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Welcome to the Official Website of

All readings purchased thru this site will be provided by Vickiveil.
This is not a 900 number - Vicki is the only reader that will provide your reading.


This site offers information on PET READINGS ...

If you would like to purchase your pet reading using Paypal
please continue to scroll down where you will find Paypal BuyNow Buttons available.

If you are interested in Missing PET Support
please click on the link directly below for more information on the support.
The Missing Pet Support is NOT a free service.




Click on the link below for more information


          | Pet Readings |             |
Media Credentials|            |Testimonials|     |Missing Pet Support|

Vicki's office is open daily 9 AM Eastern Standard Time to 7 PM Eastern Standard Time
Office Phone Number 513.202.1426       Email





Psychic Medium Vickiveil
Psychic Services for People & Pets



Vicki has become one of the top Pet Psychics on the Web!
With over 16 years as a professional psychic speaks for itself.

She has provided pet readings for pet owners from California to South Africa - Mississippi to the U.K.

Readings for your pet are available by
Email - Telephone
with no difference in the accuracy or content.

For more information on what to expect with a reading, how to order a reading and what is next...please scroll down the web page.




Vicki provided the readings for the horses of the 2003 Kentucky Derby. Vicki predicted that there would be extra focus & uncertainty around the winner that year but everything was fine and the winner would be the winner...sure enough there was controversy when photographs made it seem that the jockey had something in his hand. An investigation proved that jockey Santos had nothing, in his hand.

In November, Vicki provided an email reading for a wonderful pet owner, Wendy and her doggie love, Peyton. Wendy is a writer for a very nice online pet site  .... to view the article Wendy shared about her experience with Vicki's email reading for Peyton, you may click here.





OFFICE NUMBER 513-202-1426
(normal office hours 9 AM to 7 PM Eastern Standard Time)


what kind of questions/topics can I ask?
click here

what can I expect to hear in my pet reading?
click here

a note from Vicki
click here

Paypal Buy Now Buttons
click here


If you pay thru the office we accept

if you prefer to pay online we accept
Solution Graphics

Official PayPal Seal


IF you are having a problem with
Paypal - or the links below -
if you contact our office by email (click here)
we will issue you a Paypal Invoice.
Often if your computer is not loading
the Paypal buttons properly, the
invoice allows you to easily post your payment.

Session Fees:

You may opt for a pet reading by Telephone.
If you feel you may have questions that spawn from
the insight Vicki provides you - this is the way to go.
Also if there is something urgent pending, often the
phone readings can be delivered quicker.

1 Pet ... $75
2 Pets ... $125
3 Pets ... $175

Because each pet is different
the telephone time you will receive also varies.

for more details on the
click here

You can choose the pet reading via Email.
This is great if you live outside of the U.S. and your
time zone doesn't permit a phone call - or maybe you
feel there is a communication gap.

1 PET ... $70
2 PETS ... $120.
Each pet after the 2nd - add $50.


for more details on the
click here




for more details on the
click here



Our office hours do vary, day to day, week to week, etc
the 9 to 7 is a reference as Vicki may be working, but she is not in the office.
To check Vicki's availability you may always email the office at

 Vicki is a full time, professional psychic.
Her work involves providing one on one readings for people & pets...
some readings are provided by phone, some by email and person.

HOWEVER - Vicki also provides lectures, seminars, classes.
Vicki is brought in for special events by way of businesses, groups & charity events...
She also does psychic parties and group readings for in home events.
Vicki also spends time on certain missing situations.
She is a freelance author on the psychic arts, and a guest on radio stations across the U.S.

The hours of 9 am to 7 pm are the hours Vicki works.
But her work day is not limited to the phone, email and in person readings.

If you are interested in a reading with Vicki - and you feel you are in urgent need
of a psychics insight - you may want to email or phone our office to check Vicki's upcoming availability.
Vicki has provided readings for people and pets for over 16 years.
And as you will see on her home page
her credentials are verifiable.
We would think, when someone is seeking psychic advice - they would be searching for someone who is
accurate, esteemed, and ethical - but, what we have found is that most people don't care about those qualities
they are looking for the psychic (or the "person") that is available. You may want to ask yourself if...
your reader is not busy ... why is that?
We think the necessary ingredient for true, authentic and ethical psychic guidance may not be
that the psychic is available right then and there ... sometimes ... great insight may be worth the wait.

Depending on Vicki's current schedule - a reading can be obtained in 1 hour or 2 weeks.



(there is NO difference in accuracy or content should you choose phone or email reading)


[for a full list of Vicki's prices click
or continue to scroll down

Visa - MasterCard Accepted thru our office
PAYPAL accepted online



(for more on Vicki's hours of operation click here)
(what time is it right now in Cincinnati, Ohio ... where Vicki's office is located? Click

Vicki is available for telephone readings approximately 2 to 4 days per week.
Please feel free to phone or email the office to find out Vicki's availability for your telephone or email reading.





(be sure to visit this site for monthly specials!)


Ever wondered WHAT your pet is thinking?
                  Or what they are trying to tell you?

  Do they like their diet?
         Are you giving them their favorite treats?
Is your fur-baby ...
               A Smarty Pants




Or do they have a few...
                             bad habits?





If your "tired" of guessing what your pet is thinking,
or what they want - its time to order a pet reading
with the psychic who reads for people AND pets!



Vicki is available for telephone & email pet readings.

Telephone & email readings provide the same content
and accuracy as the in person session.

A photograph of the pet to be read is preferred.
It does not matter how old or new the picture is.
Vicki prefers to have a photo of the pet to be read so
there is no worry of connecting to the other pets in your life.


Vicki is able to answer the questions you have about your pet regarding:

Potential health concerns of the past & upcoming
What is your pet thinking?
Is your pet happy?
Circumstances of concern for your individual pet
Likes & Dislikes
Missing Pet Support
Whatever happened to your missing pet?
Past Life Connections with your pet
The root of behavior problems
Their whereabouts before joining your family
Connection to deceased pets





until you have purchased your reading thru Paypal or phoned the office.

We do not open any attachment until payment is confirmed.
Unfortunately because of computer viruses, we never open
any type of attachment unless we have verification of payment
for the reading.



So what can you expect in your pet reading?

Every single reading is as individual as the pet itself. The majority of my pet readings have been provided for cats, dogs, and horses. However, I have read for the occasional bird, pot bellied pig, ferret, and even a few exotic animals that have been domesticated.

Below in the parenthesis ( ) are a few actual statements that have surfaced in pet readings. 

Most often, your pet is going to share with me:
Their current state of mind
(Vicki, I was just playing with my sister and she is so mean to me!)

They will share the stores about their life with you ...
from THEIR perspective
(Mommy always likes to read when she gets home from work. And I sit on her blue house shoes that Dad gave to her!)

Their time with previous if your pet is telling me about another family I won't always know if this is their current family or a previous owner.
(We had 3 people that lived there. There was a tall woman with red hair and she worked around children. I didn't like their blue bird!)

They share their likes:
(I get this good roast beef from the fridge! But daddy doesn't know mom gives me that cause he says it is bad for me!) 


And their dislikes:
Yes, just like humans, our pets have dislikes too.
(Vicki, I used to get these little treats that were triangles and came from a yellow and black bag. Why doesn't mom get them for me any more?)
Is there a health issue you should know about...
I am not a veterinarian nor a trained medical practitioner. But there are times I will be drawn to a certain area or I will take on a specific feeling in and on parts of my body that can alert us to present & pending health matters. By bringing your awareness to a certain area it gives you a heads up on catching ailments and illnesses before they are out of control.
(Vicki my ears burn and itch!)

I am able to connect with the energy of pets from your past...
This includes pets from your childhood, and even pets that went missing years ago. Where there may no longer be an option to locate and retrieve them,  because too much time has passed - we may still be able to connect with them and find out what happened.

I will also receive information of a past life connection with you (when applicable), how they feel about other pets & people in the home, behavior issues, bad habits, etc. I am able to connect with pets that have crossed over (deceased) and missing pets.



Hi there, this is Vicki and I wanted to thank you for stopping by my page devoted entirely to my work on communication with pets & animals.

I think the number one question I receive most often about my animal communication is "how do you do this?" In all honesty, there isn't a special scenario I go thru before the connection. I don't meditate for 2 hours, crossed legged on the floor. I don't go into any type of trance (although I do take on a very strong focus - it is by no means trance-like), and I don't call on any form of animal spirit guides to launch the conversation!

There just isn't anything "that" mysterious or mystical going on.

The very minute I look at their picture and/or write their name, information begins to run thru my head - it may be a few descriptive words (such as happy, sad, sick, missing, lost, toy, mom, dad)...if the pet is chatty, entire paragraphs come out! (the pet begins to tell me things - its the exact same encounter that you would have if you had called a friend on the telephone) - - now sometimes in combination with the audio conversation I receive from the pet, I will also begin to take on emotions..."I" will feel happy / or "I" will feel sad.
If the pet is dealing with a health matter, lets say its arthritis, then "I" will have a sense of arthritis in the area the pet has the pain. I know at this time, it is NOT my emotions & ailments - I have started communication and connection to the pet.

Some animal communicators say that their exchange with animals is telepathic. I agree to a certain point, but a total telepathic communication is communication without any type of sensory perceptions. And I can't think of even one interaction I have had with a pet, where I have not taken on some attribute of the pet ... whether it is a fleeting emotion or physical ailment. I know this sounds very odd, but I think it is like what happened to the movie, Powder.

I recently (Jan 2010) did a reading for this very special kitty that had been ill. The owners had taken her to the vet and they were not able to diagnose the problem. In my connection with the kitty, he said mommy had tried him on 3 types of food recently, but he preferred the food with the "royalty connection". Now right up until the "royalty connection" surfaced in my communication - I was getting words from the kitty - but when it came to the "royalty connection" - the words stopped and I could see a picture of a crown in my minds eye. I asked the cat for more detail, all the time in hopes that he would just give me the pet food name! I did not see the name of the food, I did not hear the name of the food, but I could see Westminster Abbey - Princes & Princesses, a throne. All visuals coming thru quickly and in glimpses...visuals in my minds eye. Then, everything stopped. I sensed nothing more.

I always make it a habit to always try to pass onto my pet owners ... WHATEVER the pet shows me without diving into my personal  interpretation. Believe it or not - this is difficult to do! I tend to want to decode information too quickly. So I went on and typed what had happened with the "royalty" thing into the email I was preparing for the owner... the pets owner wrote me back with a picture from the internet of the food our little guy was talking about. The name of the kitty food was Royal Canin and the logo...yes, it  included a crown!

Of course, every reading is NOT that simple although it surely would make my day easier!

There are times when I attempt a connection to the pet and I don't hear, feel or sense a thing...this is the hardest part of my job...telling the pet owner that nothing is coming thru.

After doing readings for pets & people for 15 years now, I have noticed there are certain circumstances that can create a lack of communication between the pet and myself. And the problem can be as simple as I have had a long day and just like anyone who works, it is time for me to punch the time card and call it a day. Although this is rare - I have found the reason for lack of detail from the pet is that they are upset with their surroundings, owners or a situation. They will clam up just like humans do when disappointed or depressed.

Just like us, they don't always want to talk about it.

I have also noticed animals...domesticated animals tend to communicate clearer than *non-domesticated animals will *[wild - feral animals]. And if a pet owner has tied their dog up in the back yard or their kitty is allowed to roam the neighborhood 5 days out of 7 - they have become more feral than domesticated unfortunately. This is the saddest of feelings for me...and thank heavens, it is also a very rare feeling for me, because those "pet owners" usually tend not to care enough to find out what is going on with their pet and do not seek out the advice of someone such as myself. I have said for decades - there are pet owners and there are animal lovers. The latter being my personal choice to deal with.  ;)

There is another reason, I will say I am not connecting with a pet and end the reading or not take on the reading. If I have provided several statements that are true about your pet, your pets surroundings and your pets past & present - and they apply, you tell me yes Vicki, we do have a total of 4 pets. Yes Vicki, we do live in a cul-de-sac...if I have been able to tune into the pets communications and then share with you some "validations" of accuracy, but then, when I begin to tell you what the pet is telling me OR that I am sensing around the pet ... but you say "no, he doesn't really like that swing in the backyard" or "no he really didn't like the ducks from that pond" - but...there ARE swings in the backyard - but you did take him to the park with the pond and the ducks - but YOU think he or she does like them - or doesn't - I won't argue with you. I'll go on and end the reading. This is like someone coming to you, lets say a friends sibling, and them saying to you - "Listen, I am upset with my sister/brother. He / she always disregards my suggestions about their current problems with work." Now you go back to your friend and say listen, maybe your brother/sister is trying to help you when they bring up your job situation?" but the friend says "No, no, no...I don't even talk to them about my work!"

You know - its quite possible that you don't always know what your pet is thinking ... if there ARE ducks, if there IS a may want to take in what is coming thru in your pet reading ;) There may be something else going on that you are also not aware of. However, when this happens, I take it as a sign to bow out gracefully...of the reading.






You may purchase your telephone reading using
by calling the office at 513-202-1426 if you are using Visa / Master Card.

It is your responsibility to call the office.

No appointment is necessary. Vicki is typically available from
9 am to 7 pm Eastern Standard Time, 2 to 4 days a week for
telephone consultations.

Before calling the office - send your photograph of the pet(s)
to be reading to
It does not matter how old or new the picture is - as long as it
is a photo of the pet(s). In the subject box of your email, please
place the following " PICTURE FOR A PENDING PET READING"
if those words are not in the subject box, more than likely
your email is going to be deleted. We do not open any email
with an attachment because of computer viruses.

We suggest having specific topics & questions in mind to discuss.
Write your questions down on a piece of paper. Leave a space in between.
This way, you can jot down information Vicki provides to you during your

Order time according to the number of pets to be read and in accordance
with the topics you have in mind.




Pet Readings BY Phone
1 pet via telephone ... $75.
2 pets via telephone ... $125.
3 pets via telephone ... $175.




Email readings may be purchased thru Paypal only.

If you would like to send a payment to us via Paypal
you may do so using
or by using the buy now buttons placed below for you.

If you have any trouble with Paypal -- please email us
and we will issue an invoice for you.
Be sure to let us know which service you would like so
that we issue the invoice for the proper amount.

Once WE RECEIVE the confirmation from Paypal that you
have purchased a service - we will send you an email letting
you know we have received your payment. Depending on our
schedule - it can take us 10 minutes to 2 days to send you this email.

Remember, we are a small office - this is not a 900 phone line nor
an online psychic community of any kind.
We have 1 psychic (Vicki) and 1 assistant/appointment coordinator (Rachel).

There are times that we are off for our normal off days, or perhaps it is a holiday
and we are out of the office. Vicki is a full time professional psychic. This means
she provides lectures, appears at events, etc 
- we are not always seated at the computer or telephone waiting for a payment.
IF FOR ANY REASON - you have not heard from us within 2 days - please
phone the office or email us!
Also be sure to check your SPAM folders for our correspondence.

You are always more than welcomed to go on and email us, immediately after
submitting your payment thru Paypal with the information required for your
pet reading (this is listed below or we will send you an email with the details enclosed)
You may include your telephone number if you like.


For each pet to be read, we will need:

1 Photograph
(please do not send more than one picture. If we are not at the
computer and using other devices to open the picture, we will need
a special software to unzip the folder and this could delay your reading)

The Name of the pet to be read

Up to THREE specific questions or topics you want Vicki to address with your pet.

Vicki will always include anything she picks up outside of these 3 areas.
However, the time a pet is open and able to communicate is often short lived.
To make certain the areas you have in mind are addressed, please include them
in your email to us.


People make the mistake of saying "I know my pet will talk about_____".
Fill the blank in with a million various topics from how much they love us,
to their past life association to us. The truth of the matter is, you could no
more assume what your pet is going to address, any more than you could
bet on what your best friend would say.

Sometimes...what is important to you,
is not as important to the pet. Don't run the risk of losing
the chance to ask your questions.



If you plan to order a Pet Reading by Email - you can read the form letter we will
send to you now - click here




Pet Reading BY EMAIL

1 Pet Reading via Email - $70.
2 Pets via Email - $120.
3 Pets via Email - $170.

The Email Readings for Pets

You may ask up to 3 specific questions
for EACH pet.

Once we receive your payment from Paypal -
we will contact you via email to let you know
payment was received and you will receive
this email (click here) from us. You can expedite
your reading by reading the email now by clicking
on the link above.

We do not offer refunds on ANY EMAIL READINGS.
Please make sure you understand -
we retain the right to refuse service to anyone.
That this is not an instant, on the spot reading.
Depending on the schedule, it may take 2 hours
to 2 weeks to receive your Pet Reading by Email.





MISSING PET SUPPORT -- this service includes 2 emails from Vicki with information she is able to receive on and from your missing pet. You will also receive 1 - 20 minute phone consult with Vicki.

Before ordering the Support, you must read the form letter that will explain how this session assists you in finding your pet, what is included with this service and what is not included. To read this form letter now, please click

This office (including staff & Vicki) reserves the right to refuse service to
any person, group or contact as and when we see fit.

The Missing Support for a Pet may not be an  immediate service.
Vicki works with only 2 missing pets at 1 time. Each missing support
can take up to and including 48 hours of time. The amount of time
you will have to wait for your 1st email from Vicki depends on
- how many missing situations she is working on at the moment
- how many people are ahead of you

you need to read the information provided to you by clicking the here link above.
This reading is NOT for everyone. Vicki does not give you an address or phone number
of the location of your pet. Vicki is a psychic, she will receive visuals, non physical audio,
senses of what is going on with AND around your pet. You must use this information on
your end to locate the pet. Vicki nor her staff comes to you to
physically help search for the pet.



This includes 2 emails from Vicki
and 1 - 20 minute telephone consultation time.

If Vicki feels she is not able to connect with
your pet after viewing the photograph and/or
writing the name of the pet - we will issue a
full refund, via Paypal for your fee.

Once the first email is sent to you -
there are no refunds for this service.

Make certain you realize all guidelines
about this reading. This may not be an
immediate session. Vicki will only work
on 2 missing pet cases at 1 time. All
orders are processed in the order they
are received.

Before ordering the Support, you must read the form letter that will explain
how this session assists you in finding your pet, what is included with this service
and what is not included. To read this form letter now, please click



by accepting the Paypal charges
you are certifying that you have read
the prep letter designed for missing pet owners.






You will receive this form letter to your email address that you used
thru Paypal. You can take time to read the information now - and this
will expedite the waiting time for your reading. If we do not need to send
this email to you, it is going to accelerate the delivery time of your reading(s).


Hi there _____________

We have received your payment for the

First of all, we would like to thank you for selecting Vickiveil to provide this very personal service for your pet(s).

Be sure to watch our web site at
for some great articles on people & pets, specials & discounts for all of the readings... and to stay updated for Vicki's in person events and media appearances.

My name is Rachel, I am Vicki's assistant & appointment coordinator. If you need anything that falls outside of psychic information, feel free to let me know by emailing me.

To better serve our customers, to provide you with prompt service
and most importantly, to allow Vicki to focus upon the readings;
Vicki now has a private email address. I handle all email correspondence.

My job is to forward Vicki the details needed for your reading.
The only emails that reach Vicki personally as of 11/2007,
are the readings that have been purchased.

To expedite your reading, we ask that you take a few minutes
to read thru this important form letter that has been devised
especially for our customers ordering the PET READING by email.

If you prefer to skip thru this form letter, you will want to at least take the time to browse thru, paying attention to the information that is underlined and in bold print.

There you will find the guidelines we ask you to follow for your pet reading by email. Your reading could otherwise be delayed. You could also lose valuable information about your pet.

You may now send ONE PHOTO of each pet to be read.
No additional photos are needed.

In fact if I am not in the office I will not have the software

to open more than one photograph. If I have to wait till I am in the office to open your photographs, this could delay your reading by several days.

It does not matter how new or how old the photo of your pet is.

The reason Vicki prefers to have a photo of the pet to be read is that without a photo she can end up connecting to you, rather than the pet. Also without a photograph Vicki runs the risk of connecting to other pets that you have encountered thru your life. This could be pets from your childhood, the pets of spouses, family members, etc.

Send over the first name of the pet that will receive the reading.

If you are having more than one pet read
be sure to include all names of the pets to be read.
Be sure to clearly state which name belongs to which pet.

If there are other pets in the photograph that will not be read, let me know and I will remove them with my photo editing software before passing them to Vicki.

You may include up to 3 specific questions for each pet reading purchased.

This guarantees that the questions you may have in mind, are addressed.

Pets are like people in many ways. Never rely that Vicki or your pet is going to telepathically know what you want them to talk about. You may wonder why Fido is peeing on the blue rug and Fido may want to know why he doesn’t get liver and bacon snacks any longer.

Also, a pet reading does not mean that Vicki is going to be able to share with you every single word and piece of information she receives from your pet. Pets, as we have said before are very much like people. Some are very chatty, some are not. Vicki spends approximately 45 minutes up to 90 minutes, per pet, for the pet reading by email. There are times when Vicki has to decide what is most important to share and what is not. There are times if a pet is not addressed about a subject, the pet (once again, just like humans) is not going to bring the topic up! By sending over your questions, does not necessarily guarantee an answer from your pet - but it does guarantee, Vicki will ask.


I will send Vicki two emails for every pets reading.

The 1st email will include the photograph & name only.

The 2nd email will have your questions.

I will email you after I receive this information from you and let you know the estimated delivery time of your reading. This IS an estimated delivery time. You may receive your reading before or after that time depending on the schedule. Keep in mind, we are a small office. Vicki is the only psychic. There are times Vicki has to leave the office early because it has been so busy. We tend to believe our customers would prefer to have a quality reading rather than a rushed service. Vicki is always psychic, but like anyone who works, there are times when you hit overload and need to get away in order to do a better job. Always feel free to contact me by email - I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I will send your questions to Vicki alone because we do not want your questions to overtake what Vicki will psychic-ally pick up from the pet. If Vicki reads “why is Fido peeing on my blue rug?” it places the thought of “behavior problems” in Vicki’s mind and that can actually take her focus off any other details that may be important. We don’t want your pet reading to just focus on any one topic. Your reading is not going to be filled with a lot of cheesy “Fido loves you. Fido thanks you” type of stuff. Your reading will not be filled with the predictable predictions like “Fido likes to chase cars and bark”.

I started working with Vicki several years ago. At that time, even though I was a pet owner, I don’t know that I was a true believer in animal communication thru the use of a psychic. After Vicki read for my dogs, I was a believer. She didn’t just tell me things that I felt would be a “given” - she did tell me things about our everyday habits and lifestyle. Which I thought amazing! To provide you with the best reading possible, I separate the questions from the photo and name so that Vicki begins your reading with no preconceived notions or expectations.


If your pet is deceased - we leave the decision up to you on whether to let Vicki know that the pet has crossed over or not.

If you do not tell me when you send over the required information that your pet is deceased, Vicki will NOT mention anything she picks up around fatality matters or death. She does not make mention of death whether she senses it or not.

As our website states, Vicki does not predict death & terminal. Not for humans and not for pets. She does not allow her psyche to tune into certain areas. One of these exceptions is the time period of transition (the prelude to death). She does connect with people and pets ONCE they have crossed over.

Vicki also asks that she not tune into or pick up on terminal illness. (illnesses that are typically incurable)

The reason? There are several reasons why Vicki has decided it is not for her to tune into these parts of life. As she explains, there are some things that are between God and the soul of the pet or person. Death is one of them. Also, Vicki is honest in telling anyone, she is not going to be 100% accurate. It is impossible for any psychic to be 100% accurate and this is usually their downfall….thinking that they ARE infallible. It would be a horrible deed to put the thought that someone’s day of death is on a certain date. Vicki believes this can bring about self fulfilled prophecy as well as just being wrong on such a tender subject. Vicki is what is known as a spiritual sensitive. Her body and mind actually takes on the feelings, sentiments, emotions and traumas of others (when opened and accepting of it). This means if she allowed herself to connect to death and terminal illnesses, she would literally feel the things the person or pet crossing over would feel - as well as the emotions and sadness their loved ones would experience. Vicki did not always know how to stop these overwhelming feelings from happening. But, once she did, she decided to stick with that decision and leave something’s, in the qualified hands of God.

Now if Vicki knows the pet has crossed, she will share anything she picks up about them now (on the other side) and anything that she is able to sense about their health issues before they passed.

If there are any health issues that can be prevented and/or prepared for, then yes Vicki will share what she picks up medically.

Even if you prefer not to mention that the pet has crossed, there are times you may notice Vicki is making a gentle mention of her concern around the pets health - you may even notice Vicki has mentioned names, initials or descriptions of people and pets familiar to your life that are also crossed over.

Be sure to pay close attention to the words Vicki shares -

as she may be tapping into information about the pets passing, illness or who they are with, descriptions of the passing…and Vicki herself will not even be aware of what is coming thru.

Be sure to continue to use the same email address that you used thru Paypal when contacting me!

I can open anywhere from 10 to 200 emails a day.
To make sure our prepaid customers, like yourself, receive immediate attention, I place the email addresses that you used thru Paypal on my alert list. Until your reading from Vicki is sent to you - your email address will appear in a bold font to me.

If you do not want your reading sent to the email address I am sending this form letter too please, let me know by sending me an email using the same email address you used thru Paypal - and place the new email address inside of that email.

Once I receive your photos, your questions and the name(s)
of the pet(s) I will contact you again by email to let you know your photo, pets name and questions have been received.

At that time I will also provide you with an ESTIMATED delivery date that you can expect your reading.

The time I provide you with IS estimated. Vicki is a full time professional psychic. She not only does telephone, in person and email readings, but she also takes part in other facets of the job. From grand openings to psychic investigations. There are times when she is pulled outside of the office without notice - and there are times when we are extraordinarily busy for such a small office.

We feel quality is more important than quantity.
Once Vicki becomes tired, distracted or unfocused, she ends her day rather than to do more readings. We ask for your patience.

It is very important that you contact me by email or phone the office if your reading has not been received by the date I provided. Sometimes the Internet is not failsafe and emails can get lost or never sent. I am glad to find out if the reading has indeed been provided or is still in queue.

Email readings are provided in the order they are received.
The only time an email reading would go in front of your reading

is in the missing pet cases.

*We do not offer refunds on email readings.

If for any reason, you want to cancel your reading, you must contact me immediately. If Vicki has started your pet reading, there will be no refund.

If for any reason during your time with us, you have questions about the readings, about your reading or anything else that I can help you with, please feel free to email me. This is why I am here.

To once again, go one step beyond providing the best customer service and the best pet readings available, Vicki and myself have created yet another form letter ( J ) that will explain how to best understand your pet reading, what Vicki’s terminology means, and amazing and interesting stories from previous pet readings - let me know when you return your pets photo and name. I will be glad to send that email over.

Thank you very much for taking time to read this lengthy email.

I will now look for your email that will contain your pets name, photo and questions.

With Warm Regards,
Appointment Coordinator & Assistant to Psychic Vickiveil








Before ordering, receiving a psychic reading with VickiVeil, please take the time to read the following, in full.

The readings provided by Psychic Vickiveil’s consultations are intended to offer a spiritual & positive look
into a person’s life and do not in any way, constitute legal, financial, medical or professional advice.

Your psychic consultation is subject to your own personal interpretation.
Vicki’s readings are very clear, practical and honest.

If you feel that you do not understand what Vicki is saying in a reading, let her know.
Make sure, you hear what Vicki is saying over what you would wish she would say.

If you feel you are unable to understand a reading - or you feel you may not want to make changes in your life
to bring about a better outcome - its best that you decide against this reading.

By engaging in a reading with Vickiveil, you understand that Vicki does NOT
diagnose and/or predict DEATH and/or TERMINAL ISSUES! This is something decided between you and God.

This office (including staff & Vicki) reserves the right to refuse service to
any person, group or contact as and when we see fit.

Vicki remains to be one of very few professional psychics that offer a validation of connection
being hired for the telephone readings. Please continue to read on in order to understand this option.
This option is available for TELEPHONE READINGS ONLY. It is NOT valid on email readings.

If there is no connection - you will not be charged and the call will end.
(the validation of connection is not a time to ask your questions.
This is a time period Vicki provides for free, to you, to verify an accurate psychic connection to you.)

Once the validation of connection time period has ended,
Vicki will ask you if you would like to continue with your reading.

If you feel as though Vicki’s style is not what you are looking for or if for any reason,
you do not want to continue with the reading - decline the offer to proceed.
There are no questions asked and never any hard feelings.
If you choose to go onward and begin to ask your questions, discuss your topics...
you WILL be charged for any and all time used.

If you have paid thru the office for your reading or via Paypal -
and NO PART of the reading has taken place outside of the verification of accurate connection - then
we will refund your fee thru Paypal.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND that it may take up to 14 business days for us to process your refund!
This means your refund may not be immediate.

If you choose to go ahead to your reading -
Vicki will tell you the starting time of your reading.

She will say “It is 10:05 AM”
This means charging has been initiated.
Even once your reading has started - you may still stop your reading and you will be charged only for the time used.

AGAIN - if you proceed past the point where Vicki asks if you would like to continue with your reading,
this is when charging begins - you may stop your reading - but after that point, you will be charged for the TIME YOU
have used with Vicki after she stated the starting time of your reading. (You will still not be charged for the
verification/validation portion of the reading)

In fact, at any time thru the reading, you can tell Vicki that you would like to stop the reading and
you will be charged only for the time you have used.

This means - if you called Vicki at 10 AM and the validation process took 6 minutes
and it is now 10:06 AM. Vicki asks “Would you like to continue with your reading?”
You reply yes.
Vicki says “it is now 10:08 AM” - and you decide 13 minutes later,
you have asked all of your questions…or you didn’t get the results you expected or wanted ...
 if you have told Vicki that you would like to stop the reading
… you will be charged for 13 minutes.

If you feel as though you do not understand this policy,
once again, we suggest that this may not be the reading for you.

Before your call with Vicki ends -
Vicki will let you know the amount of time you used
and the dollar amount that will be charged to your Visa/MasterCard
(if you are paying thru our office)
If there is any difference in what you believe to be the time period used
and what Vicki is stating - you must let her know AT THIS TIME.

If you have used Paypal to purchase your reading, this means you have prepaid
- Vicki will never just hang up on you or go silent when the time you have prepaid for has ended.

She will begin to complete the topic/question she is addressing.
This usually takes 2 to 6 minutes. This time will be free to you.
Vicki will always tell you if she is going into more time that will incur further charges.

If you have used Paypal and you feel that you have more questions for Vicki,
you may always purchase more time thru our office using Visa/MasterCard, on the spot,
or the call may end with Vicki, and you can return to Paypal to acquire another reading with Vicki for a later time.



If you feel the need to file a dispute …
and a reading from Vickiveil was in fact provided to you …
we will contest the dispute to the fullest extent.

And a dispute voids any and all confidentiality.

Our office & Psychic Vickiveil attempts to provide you
with the best customer service and psychic readings, possible.

After 16 years of providing professional psychic readings,
we have had a total of 5 disputes filed against our office.
Three of them were actually filed by way of a “online psychic
community” Vicki worked for.

This means in 16 years - our office has directly had 2 disputes.
Even the company that anoints our credit card services to us, remarked on the prestige & honor we should feel.

We feel the reason we have had only 2 disputes filed is because
Vicki has provided the verification of connection process from the very first reading
she ever provided.

As you will see if you choose to have the telephone reading with Vicki…
she makes certain she connects with you…or else the reading does not happen.
We are not able to offer a stop the reading guarantee for email readings.

As of February 4th, 2012, we have decided if a customer requests their fee back,
they have received Vicki’s service and time - we will not hesitate to contest and prove
the legitimacy of the delivery of our services to Visa/MasterCard/Paypal.
Be sure to stop back soon to read the "Vicki Speaking" article on why we decided
to make such strong changes to our dispute policy.


Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a connection time period for those who order email readings.

In the past, we provided the validation of connection before hire to those seeking out an email reading.

Regrettably, people from the World Wide Web thought this meant Vicki will answer your questions for free.
We went from receiving 20 to 30 emails per day inquiring about the readings to 80 plus emails.
That was in 2002.

Since Vicki’s appearance in STAR Magazine and other well known facets of the media,
it is not unusual for us to receive 70 plus emails in a days time inquiring about readings.
If we were to offer the free connection process for the email readings,
we expect our 70-ish emails - would grow to double their current size.

And from our calculations, if we were to bring in the extra staff that would be needed to process those emails ,
Vicki’s rate would have to double in price across the board. With the email readings taking the hardest hit.

The 1 question email reading would have to go from $20 to $50.

We are just like any business, we would have to charge our customer a higher rate
in order to hire in a larger staff to manage the freebie seekers emails.


If your email reading has been provided,
and you choose to dispute your fee… all dispute rules will apply.

If a dispute is filed and a reading from Vickiveil was in fact provided to you - we will contest the dispute to the fullest extent.

Disputes void any confidentiality.

Our office and Psychic Vickiveil attempts to provide you with the best customer service and psychic readings, possible.
After 16 years of providing professional psychic readings, we have had a total of 5 disputes filed against our office.

As of February 4th, 2012, we have decided if a customer requests their fee back,
after they have received Vicki’s service and time - we will not hesitate to contest and prove legitimacy
of the delivery of our services to Visa/MasterCard/Paypal.


Copyright ©  2001-2011-2012
All Rights Reserved
  Registered & Protected