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The Greatest Wolf3d TC Ever!!
Home Screenshots Aardwolf EAJ Online Hint Book Contact
Vegas Downloads Links Eat At Joes 2 DFG


Eat At Joes! -- Download this file and unzip it to a good location. Then just run Wolf3d.exe and play episode 1.

Eat At Joes 2: Joes Revenge

Eat At Joes 2: Joes Revenge! -- Download this file and unzip it to a good location. Then just run Wolf3d.exe
Eat At Joes 2: Joes Revenge SETUP! -- Download this file and unzip it. Run the only file, setup.exe, to install EAJ2! Then just run the icon on the desktop!

Other Files

Old Level 5: -- This level was taken out because... well look at the Online Hint Book to see. You need to have EAJ installed first because this is only the map files!!
NOTE: These maps are now standard v1.38 maps except for level 5 which is the original, crazy map.

Early EAJ2 Art:
These are some sprites from early in the development of EAJ2 that we decided not to use, for they do not fit the "feel" of later progress of EAJ2. There are 58 bmp files spanning 3 enemies. These are free to use, but property of DasFooz Gamez. Please read the file "PixReadMe" for more information. Download some unused art!

Aardwolf BMP:
Download the original aardwolf sign aardwolf.bmp (right-click, Save-As...)