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Chapter 3-Pokemon Vengence

The darkness enveloped Mai as she hiked across the forest. The sound of a lone Zubat ringing over the trees and the soft gurgle of a stream cast a sleepy ambiance over her mind. Mai shuddered, she'd be at Mt. Moon withen the hour. Hours, miutes, what did it matter? Night seemed endless. When she arrived, she'd camp, then skirt the base around to Nivi.

As dawn broke the next morning, Mai carefully finished her stew then readied for the day's hike. It wouldn't take more then 3 hours for her to reach Nivi, and the sun at her back seemed to give an encouraging push towards vistory. She took a deep breath and stood, then started walking, listing for a pokemon or trainer, she had to test Starmie! Mai opened her pokedex, "So what might I find in a woodland area?"

"Bug Pokemon are commonly found in forested areas," it began, "But Pikachu and Rattatas are also woodland dwellers. Plant pokemon, like Oddish, also may be found there."

"In other words, Stars is at a disadvantage here." She snapped it shut and strained her eyes deep into the trees, "Perfect." She dug her fingers into the dirt and pulled up a stone which she threw into a clump of low growing shrubs. She grinned as a sharp rustling rewarded her. A very angry Poliwhirl pushed its way out followed by an equally pissed-off trainer.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing!?" he demanded, "You'll pay for that! Poli, get ready to attack!"

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