#SLAA on the Web

#SLAA is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition-oriented recovery fellowship.
We seek recovery from sex and/or love addiction or avoidance.
Our meetings are patterned after Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous.

Our group does not speak for all of S.L.A.A.
Our channel is hosted by the Starlink-IRC net.

Meeting Schedule:     Click on the time for international time zone conversions or on the 'ET' for North American conversions.

Day Meetings: Daily at Noon ET

Day Meetings: Monday - Friday at 4:30pm ET

Women's Meetings: Tuesdays at 8pm ET and Saturdays at 9pm ET (in room #SLAA2)

Evening Meetings: Daily at 10pm ET
Feedback Meetings - Tuesdays & Fridays (90 minutes in duration)
Gratitude Meeting - Thursdays
Open Sharing Meetings - Saturdays & Sundays
Step Meetings - Mondays & Wednesdays

Anorexia Meeting: Friday at 10pm ET  (in room #SLAA2)

Australia / NZ Meeting: Sunday at 9pm Eastern Australia Time (Sunday 5am US EST / 7am US EDT)

Members' Business Meetings (for group conscience matters): On the 15th monthly at 10pm ET  (in room #SLAA2)

Join the #SLAA room using  Java via WilliamsLake BC Canada  Java via Mt. Vernon WA US
Join the #SLAA2 room using  Java via WilliamsLake BC Canada  Java via Mt. Vernon WA US (for Women's and Business Meetings)


E-mail any comments, questions or motions for group conscience to: slaaonline@yahoo.com

Next business meeting: Monday, September 15, 2003 at approx. 10:00pm Eastern Time (7:00pm Pacific Time)

B u s i n e s s     M e e t i n g     M i n u t e s     A r c h i v e


The Twelve Steps and Keeping It Simple - TimF - Fri-28-Jun-02
The Role of Friendship in Recovery - Cathy - Wed-29-Jan-03
Humility - Marabel - Thu-30-Jan-03
Looking Back; Looking Forward - james2 - Fri-31-Jan-03
My Struggle to Recover - df - Sat-1-Feb-03
Myths of Women and Sex Addiction - Osiyeza - Sun-2-Feb-03
"Neophyte" - tigrlily - Mon-3-Feb-03
Step One Share - kemosaubi - Tue-4-Feb-03
Reflections on My Journey to this Point - Rudyj - Wed-5-Feb-03
Relationships - Deanna - Thu-6-Feb-03
Boundaries of the Heart - Jenel - Fri-7-Feb-03