DA Photo Album 2002

DA Divers on Pre-Memorial Day Dive

We start each dive season with a dive picnic at one of our favorite shore dive locations. The DA Divers are very ready to dive and have some fun. Our 2002 5th Annual Pre-Memorial Picnic/Dive was held at Sandy Hook on Sunday May 19. Tom & Norva, Leo & Connie, Ben & Mike, Ian, Bill & son, Al and Rich all showed up for our annual event. We dove Horseshoe Cove by the old pilings looking for artifacts, but this time we only saw horseshoe crabs and some small fish. After the dive, we had a tailgate picnic followed by a food-fight with a drive-by watering from Ben & Mike who departed rapidly to avoid flying fruits.

DA Group at Dutch Springs

On the July 27 and 28th weekend Divers Anonymous held its 2nd Annual DA Weekend at Dutch Springs. We had a treasure hunt with prizes rewarded, lots of food shared with the group, fun dives, rescue training, camping, and a genuine fun weekend was had by all. The group posed for a picture by Phil.

Three DA Divers on Labor Day

On the Labor day weekend DA went to the Delaware River. Several of our members dove across the river and saw the Train Wreck. Others went around the river to just see what was there. Ian, Ash, and Nyazi made it to the wreck and found an artifact to bring back.

Dan Lieb presents NJHDA

Dan Lieb visited our October DA regular meeting to tell us about the NJHDA, New Jersey Historical Divers Association. He spent more than an hour telling about the goals of the NJHDA to document NJ historical wrecks, conduct and support research, store and preserve artifacts, and provide archives. Dan is a very enthusiastic speaker and was well received by the members.

Jamie presents Doug Campbell with DA shirt

Doug Campbell gave a lively presentation about his recently written book entitled "The Sea's Bitter Harvest". This exciting book gave details about 13 days in January 1999 when 4 commercial clam boats sank in the Atlantic Ocean while clamming. Several members purchased copies of Doug’s book and he graciously signed them with a personal note. Jamie presented Doug with a DA T-shirt.

Chris dons survival suit

Chris Rollins beat the clock by showing us how to get into a survival suit in one minute. This has never been done at any of Doug Campbell’s presentations. Chris would have survived if his clam boat was sinking. This was a lot of fun to watch, but is a true-to-life test of live or die! Good job, Chris!

Rick comes out of the chamber

Rick Farmer went to dive in Cozumel and saw more of the inside of the chamber than the famous drift diving reefs. He gave us a detailed run-down of the cause and effect of DCS and the necessary treatment needed to recover. Thanks go to Rick for sharing his experience with us in the hope that others can learn and avoid this serious diver injury.

Happy DA boat diving 2002!

DA members did lots of boat diving during the year 2002. Some of the dive boats included these fine vessels with their great captains and crews. Thanks to them all!

Al discusses tank maintenance

Each November DA holds an equipment maintenance workshop to demo and discuss various end of the year equipment maintenance techniques. We share our knowledge about ways to keep scuba gear in top shape. Al and others assisted our members in the workshop at DA's 5th annual event held at the Great Notch Firehouse compliments of fireman, Ian.

Paul selects his contest prize

Paul Ward entered his restored pulley that he recovered from the Burnett wreck and the judges declared his entry a winner in our annual artifact and story contest. He selected a safety anchor for a prize. Several members brought artifacts and photos for display including: Ian Fryer, Ben Gualano, Al Nesterok, Jamie Cacciatore, Tom Gormley, and Mike Lacatena.

Baby Luke with mom, Edith and grandma, Norva

Though not a scuba diver yet, Luke was welcomed at our December meeting.

DA winter divers at Sandy Hook

On December 29 a hardy group of DA divers went to Sandy Hook for a Shrewsbury River dive. The water was a cool 33 degrees, but they got in a last dive for 2002. Divers included: Al, Tom, Ben, Frank, and Rich with Angela on shore for support. Afterward a hot bowl of Bahr's clam chowder helped to restore some needed warmth.

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