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1st Monday of every month
1:00 pm
Ladies Auxiliary Building
For further information call 546-3321 or 546-9915.

There are several fundraiser events scheduled for the near future and several fundraiser items being at the present time.

Morgan's Raid Festival

September 20 & 21, 2003

Call 740.546.9915 or 740.546.3321 to help organize and produce this new community festival.

Donations accepted!
Please send to:
Harrisville Society of Friends
P.O. Box 43
Harrisville, OH 43974

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Flower Contest
If you would like for a registration card please send an email or call 546-9915 or 564-3321.

On September 6, 2002 a new organization was formed in Harrisville. The purpose of the organization is to help make Harrisville a better place to live. Its members can be anyone that assist the community in any way. You need not be a resident to join the organization.

This organization was founded by Nancy Cullen and Shari Friend to form a non-profit organization to assist the village in ways that the other organizations, such as the Auxiliary, Ruritans, and Lions Club, cannot provide. The purpose is to help with community development, beautify the village, and to create a better and safer environment. Funds raised will be used for Christmas Lights, Landscaping, Street and Gardening projects, Flower Contest, Town Picnic, Morgan's Raid Festival, and many more future projects.

The organization meets on the 1st Monday of every month at 1:00 p.m. at the Ladies Auxiliary Building. If you wish to join you can do so by attending the next meeting or by calling 546-9915 or 546-3321.

Several fundraiser events are scheduled for the near future. To see the fundraiser event schedule or to view the fundraising items click here.

Upcoming scheduled events sponsored by the organization are the Flower Contest in June and The Morgan's Raid Festival in September. A huge project that is currently being planned is to create a Memorial Park on the school property overlooking the ball field. This park will have a gazebo, benches, flag pole with light, memorial monument, water fountain, etc. Future events will be scheduled at the gazebo such as Easter Egg hunts, Summer music festivals, Memorial Day Events, and much more. It will also be available for weddings by reservation and small fee.

We have a good start for the organization but we need more members and dedicated workers to help reach our goals. You are all welcome! For further information you can send an email or call 546-9915 or 546-3321.

Mission Statement
We are committed to sharing our personal abilities to use positive thought, pureness of heart, and great integrity to help create a friendlier, safer, and more beautiful environment for the Village of Harrisville, Ohio.

Special Note
The Harrisville Society of Friends is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation. It is not affiliated with the village council or any other group or organization already in existence.

The purpose of the Society is strictly to help with community development, make improvements within the village, help create a safer and more beautiful environment, and to help unite the village through the sponsored events and projects.

The Society cannot make any changes or enforce any laws relating to any personal owned property.

Permission has been granted by the village council for the development of a memorial park on the village property done through funds raised by the Society. Developmental Plans will be coordinated with the council's guidance and assistance.



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