MARILYN MONROE, MARILYN, and NORMA JEANE are trademarks of the Estate of Marilyn Monroe c/o CMG WorldWideMarilyn Remembered respects and complys with all applicable copyright regulations. I have made (and am still making) every effort to identify all copyright owners of Marilyn Monroe images and material so that nothing presented on this web site will violate anyone's copyrights.
I wish to express thanks to all of the copyright owners who have granted their consent for their copyrighted materials to appear on this web site.
If you feel that something on this web site constitutes a violation of your ownership rights I apologize and will remove the offending items per your written request. But I hope instead to obtain your consent, and cooperate fully with you respecting your requirements regarding how I may continue to present your copyrighted work in some form on this web site.
This site is owned and operated by Jill Adams and you can contact me at I alone am solely responsible for the contents of this web site.
Some materials reside on this site without permission of the copyright holder in the context of commentary and criticism as outlined in the Fair Use Provision of the Copyright Act - The Statutory Decree §107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair Use
Consent is granted to anyone to place a link to this web site from their own web site, provided that web site does not contain offensive or other materials which are unsuitable for children.
Please Note:This website is designed for fun and informational purposes for all Marilyn fans. It is a private site brought to you by a fan and is not designed to be a business or a money making project.
Enjoy your visit here and thanks for stopping by!