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Well throughout high school I had a lot of friends. Now that Im in college I dont really have as many. I should still be able to make a pretty big list here. So here goes:

AJ: longest friend to date and still a great pal! Thx for everything buddy. Oh and remember, women suck lol.

Preston: been there through some rough times for both of us. One of my best buds, thanks. Don't sweat the women issues, it's just not worth it.

Melanie: always trying to figure Kenny out for some reason. Well Mel ya got me there as to why you're doing that, but I do know one thing, you've always been there for me. Tons of great mems and helpful hints. Thanks so much.

Helen: We've had some rough times lately. The breakup was bad, and the friendship almost lost. Somehow, like we always had, we managed to pull it together. It's hard to forgive you, but I think I'll survive. Thanks for so many memories.

Kimmy: We got some history between us as well huh. That is long in the past though, now we don't talk as much as we used to. I know if I ever need anything you'll always be there, thank you.

Myett: Hey buddy! Well we never really talk as much as we used to, but then again its kinda hard cuz we're both so busy. You're still there if I need you and always making me smile. Thanks for all the help.

Baker: Hey man... well like many of my other friends we dont see each other much nemore, but hey we still hang out every once in awhile. You're a cool kid, don't change.

Megan: Hey meg! Lol well since you're all the way in Albany its nearly impossible to see you. Can't believe we didn't get to hang while you were home. Oh well theres always summer right!

Danielle: Hey! Never really did talk much but we've had some deep convos lately for some odd reason lol. Thanks for listening to me.

Hunter: We just met not to long ago, but we get along pretty well. Id say some of the stuff to you that I normally do, but this site is for everyone, so no cursing lol.

Marc: havent seen much of you since you got a girlfriend, but hey you're still funny as ever when we do. Good times man, gotta order all those nuggets again soon. Wendy's workers wanted to kill us lol.

Eik!: we've had some fun convos lol. Good times to, you're the coolest! lol yeah its official :).

TK: lots of good memories during the summer. So many I think my head would spin trying to remember them all, you've been a good friend, thanks for being there.

Marissa: Hey! Havent talked to you in ages, but I still think its worth putting you on the list! We've had to many good times not to lol.

Tanya: well we've had some good convos ourselves huh lol. You may be Helens best friend, but hey we were pretty good friends in track. Lots of advice to lol.

Ben: long time no talk buddy. Many great times in high school, but havent really had any lately. You're a cool kid, hope I get to see you soon.

Gill: Tons of great times, the best being ping pong and movie night at your house! Lol.

PJ: you're family bro, so of course you're a good friend too. Many fun times at family affairs and at school things to lol. Good luck with everything man.

Ruberto: good times at the school dances and the superbowl parties. Always fun to talk to in English class lol.

Nick: family too, but one of the only people I know that shares my passion for football. Many good games at the Bubigkeits... good stuff.

Ryan: Tons of football games at your house! All of em been awesome too. Definitely nice to know you.

Sal: Hey man, good times at the family affairs. Crazy backyard wiffle ball is a hit every time!

Amy: Family as well, don't really talk much lol, but its fun to kick your butt in the sports lol :P.

Natasha: One of my only buddies from college! Thanks for gettin me the job at Modell's and hope to keep in touch. You're great.

Nicole: hey buddy! Long time no talk, you like abandoned me after school ended lol. Hopefully I'll see you around more often.

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