2008 Photo Album


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Tom G & Milton R assist Chet N, Manasquan Inlet, December 2008.

Mike D at Manasquan Inlet, December 2008.

Baby Flounder, Manasquan Inlet, December 2008.

Moon Snail, Manasquan Inlet, December 2008.

Chet, Tom and Milton after diving the Lizzie H. Brayton, December 2008.

"No Diving? Are you kidding me!! Chet & Milton, December 2008.

Chet exits the water, December 2008.

Milton, Mike & Tom at the Manasquan River RR Bridge, November 2008.

Grubby at the Manasquan River RR Bridge, November 2008.

Grubby at the Manasquan River RR Bridge, November 2008.

2008 DA Photo Contest Winners: Gary, Tom & Mike, November 2008.

Rich on surface at Lake George, November 2008.

Rich underwater at Lake George, November 2008.

John K with pumpkin at the Manasquan River RR Bridge, November 2008.

Devora and Aaron with pumpkins at the Manasquan River RR Bridge, November 2008.

Milton with pumpkin at the Manasquan River RR Bridge, November 2008.

Tom practices the "Jersey Roll" at the Belmar Back Bay, October 2008.

Mike with bottle, Belmar Back Bay, October 2008.

Baby Fluke at the Belmar Back Bay, October 2008.

Baby Skate at the Belmar Back Bay, October 2008.

Tom at Manasquan Inlet, October 2008.

Milton at Manasquan Inlet, October 2008.

Milton at Manasquan Inlet, October 2008.

Kim at Manasquan Inlet, October 2008.

Chet at Manasquan Inlet, October 2008.

Butterfly Fish, October 2008.

Congratulations to newly engaged DA club members, Alison & Luis, September 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Greg C's Trip to Cancun & St Kitts, Summer 2008.

Bob Sterner of Northeast Dive News with Tom, DA Club Meeting, August 2008.

Bob Sterner of Northeast Dive News, DA Club Meeting, August 2008.

Milton Rescuing Carl E at Belmar Back Bay, August 2008.

Kim K at Belmar Back Bay, August 2008.

Kim C Rescuing Carl E at Belmar Back Bay, August 2008.

Joe S Rescuing Carl E at Belmar Back Bay, August 2008.

Tom at Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Tom at Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Jellyfish at the Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Tom at Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Alison & Luis on the Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Tom with Students at Chauncey Jerome, August 2008.

Mike D at Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Jacob & Jamie at the Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Mike D at the Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Jerry at the Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Alison & Luis at the Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

DA Members at the Dual Wrecks, August 2008.

Tom exits the surf at Bluffs Wreck, July, 2008.

Tom & Pt Pleasant Dive Rescue Squad at Bluffs Wreck, July, 2008.

Chet from Pt Pleasant Dive Rescue Squad makes exit at Bluffs Wreck, July, 2008.

Eric & Chet from Pt Pleasant Dive Rescue Squad at Bluffs Wreck, July, 2008.

Tom & Flo with shore divers at Bluffs Wreck, July, 2008.

Mike & Tom, July, 2008.

Alison and Luis at the Shark River, July, 2008.

Tom and Ben heading out to dive, July, 2008.

Tom G at Meadowlands Scuba Dive Club Meeting, June, 2008.

Fish at Manasquan River RR Bridge, Photo by Mike D, June, 2008.

Coral at Manasquan River RR Bridge, Photo by Mike D, June, 2008.

Fish in South Carolina, Photo by John Nardone, May, 2008.

Fish in South Carolina, Photo by John Nardone, May, 2008.

Frank Copren at DA Club Meeting, April, 2008.

Hannah gets measured for Dry Suit at DA Club Meeting, April, 2008.

Dry Suit Fitting at DA Club Meeting, April, 2008.

Dry Suit Fitting at DA Club Meeting, April, 2008.

Rich with his bottles at Sandy Hook, April, 2008.

New Bridge Construction at Sandy Hook, April, 2008.

Tom G with Flo in Seal Tank at Jenkinsons Aquarium, April, 2008.

Seals at Jenkinsons Aquarium, April, 2008.

Greg C gets checked for leaks, April, 2008.

Crab at the Manasquan Inlet, April, 2008.

Crab at the Manasquan Inlet, April, 2008.

Greg C at the Manasquan Inlet, April, 2008.

Greg C at the Manasquan Inlet, April, 2008.

DA members with Point Pleasant Rescue Squad at the Manasquan Inlet, April, 2008.

Tom & Rich at the Manasquan Inlet, March, 2008.

Dan Lieb at DA Club Meeting, February, 2008.

Tom M in the Honduras, February, 2008.

Tom G selling his books at the Ocean Wreck Divers Flea Market, February, 2008.

Tom G with his new book at the Ocean Wreck Divers Flea Market, February, 2008.

Tom M's trip to Honduras, February, 2008.

Tom M's trip to Honduras, February, 2008.

Tom M's trip to Honduras, February, 2008.

Tom M's trip to Honduras, February, 2008.

Tom, Mike D, Doug, Tom G, Chet & Erik at the Manasquan Inlet, February, 2008.

Tom G in the Manasquan Inlet, February, 2008.

Mike D in the Manasquan Inlet, February, 2008.

DA Members Tom G and Rich M with Chet and Eric from the Point Pleasant Dive Team, Lizzie Brayton Memorial Dive, January, 2008.

DA Members Tom G and Gary M with Point Pleasant Dive Team, Manasquan Inlet, New Years Day, 2008.

Happy New Year! 2008.


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