (Hey, this creative genious thing doesn't come easy!) All you have to do is get your completed challenge in by the due date, and you could win. Woo! You can work in teams or on your own, and entries will be displayed below. Ready? Here's the challenge:

You have to get a norn to eat... just kidding! No, seriously, I'm kidding. What you have to do is take a picture of a norn asleep facing the camera and SMILING. Sound easy? You try it and see what you have to say then. :P Good luck!

Join Our New TOP 100!

Join our Top 100! Prizes every week!
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I Accept the Challenge!