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Tarot and Ritual

I have used ritual my entire life to help celebrate passages, personal and seasonal. As a child, I experienced the ritual of Easter baskets (which in my family included a small present in with the other goodies). I experienced the ritual of coloring Easter eggs, marking the rite of Easter but also teaching me to develope my creative self. I experienced the ritual of May Day, leaving tiny baskets of flowers on neighbors' doorsteps, ringing the bell and running away before they saw who the "gift" was from!

And then there was my sixteenth birthday, where I unintentionally created a ritual for where I was emotionally at that time (very unhappy, very confused). I marked my birthday (which is December 29th) by taking down all of the Christmas decorations the day before, so that "my" day would be "my" day! (Fortunately, I have a very patient mother, albiet one who prizes her Christmas decorations!)

As an adult, I have learned more appropriate ways of marking and celebrating change. Tarot came to me first as a tool in which others helped me find my way. This turned into my using Tarot not only to find my own way, but to help others find their way. I was extremely blessed in that one of the first Tarot books that I read was "Tarot For Your Self" by Mary Greer. She opened up a whole new world of how I could use Tarot; I will forever be in her debt.

One of my basic uses of Tarot in ritual is to draw a Card a Day, with no specific question, just to see where the focus of my day (and my life!) should be. I started with drawing from one Tarot deck; I now draw from two Tarot decks (Morgan Greer and Osho Zen), an angel card deck, and the the Medicine Card and Sacred Path decks by Jamie Sams (two decks that are non-Tarot but follow the same theme of self discovery). The decks affirm and expand on each other and help me see where my attention needs to be placed. (As an aside, they are also a pleasant way to start my day!)

I note my Card a Day results in a notebook. This allows me to see them clearer in reference to each other and shows the progression from day to day of how my life is going. Another thing that I occassionally do is to leave one (or all) of my daily cards out where I can see it (them) and take a moment to think about what the card(s) mean and what I can learn from them during the day.

Another way to do this is to pick a specific area of your life that you would like to receive information on. Go through your Tarot deck (hint: more than one deck can be used here) and purposefully pick cards that reflect on that area. Say that I was thinking about making a major career move, but was unsure of my ability to make a living in the new field. I might choose the High Priestess (to connect with the wisdom of the unconscious), the Magician (for his ability to manifest from my own potential), the Hierophant (for balance between the spiritual and the mundane) and Strength (to give me the ability to empower myself). I would place these cards in an area where they can be left out so that I can view them during the day. I leave the cards out until I feel that they have served their purpose, which may be several days. (I may also add crystals, flowers and candles to the "presentation" as the mood strikes!)

I also use Tarot from time to time in my regular rituals for Full Moon and Equinox. I decide what my purpose for each full moon will be, i.e., what I want to concentrate the moon's energies on. On a glass table I place candles, incense, flowers, crystals and a prayer that encompases that which I wish to accomplish. I pull from my decks cards that represent the powers that I need to accomplish my goal. This is set up on the full moon, and left up until the next full moon. I relight the candles every night and meditate on my purpose. (Please e-mail me at if you wish a copy of this ritual.)

In using Tarot in ritual, we take the power of ritual to mark points in our lives and add the power of the Tarot, which depicts humanity's walk through life. The following are excellent works for using Tarot in ritual. "Tarot For Your Self" by Mary Greer, which discusses using Tarot for setting up mandalas, for visualization, for meditation and for affirmation, among other things. Also, "Tarot Celebration: Honoring the Inner Voice" by Geraldine Amaral and Nancy Cunningham, which gifts us with specific rituals for each of the Major Arcana and much more!

Tarot has always been a doorway to the understanding of self for those who work with it . Tarot and ritual combined give us focus and intent, and open up whole new worlds! Bon voyage!!

Bonnie Cehovet
© June 2000

The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.