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Grand Champions Nuzzling Horses

- 2000 and beyond!

For ease and speed of loading, I've seperated the Nuzzling Horses into two pages. Same great horses, great new page! Enjoy!

2000 Mares and First Step Foals

Look ma - new foals! These little ones are taking those first precious steps :) As before, these sets come with magnet food to nibble, lead rope, and blankets. Mares and foals are sold together, and the stallions - which, once again, look exactly like thier family members - could be bought seperarately.

The mare and foals above are, from left to right - Bay Pintos "Tempest & Tornado", the grey Spanish Barbs are "Marquise & Carlotta", the Chestnuts "Emissary & Empress", and the Palominos "Slipstream & Slingshot".

The Stallions to the left are, Gray Barb "Jetro", the Bay Pinto "Tequila", Chestnut "Ever Again" and the Palomino "Strawberry Shutback".

Thanks so much to Jitske for the great pictures of her stallions, and to Linda for info about thier names!

The Mares and foals for 2001:
These Mares and foals are simply adorable! And they come with neat new accessories - a magical waterfountain pump, plus the nessesary food peices.

The Andalusians: "Mirabella & Dante",
Appaloosa: "Raindancer & Moonshine",
and the Morgans: "Promanade & Polonaise".

Here are the elusize stallions for the 2001 set. However, they did not make their apperence in 2001. They did not make an apperence in 2002, either. We're hoping they'll show up in 2003, but at this point it's anyone's guess. They are, from right to left, the Appaloosa, "Moon Rising", Bay Morgan "Debonair", and Andalusian, "Prestige".

The Mares and Foals 2002:

The 2002 year brings us more pretty horses!
What wonderful paints.... now if only they
would create such great colour patterns for regular
GC Horses.... these FNN are so pretty it's enough
to make a non-collector reconsider :D

Yellow row -
Australian Stock - "Dancin Queen and Two-Step"
Piebald - "Painter's Palette & Rainbow's End"
Chestnut Standerbred -"Hannover and Danny Boy"

Purple row -
Palomino Mustang - "Maravilla & Melcocha"
National Show Horse -"Queen Anne & Picasso"
Grey Quarter Horses - "Fallen Star & Quazar"

The Mares and Foals 2003:

~ Bay Paso Fino ~ * ~ Bay Arabian ~ * ~ Chestnut Overo ~

These lovely new FNN Sets - check out that Overo! - are the new non-north american releases. As they don't come with Biocards, we don't know what they are called. They are avaiable throughout Europe, the UK and Austraillia.

To the left are a couple stallions to finish off the year, and that overo pattern certianlly looks dandy on anything - how I would love to see that on a standard GC! Thanks again to Jitske for pictures of her stallions.

New Nuzzling & Action Families

This year we once again have Nuzzling Families - but with a new twist! Instead of the Nuzzling Stallions (which were always hard to find anyway) Nuzzling mares have been teamed up with Action Champs!

The effect is rather pleasing, if I do say so myself. I don't know anything about these sets besides their breeds.

Top - Dun Mustang Family

Bottom - Black Saddlebred Family

If you have more info about these guys, please give me a shout!

New Nuzzling Activity Sets for 2005

There most exciting thing for 2005 (so far!) has landed in the Feed'n'Nuzzle Stable - a brand new FOAL! She's part of the New Arival Set with her proud mom. As well, there's also a vet set that comes complete with horses whos "boo boos" disapere with warm and cold water. And, as usual, it seems that Palomino is the preffered colour of a FNN family....

Just look at this newborn! Isn't she darling? What a shame the newest GC modle has to debute in a Feed'n'Nuzzle set; hopefully we'll see more of this little tyke in sets to come!

Even More Feed'n'Nuzzles...

The bay stallion seems to follow the usual suit and comes with a water fountain. Does he have a mare? Or a breed, for that matter? And what of these strange patterned pintos on our right - the certainly look like they belong to the wonky HC Pinto Stallion's herd.

These last two stallions are available for sale in North America, but exactly what breed they are, or which family they belong to remains a mystry! Totally new horses, or re-releases from previous years? I suppose we should just be happy we have some horses.

If anyone has any info for any of these or any other FNNs, please give me a shout!

Don't forget to check out The Stable for a few more Nuzzling Stallions!

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