Weight Loss Formula
Diet And Weight Loss
The Yummie Patch Cookie
Developed by Dr. Kenneth Absher!
Yummie Patch Cookie!
A Cookie that combines good
with yummie taste!
Lowers blood sugar levels, blocks fat metabolism, and promotes the burning of fat
The Yummie Patch Cookie: A veritable
All-In-One Weight Loss Capsule The All-In-One Weight Loss Capsule contains every natural, nonstimulating agent that has been shown to induce fat loss.
Instead of having to open several different weight-loss supplements before each meal, the All-In-One Weight Loss Capsule enables you to take four to eight capsules before each meal or take a pocketful of capsules with you if you are going out to eat.
Here is the impressive list of ingredients contained in each All-In-One Weight Loss Capsule:
- Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) 125 mg
- Chromium Picolinate 25 mcg
- Chromium Polynicotinate 25 mcg
- Gymnema Sylvestri Extract 50 mg
- Fat-Absorbing Fiber Blend 400 mg
- Chitosan-Pectin-Guar Gum-Psyllium Husk
- Antioxidant Complex
Eating causes the production of free radicals, which is why you should take antioxidant vitamins like Life Extension Mix with every meal. We have added a low potency antioxidant blend to the All-In-One Weight Loss Capsule to provide you with protection against dietary induced free radical activity. We also include 50 mcg of folate in every capsule to help prevent the conversion of dietary proteins into the atherogenic agent homocysteine.
Weight Loss Formula
The All-In-One Weight Loss Capsule
Why Are Americans So Fat?
Lipaen Americans are overweight, but is dietary fat the reason, when members of previous generations often consumed higher percentages of dietary fat than many overweight people today?
In the 1980s, Americans gained on average of 8 pounds each, yet consumption of diet drinks and low-fat foods was much higher than in the previous decade. Today, "lite" versions of almost every processed food are being consumed by Americans obsessed with losing weight. Yet despite eating low fat foods, the fat epidemic continues unabated. Let's take a look at why so many Americans are overweight. . .


Suzanne Somers' Get Skinny on Fabulous Food is filled to the brim with stories of weight loss success from followers of the Somersize plan first laid out in Eat Great, Lose Weight. The book also includes more of the enticing recipes that make it so easy to stay faithful to Somers' dieting plan. Countless dieters, sick of depriving themselves of great food and eventually straying from their regimen, have found success with the Somersize program. Get Skinny on Fabulous Food, written in Somers' trademark friendly, breezy tone, aims to help others achieve lasting weight loss, too.