Name - Yon Chong

Nicknames - YonChong aka Mizto Cho aka Big Yun

Years breathing - Since 85

Sex - Male

years skating - 3

Tech dog or Slash dog - HardCore

Regular or Goofy stance -regular looking goofy

Favorite people to skate with - Anybody

Favorite place to skate - In my pants...Anywhere

Board setup - Baker spitfire indys

Favorite Pro Team - Zero slash Baker

Favorite Skate videos - eastern exposures

Best Pro Skater - Steven Frankland, Getz

Favorite Tricks - Manuals , noseslides , picking my nose

Other things you enjoy besides Skateboarding - Dreaming about being a sandwich artist...

Favorite Movie - Mallrats

Favorite Band - anything that pumps me .....Usually Punk...

How do you feel about Coshocton - Rox the Casbah psyche!

Are you going to hell - uh maybe when i see

>In 500 words or more describe yourself - Big Dog Shi* Big Dog Shi* Big Dog Shi* Big Dog Shi* Big Dog Shi* Big Dog Shi* Big Dog Shi*