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Record of Clan Matches and Scores:

OpponentDateWP PlayersOpponent PlayersOutcomeDescription
EOLNov. 5Born, BarqBjkidd, JchevaVictoryWP doubles Bjkidd, Cheva comes to aid Kidd, Barq almost killed, Born with most troops left.
BWNov 7Born, DinoHart, BlitzVictoryAcross alliance in a 2on2. BW chooses to double Born, WP doubles Hart. Hart is killed by riders and Dino's army. Born dies quickly afterwards, but kills blitz's riders. Blitz is slowly killed right after halftime.
BWFeb, 11Nightmare, DinoI.RS, HartdartVictoryThe alliance function freezes for WP, ie. can't ally. 2 seperate 1on1s result. Dino attacks hart's army, hart wins slightly, but dies to Dino's riders and comcen missiles. Nightmare decimates I.RS's army, and at the beginning of the 2nd half, I.RS's com charges and dies.

Breakdown of clan matches

2 on 2: 3-0

3 on 3: 0-0

4 on 4: 0-0

Total: 3-0 Percentage: 100%

(side note, while this may seem unnecessary now, I hope we play enough games, where this page is gigantic. It should make more sense then.)

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