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  1. Welcome
  2. August 23, 2001
  3. August 24, 2001


Welcome to my journal. Obviously, there won't be much to either this or the photos page until closer to the trip, but bear with me. :)

7/18/2001: Fear Effect...

Didn't sleep much last night. Excited as all hell, but also scared. I'm most worried about the trip from Tokyo to Kansai Gaidai, as I won't have any help. First time I've been afraid. It passed quickly, but man, it was crazy. It just hit me that this isn't something I've done before, not even remotely, and it's totally new and I'll be doing it totally alone, which is even scarier. Trying to bone up on my language skills, as well as thoroughly researching my route using netguides to the Japanese rail system and the (wonderful!) Lonely Planet guide. I think being as prepared as possible will cut down on the insecurity. :) Ganbatte ne!!! ("I can do it!") T minus 35 days and counting!! And still, I haven't received my visa-supporting statement from the college!! *Trying not to panic* Gerry warned me that it usually came down to the wire for the visa... *happy thoughts*

8/12/2001: Not stressing?

Hm. That one weird night of freaking out seems to be the only one so far. I'm mostly just excited. And I've got TWO WHOLE DAYS to get to where I need to go, and I know how to get there. :) I'll be taking the Hikari 153 from Tokyo Station to Kyoto, after bumming around in Tokyo till Saturday. Sounds like a blast. Trying to pack a year's worth of clothing into a few teeny bags was a humbling experience though, man. Trip to Houston to get my visa was, well, a trip, but all worked out in the end, in that I got my visa!! T-Minus 10 days and counting...

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