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Gateway To Tarot - January 2006

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Gateway to Tarot
May 2006

Welcome to Gateway To Tarot. As you all know, I am no longer sending out monthly newsletters. What I will be doing from time to time is sending you links to my reviews, and bits of Tarot trivia and goings on in the Tarot world that I find interesting. Thank you for joining me on my journey. This newsletter is sent out to subscribers only. If you have received this newsletter in error, please send a blank e-mail to: Gateway To Tarot with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. If you were forwarded this newsletter, and would like to subscribe, please send a blank e-mail to: Gateway To Tarot with "subscribe" in the subject line. Newsletters from January 2003 on are archived on my site,

My thanks to each of you for continuing to be part of this process. If you do not wish to receive future newsletters (random as they will be), please contact me at: with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Mitakuye Oyasin - For All Of Our Relations.

Bonnie Cehovet, TE
Editor/chief bottle washer


Tarot Affirmations
21 Ways To Read A Tarot Card
The Enochian Tarot
Integral Tarot
Tarot Journaling
Mirror of the Free
Playing With Symbols
Tarot Talismans
The Tarot of Cornelius Agrippa


The Babylonian Tarot
Bosch Tarot
Golden Tarot of Klimt
Kaleidoscope Tarot

DeckFinder Tarot Software


Dream Exploration
Essential Psychic Healing
Founding Fathers, Secret Societies
The Mystery Traditions
Sacred Plant Medicine


A full listing of non-Tarot oracle reviews can be found here:


Joanna Powel-Colbert is having a showing of her Gaian Tarot art in Seattle from May 6th thru June 1st. See: Ant Gallery


Johanna Powell-Colbert has the Two's up for the Gaian Tarot (progressing) Minor Arcana here - Gaian Tarot Two's


Marie has two more cards for her in-progress Mary-el Tarot here: Mary-el Tarot, Knight of Disks, and Knight of Wands.


Information on Kris Waldher's revised "Book of Goddesses" can be found here: Book of Goddesses.


Tarotpedia, an online Tarot version of Wikipedia, can be seen here: It is sponsored by Aeclectic Tarot (, the Association For Tarot Studies (, and (


I received the following from Orphalese Tarot developer Richard Jeffries. With his permission, I am sharing it here.

Dear Friend,

I am writing to you because at some point in the past you have registered the Orphalese Tarot and have indicated that you do not mind receiving the occasional email, or you have added your name to our mailing list. In fact it has been three years since I sent out a general email of this kind, so I hope nobody will feel hounded!

There have been some very important developments with the program, and I need to pass on some advice about upgrading to the Version 7.2 of the Orphalese Tarot. If you do not have time to upgrade now, please save this email somewhere safe so you can refer back to it when you do come to upgrade.

First of all, the .NET Framework has itself been upgraded. Microsoft released Version 2.0 of the .NET Framework earlier this year, and it includes important bug fixes as well as security updates and many small efficiency tweaks.

The latest version of the Orphalese Tarot runs on version 2.0 of the .Net Framework. If you have Windows "auto-updates" activated you most probably already have this. Otherwise you will need to download this free upgrade from Microsoft. I understand that the download of about 22 megabytes will cause problems for some users with slow connections, and to support those users I can also send out CDs that contain the files in question. Please see below for more details if you need to take advantage of this. The upgrade to version 7.2 is entirely free for all existing customers.

Orphalese Tarot now lets you browse through all the images of the full 720 (and growing!) decks in the Tarot Zone. You can check out the full deck, in its entirety, without having to download it. Now you can take a peek at that deck you have been so curioius about!

The steps you need to take to upgrade are as follows:

1) Check whether you have version 2.0 of the .NET Framework. The easiest way to do this is to go into Start >> Control Panel >> Add or Remove Programs. It should appear in the list as Microsoft .NET Framework 2. Otherwise you need to download it.

2) If necessary, download Version 2 of the .NET Framework here and double-click to install it. Important: you should not remove any previous versions of the .NET Framework. Other programs may be relying on them.

3) Uninstall your current version of the Orphalese Tarot. This will not affect any decks and spreads that you have installed or downloaded since installing Orphalese. The one exception to this is if you installed the Orphalese Tarot from the disk that came with Ciro Marchetti's Tarot of Dreams. If so you will need to take a back-up of that deck. This is because the Tarot of Dreams deck was part of the installation and will therefore be removed when you uninstall the Orphalese Tarot.

4) Download version 7.2 of the Orphalese Tarot here. If this link fails to work you can find the download on Unzip and install it in the normal way by clicking on Setup.exe.

If you think you will be unable to upgrade without the CD, please let me know.


Richard Jefferies


Online Divination Sites

  • Kris Waldherr's Goddess Tarot
  • Kris Waldherr's Lover's Path Tarot
  • Joanna Powell Colbert's Gaian Tarot
  • Dr. Sally Hill's Tarot Affirmations deck.
  • The Victoria Regina Tarot
  • Interactive site for Amy Zerner & Monty Farber (Enchanted Tarot)
  • The Voyager Tarot (James Wanless)
  • Robin Ator's International Icon Tarot
  • ~~~~~

    Tarot Newsletters

    Receive e-mail updates to Aeclectic Tarot ( from Solandia at:


    Geraldine Amaral edits a Tarot print magazine, Celebrating The Tarot , that comes out on a yearly basis. For more information, see: Tarot Journal ( order%20Tarot%20Journal.htm)


    Robert M. Place, artist and visionary, gifts us with a newsletter entitled The Restored Temple of Hermes. The newsletter will be coming out every other month, and will include articles and a question and answer section. To subscribe, please e-mail Robert Place at:, with The Restored Temple of Hermes in the subject line.


    Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone of The Tarot School ( edit the long running newsletter Tarot Tips ( This newsletter is a wealth of information based on their personal work and the work done with their classes. If you want to know about Tarot - it is here!


    Gigi Miner edits an absolutely wonderful e-newsletter entitled Veritas. To sign up for the newsletter, e-mail Gigi at: with "newsletter" in the subject line.


    The World Tarot Network ( puts out a wonderful newsletter (edited by Deni Richter, TS), filled with all kinds of information - from Tarot, to Astrology and Numerology, to Feng Shui and Chakra's ... and more! To sign up, visit:


    Thank all of you who have joined me on this wonderful journey. May the future be well lit, and well traveled, for each of you.

    © May 2006

    No part of this newsletter may be reprinted without my express permission, in any venue, on line or off.

    The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.