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Beauty Page

This is our beauty page.... enjoy! We have articles, below, and even belower (is that a word?) is a list of top 4 links, not in any particular order, to other beauty pages. To submit a beauty page, e-mail me. The link is at the bottom of the page.

EYE LOVE IT: Toss away your pastel shadows for the summer... they'll make you look too pale. Time to make way for the members of the YELLOW family... the golden hues will make you appear tanner. WARNING: only attempt to use these colors will only look good once you've got a tan!

NAIL THAT LOOK!: Hate the hassle of dipping your polish brush constantly back into the bottle while you're doing your nails? Well, listen up: cosmetics companies have finally started to wise up. Now, you can get nail polish in a squeezable bottle with a brush applicator at the bottom of it, so you now don't have to dip over and over again-- you don't even have to dip once! They're now available at local pharmacies and accessory stores.

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Top 4 Beauty Links

Hard Candy
Cover Girl
