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About Me
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Fantasy Football


Well I really dont have any one hobby that I do more often than the other. However, I can still tell you what I like to do for fun.

Football: I love to watch, play, read about, or find as much information as possible about football. I love every minute of it. I am really into the NFL, but don't care much for the other leagues. My favorite team is the Miami Dolphins and it will most likely always be. Football, to me, relieves a lot of stress and gets your mind off of the worries of the world. It's a great time with friends and family, or even just a night with the guys!

Videogames: Another fantastic stress reliever. A lot of guys try to play it cool and act like they dont play them, but they all know thats not true. They add an extra excitement to your life and even some competition if you like playing against others. Im really into the sports games, but im starting to like shooters more and more as well. Great to do if you're bored too, can be quite expensive though.

Web-design: Well I started doing this probably about 2 years ago. I keep getting better and better each day, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. I enjoy it from time to time, but I get easily bored with it because I am very limited with the free sites I use. I dont wanna pay for a site though until I know how to do a lot more things. If you want to check out my other sites visit this Link.

Chilln w/ Friends: I dont have much time to do this very often with school and all, but when I get the time it is great. We go to movies, chill at each others houses, go grab some pizza or something. Really whatever we're in the mood to do. It's always fun going out with my friends. Many memories to share!.

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