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----See below,much more to come.--After all these centuries of fomenting never ending conflicts, by greedy and selfish interests,in Europe,never mind what we've seen else where in the last few centuries in other parts of the world, Europe is now leading the way for new possibilities.This page can also give us another possibility to an even greater objective. Global unity.. Then watch us go. Global transport, energy, communications, among many others. Hang in there!

the street rag

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TOMORROW----OUR WORLD Ever since the Roman Empire, new power groups had ambitions to rule our planet and it ain't over yet. Creating myths, using threats, intimidation , bribeby , etc, etc, using the masses , kings , emperors ,tsars, popes, emirs, etc, has, thru the last milleniums been the way to exploit and create more power only to shift it when threats or better possibilities came about. Most of the wars occuring especially in Europe were caused by such ambitions. Even new type "religions" like Communism and even Fascism were invented to persue controlling the masses who were becoming more litterate and wiser.When Democracies finally permitted the masses to control their own destinies then the power groups managed to penetrate them with money to again gain the high hand. All this can be changed should the masses make up their minds and persist in doing so. Meanwhile in the next half ceutury like we are seeing in Europe those nations merging into a bigger block, the same will hold true in other areas of the planet. A global authority will then be sought to permit greater possibilities for all Mankind's future then. The present power groups are still planning their own objectives and again try control all of us once again. Don't let them.! The Middle East is the objective for their centre of power. Instead a selected location remote to past history should be chosen permitting impartial objectives for Man's future. With all people equally represented and a redistribution of personal posessions and new opportunities with built-in incentives for limited personal wealth could we then permit new goals for man's 'garden of eden' while passing thru. It is the only life and opportunity he has and thus also permitting others the same for generations to come.The choice is ours. Tomorrow,---that could be our world.

THE WORLD CAPITAL within this century in South East Asia (Papua New Guinea...maybe.)

The Capital of the World will be in New Britain,Papua New Guinea .. .and that's in Year 2051 A.C. but also year 001 of a new World. The 8 Democratic Blocks have agreed to a global Government with each proportionately represented and chose a neutral site to show their good will

(image 1)Above is a map Showing the new Capital "Pacifica". (cont)

COMING...THE NEW INTERNATIONAL WORLD CAPITAL within this century will be in South East Asia (Papua New Guinea...maybe.)On the island of New Britain. Then, by 2051 that new year will be year 0001, the beginning of a new era and the Eight World Blocks as indicated here below represented proportionally by population and by each STATE(similar to present democratic countries) within those Blocks determining our future together. This new achievement will then permit a new opportunity for all people on the planet to grow and prosper and thus reaching objectives (as in these web pages)never attainable before.(cont.)

The next step,and its coming with a vengeance. These future electric vehicles above(issue no.138 add also to it these pats.5760569+5612606)and its infrastructure(in the trillion$),also see buses and trucks battery swap stations (see image No.7 below)are coming in with a vengeance. The sudden reduction at the pump,the hoarding of precious metals,the secret meetings by "biggies",raising cash including are the result. Thats only part of a greater picture which is the global magnetic guideway network(see issue no. 135 below) propelling us at fantastic speeds throughout the planet.This issue at left(no.133) (IMAGE NO.3)is a collage of several articles presented in previous ones.Its reduction in size may make it difficult to read including others on this page.To acquire a copy ,or any other,write to distributors listed at the bottom of this page.This image shows how the world could evolved into an orderly transition, where there are then no alternatives but to one unified and single state of mind,a real democracy free of gangsters,for all mankind.Although many for their own selfish objectives would as they always did oppose it. Like the thirteen original U.S. States,like Europe is now planning,why not others throughout the world follow.The map inset at left illustrates the unification of one of the eight suggested blocs with Canada,Greenland and Northern Europe,all united, thus enhancing their future. The same holds true for the other blocs (as shown in 133 p.2 below left)then the final unification can occur a couple of decades later after we helped each other attain a somewhat equal level of comfort and security.

At right(IMAGE NO.4)We're growing up, and out."Its a changing world".This page(left)illustrate 5 other blocs. A) Merging the arab and muslim countries from Morocco to Bangladesh, B) South Europe with Central and South America, C)All African countries including Madagascar, D) China with Japan and other Asian countries, E) Australia and N.Zealand with all the other(Oceania)islands in the Pacific Ocean, Of course F) Russia and G) the United States,as they are, make the 2 other blocs. H) is the Northern Bloc first mentioned see above(133 p1)also shows a north atlantic ground connection thru tunnels between the north atlantic islands Europe and Canada with access to all at fantas- tic speeds in magnetic guideway tubes above ground and tunnels beneath long stretches of waters. the same holds true for the global network around the world. As the global corporations, priorly mentioned, all owned in proportional shares depending on each countries requirements and purchased by them with cash, resources, labor or other means and as all being part owner there is no exploitation (no profit) its use at minimal costs is the gain for all.Here again,like the charging of the E.V.batteries(See IMAGE 2)the magnetic guideways will propel the vehicles with the energy from a global solar system someday soon,as shown the public in early eighties and to be in this web page soon also.

(IMAGE NO.5)These missiles are deterrents for(Cont.)

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