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Chapter 4-Pokemon Vengeance

Mai shrugged, then threw her pokeball up into the air, "Kei…" she stopped, she didn't have Pidgeot anymore! She reconsidered her strategy, "Starmie! Tackle it!" The pokemon flashed into view with a cry but paused at the unfamiliar voice giving the order. But after the pause, it still lept forward, into action.

"Jolteon, Thunder Wave." Came a soft voice from up in one of the trees. Mai and the other trainer each grabbed for a pokeball in an attempt to call their pokemon back in time, but both failed. In a bright flash, the 2 water pokemon were thrown back

Mai lept to the side to avoid having the large pokemon smash into her then ran into the center of the clearing, "Alright, who's there? Come out here you cowardly asshole!"

With the slight thump of paws, an undersized Jolteon lept down, followed by a cloaked man. The yellow and white pokemon snarled at Mai and the Poliwhirl's trainer as the man in the cloak brushed off a bit of dust.

"You son of a…" the other trainer began, "Poli! Use hypnosis attack, now!"

"Agility," the Jolteon flashed out of view, "Quick attack," it reappeared right in front of the Poliwhirl, and with a sneer slashed out with its sharp claws.

The Poliwhirl seemed to crumble beneath the attack as thick blood splattered to each side on to the ground.

The trainer sneered and called back to squealing Poliwhirl. He clipped it onto his belt and threw another pokeball. It skidded into the dirt,

"Phobi! Go!" He yelled. The ball clicked open, but nothing happened. The cloaked figure softly chuckled,

"Phobi? What kind of name is that?" he asked with only mild curiosity.

The trainer scratched his head, "It's short for Phobia, but I guess she hasn't learned her name yet," he clenched his fist, "Fearow! Let's go!" With a flash of white light and a billow of black smoke, the huge bird appeared, "Good! Now, use leer and teach that Jolteon what fighting's all about!"

The cloaked figure held up his hand, then turned his other hand over revealing a pokeball, "Not Jolteon," he casually tossed it forward, "Ivysaur. Put that pigeon in its cage."

The Fearow loomed over the frog-like creature in their Mexican stand-off. The trainer finally broke the silence, "Now!" The Fearow's eyes snapped wide open and took on an eerie blue glow. The Ivysaur swayed from side to side as Phobi crept forward step by step.

The cloaked figure glanced around nervously, weighing his options. "Don't just take it, Ivysaur!" he shouted at last, "Leech Seed!" the pokemon shook its head, then jumped back. The flower on its back glowed, the exploded in a white cloud.

Phobi shrieked as a multitude of vines wrapped around it with the sharp cracking of delicate wing bones. The Fearow screamed again an a red crackling of energy ran through the vines, sapping its health.

"Blizzard!" Mai's voice rang out. The cloaked figure turned to see a forgotten foe return, "Go! Freeze them both!" The Starmie swept 2 arms forward and formed a ball of water hovering in front of it.

"Star!" It swung around and burst the water into a thousand droplets that seemed to hang in the air a moment before shooting forward like so many darts.

Several slivers of ice stuck in both the Ivysaur and the Fearow. Each sliver glowed, then burst out into panels of ice, trapping the pokemon withen. The Ivysaur struggled slightly, then collapsed in defeat.

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