Judy's Dead Animals

Hear our humble prayer, Oh God,
for our friends the animals,
especially for animals who are suffering;
for any that are hunted or lost, or
deserted or frightened or hungry;

for all that must be put to death.



We entreat for them all thy mercy and pity
for those who deal with them
we ask a heart of compassion and gentle hands and kindly words.

Make us, ourselves, to be true friends to animals and so to share
the blessings of the merciful.

--Albert Schweitzer

Squeakers was such a good cat. Just like Baby Love is the sweetest dog I ever saw, Squeakers was the sweetest cat and the most gentile! Hannah used to laugh so hard, because Squeakers didn't care one bit if she carried him upside down.

He got bit by a damned tick. Caused a blood disease that was caught too late to medicate. Dr Mays in Clinton put him to sleep. Poor Squeak. He loved living so much.

My Brutus

He was the most fun dog I ever had.
Great Danes are HILARIOUS!
I miss him so much.
In fact, I GRIEVE for him; and he's been dead for many years.

If there are no dogs in Heaven,
then when I die I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers

Until one has loved an animal,
a part of one's soul remains unawakened.

- Anatole

My other dead animals I will get to see again in Heaven:

Whitey ... was mother's dog before she left home - a female rat terrier who was my playmate when I was a lonely little girl.
Boots - was Auntie Della's dog before she left home - Whitey's pup, looked like a cockapoo.
Bo-Bo ... my male pekingnese when I was a kid. Great guard dog!
Bear - wonderful dog that got mange, but Bud Easley wouldn't get Vet treatment for it. He was sent to the pound.
Mitzi ... a black male part chihuahua who was killed by dogs in Hiwasse.

Tommy ... my grey tom cat when I was a little girl. He and Whitey kept the scary rats away when I was asleep.
Don Diego Negro Gato ... My black male cat I got when I was learning Spanish in the 9th grade.
Damien ... my beloved black male cat who was torn to pieces by two chows in Denver.
Mama Kitty who followed me and Brutus around all over the place in Moapa.
George, her male yellow tiger kitten who was blind in one eye and got hit by a car on the highway.

I can't stand it.

I so hope nothing else dies before I do -
whether it's one of my loved ones or even just an animal.

Ever since Kelly and Mardi died,
I have become very sensitive to anything dying - even a stupid bug!

* Main Index / Introduction
* Index - Judy's Family History
* Index - Judy's History, Comments, etc.
* Index - Judy's Christ-Centered Pages
