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Monday, May 10, 1999

Well we are still trying to save the Kosovo Albainbans. Well now NATO hit the Chinese embassy, the Chinese are now mad and want an apology. Well it seems that the info we got from the CIA was a bad. They said the maps that they used where old ones. Well want the hell is going on. It is not going well for NATO and it has a lot to do with the shotty leadership from President Clinton. Its seams to the President wont a nice clean war so no one hurt, well it don't work that way. You want to pick and choose your target, and have no acidents.(ya right) If this was planed right from the start we wouldn't have so many problems. The President has not lisen to his advisors or he would have planed better. Now we are in to deep to get out. We have to get this going are way or we are going to LOSE. Well people, Its time now to tell the govn't to get on the ball and plan to win this thing. We need to look at past lessons and get it right.

In 1991 we went to war to save the Middle East from Iraq. We had the plan and the leadership to lead us to victroy. President Bush knew what we wanted to do and got it done. He listen to his advisors to Lead Us to victroy. We found out it wasn't all we needed to do, but he got what he wanted done. We need to learn that lesson. We need to finsh what we started and do it right. So Mr. President start being a leader and DO THE RIGHT THING and LEAVE THE WAR TO THE MILATARY! Mr. president we know your dont trust the milatary but we have the best milatary in the world so let them do there job.

And to the Chinese. Sorry we hit your embassy but get over it. It's all part of war. You also have to remember you are not so inocent you have your trangresions across the world so keep that in mind.

Well thats it for today
Have a nice week


On Tuesday April 20 1999 the unthinkable happened. Two teenagers destroyed the lives of the families of 12 students, one teacher and their own. Infact the lives of maybe all of the students of Columbine High School and the community of Litteton Co. There world was rocked by the shootings they thought couldn't happen in there school. The world was shocked by the images the seen on TV. As I was driving home for work I heard on the radio I too was shocked. I thought about my children in school and my heart sank. I was praying for the families and the children who's lives where destroyed that day.

Now six days later I have time to reflect on everything that happened The talking heads all have the answers It is the guns, video games, music, and movies that was at fault. Well if that was the case it would be solved. As we all know there is no easy answers. In a world of on demand abortion and save the whales kids are getting mixed signals. Its ok the kill a unborn child and not ok to kill a person. It's easy to blame guns or music or movies. What is hard is to find the real problems. We need to sit down and find the right solusions. People want to ban guns or censor music and video games. That is not the answer. In a free society you can't ban everything that is deemed bad by the few. In a free society you have a responsiblity to make laws that do not impeed on the rights of the people you are trying to protect.

I know not everyone will see my point of view but, however I feel that we need to look at the real problems of our society. As tragic as the event (or events) are we will not solve the real problems until we sit down and discus the problems and find the right solutions. This is not the time for over reacting. It is our responiblity, and I mean everyones to find the causes and effects at the root to solve this terible problem. I do not have the answers. However I hope that this artical will open your mind and we can slove the problems at hand.

Thank you

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