For You Are Holy


Let me breath the sent of your essence,

Know the itimacy of your thoughts,

Feel the timber of your voice surround me,

For you are Holy...

Hold me within your embrace,

Protect me with your Aura,

Speak to me of Heaven,

For you are Holy...

I shall bow to your shadow,

Cry out with your name upon my lips,

Sing your praises to the darkest skies,

For you are Holy...

I shall not forsake you,

I live to be only in your presence,

I fall down on my knees in awe before you now,

For you are Holy...

Send a thousand Angels to my side,

Create for me a silent chamber,

Let me quietly worship you there,

For you are Holy...

Embrace me with all your Glory,

Guide me to the path of light,

Let me bask an eternity with you there,

For you are Holy...

Hold my heart now Sweet Jesus,

I dedicate my life to service,

In honor of your name,

For you are Holy....

@bydyana2000 Poem not to be used without permission.

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Angel's I have met on my Path, may they know Peace.