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Adult Faith Formation
Deacon George A. Mais, Jr.
Our Mission
The Adult
Faith Formation Team at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish is dedicated to the vision and
practice of lifelong learning in faith. This is in accordance with the Church’s
call to give primacy within the catechetical and religious education ministry to
the faith formation of adults. The team’s primary focus will be to develop
educational and spiritual programs that respond to the needs and concerns of the
adult members of our parish community. The team seeks always to be open to
growth and to new possibilities that provide a suitable environment for adult
To survey the educational and spiritual interests and needs of our
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Community.
To identify community and societal issues with which an adult
catechetical program should be concerned.
To analyze our survey results and establish priorities among the
various interests and needs identified,
To formulate both short and long-term goals and directions for the
To invite outside facilitators that promise to challenge and deepen
our faith.
To perform periodic program evaluation.
Adult Confirmation
Sessions are held to prepare adults who have been baptized and received
the Eucharist for the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation.
These weekly meetings begin in February and continue until Pentecost
(late May or early June)
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Team Member:
Process to assist those considering becoming baptized members of the
Catholic Church or those who have been baptized and have not received
the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. The team meets with
those interested on Sunday mornings after the 9:30am Mass to discuss the
Sacred Scriptures and the truths and teachings of the Church.
Sunday Scripture Group
Members discuss and pray with the upcoming week's Sacred Scriptures using
the readings and materials provided. This group meets in the
fall (October to November) and in the spring (March to April) to
encourage Catholics to read the Bible. The group meets on
Tuesday evenings from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm and on Wednesday mornings
from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. This fall 2010 we are planning to
study the Book of Exodus.
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York. All rights reserved.