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Web Alert..... Is Star Trek dead... It has been said that Star Trek is dead well I dont think so..... I know there are fans that always have been fans..... Well I say we Star Trek Fans need to unite and tell the powers that be that we want Star Trek to live..... So I say we let them know.... Tell Paramount we want Star Trek to live and keep growing.... So its up to you to let them know..... send Email , snail mail and tell them we want Star Trek to have new movies and new shows....there is a man in the Cleveland area that is pushing a new series with George Tekei As the captian and thats going back to the shows Roots let them know if you like this Idea and lets do this this.... Live Long and Prosper

I have always thought Hey what is the best Enterprise. We always like to pick the best Star Trek series. The original series was my favorite. Now you can pick your favorite enterprise, Do you like the first one or the last one, now is your turn to pick your favorite. Now think hard and pick your favorite enterprise.

They all have there up sides and down sides. It seams the first one was always having Scotty fixing it. But he Always seams to fix it in the nick of time. (Scotty was always a miracle worker)It could be he was just a great Chief Enginier or the ship was just a great ship. Its up to you to chose the coolest enterprise.
Good Luck and Live Long And Prosper.



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