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Devil*Grrl's Fashion Page

Welcome to our fashion page! If you spot any totally cool trends in your area, e-mail us and we'll add it in... the link is at the bottom.

FLOWER POWER!- Hawaiian prints are one of the highlights of Summer '98. On 'em are totally cool flowers, which are the trademark of the surfer style. Check out surfer brands such as Roxy by Quiksilver, Rusty, and Girlstar, or you can go to Surfergrrl Magazine for more surfing info.

WAY WEIRD- I've been noticing around (as in the Village in NYC and other areas) that a very interesting fashion statement today is to get as weird as possible... they call it "an expression of individuality", I call it cool. They've given the WWW a new name: the Wide World of Weird. Get funky with some silver tights (like my good friend Ilene!) and anything that looks vintage.
