Name - Dan Kim

Nicknames - Kim Shim

Years breathing - 17

Sex - Male

years skating - 4

Tech dog or Slash dog - Tech

Regular or Goofy stance - Regular

Favorite people to skate with - Skaters

Favorite place to skate - Anywhere cool

Board setup - Baker-Andrew Reynolds, Venture Trucks, Some Korean piece of crap bearings and wheels

Favorite Pro Team - Birdhouse

Favorite Skate videos - Baker2G, Foundation "Art Bars", Mullen VS. Song 2, Couple Zeros

Best Pro Skater - Andrew Reynolds

Favorite Tricks - Kf Bs Ts

Other things you enjoy besides Skateboarding - Chillin

Favorite Movie - Any Adult Videos

Favorite Band - Anything Good To Me

How do you feel about Coshocton - Carazy....Full of hicks

Are you going to hell - Been There And Back

In 500 words or more describe yourself - LOSER