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Street Rag Home Page

LET'S FIGHT 'BIG OIL'...Here's how !!!

IMAGE NO.01 ABOVE Energy (electric) for everyone on this planet and free forever once we the world finance its installation. A user owned global system without the greed if each government prevent its exploitation by the same ones wanting it all.(cont)

IMAGE NO.02 ABOVE --STADIUMS--Instead of using them for only a main purpose like one spectator sport once or twice a week for only one given season why not use them every day every hour for all types of activties going on even at the same time. With the possibility of installing a convertible roof on all of them (8000) around the world at a cost of $20 million each approximately, that's a 160 billion dollar market possibility for new entrepreneurs. Those stadiums would then become one of the busiest areas even for surrounding businesses adjacent to them. The activities can be for personal participation such as tennis, roller blading, golf drive practicing onto a tarp up in the bleaches, bocchi ball, even a biking track around the top of the bleaches. bowling, concerts, dancing, etc, etc, ...You name it. Instead of dope pushers and gangs seeking trouble like we see now the stadiums and their surroundings are now where "all the action" is 365 days. In the winter the roof remains deployed as well as on rainy days. In the summer it can be retracted on dry and sunny days and even on starry nights. Deployment or retraction can even be done on reasonable windy days by positioning where to open or close it and or when its done. The fabric is in segments that can be replace easily should a tear occur in anyone of them because they are all held together with fasteners typical to big zippers. I can design that roof should there be any interest. For more data on STADIUMS change the address above to index2.html (cont)

(IMAGE NO.03 ABOVE --relates to battery swap stations for many powered activities such as scooters, bicycles, skateboards, roller blades etc, etc,(cont)

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ENERGY...IT'S ALL FREE AND FOREVER..! By the way..(feb.14,2002) Did this global energy concept here, and it is coming..,prompt ENRON to seek a monopoly through purchases of the existing networks and control higher costs for distribution globally and thus like the decimation of Bell Telephone Co. by those who have quadrupled our phone bills since, again soak the public on energy for even more profits also? Was it haste and greed that brought down their big dream. The idea I suggested was to have all countries participate, with their governments preferably providing the distribution free with tax money used for that purpose. Oh, well...! when will they learn?

Note:(This web page is non-©-copyrighted)(also,thecountries cited below,should they be interested,may have access to these ideas for exploitation on specific conditions.(cont)20-13-98-count16526

E-Mail at: Note: Much more material will be entered as soon as more image scanning means is or can be available.If you can help,although some others may object,meet me and let me know. Thank you.

"THE STREET RAG" Let's stop "Big Energy Costs" -HERE'S HOW.--!

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----See below, much more to come.--

Energy in abundance and forever.It's all free for everyone.Using most desert located in all continents around the world and interconnecting them via Alaska and also eventully through the North Atlantic islands (see MAGLEV at supersonic speeds Mach 10 in index4.html click below,once in,go to the bottom for tunnel connections), a never ending supply of energy totally with inert components can provide the world with free power and forever.The sun, shining on half the planet, supplies enough energy for the dark side as well via superconductor cables and without any power loss.It's installation cost would be financed by all proportionately, be it through various contributions of their labor, or materiel ,or cash$$ leaving no one out. Thus permitting even the smallest and poorest countries to participate and thus control their own destiny also.


the street rag

ideas suggestions solutions

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