ilikeagirlwholikesbelleandsebastian. 1/2/2000

Well, in celebration of the new millenium, (or just jeff being bored), we decided to make a new bombardment society web page. everyone in the bombardment society has been keeping busy. jeff is planning something covertly and he and andrew are getting ready to put out "the mccovey is off the table" zine. damn, we've been saying that forever. andrew is in the midst of being hated by the pride girls who don't take showers. the greek is sorta busy with his side project "holden" while joe perno and his sideburns are busy causing ruckus in the south jersey area. charles is enjoying his head unit, but he really has to lay off the emo, all i ever hear that kid listening to is emo emo emo! meredith is banging her triangle (literally). we won;t go any further than that. ryan is busy putting bubble bath in the cherry hill mall wishing well with andrew. pete, well, pete is just all about spending 130$ on a ring for the wife and being super emo. in broader news, the bombardment society is practicing to play the mr. cherokee show thing. well, i guess that's about it. bye bye.



Okay, much has been happening in the .bombardment society. camp. New songs include: "Why Ackley hates everyone" and "Drought of 200." In individual members' news ackley has been pissing everyone in the Tri-State area off and has been collaborating with Jeff on "The McCovey is Off The Table"-the long in progress zine soon to be seen in trashcans everywhere. We're looking for contributors, so if you've got anything (please no poetry) email them to me and we'll probably add it to the mix. The BSG has been in Greece at some marriage thing. Matt C. is almost recovered from his humorous lapse in judgement. Bobby's Pokemon club is starting to take off and is soon to rival Magic in after-school lunchrooms everywhere. Meredith has been getting rather obese. Joe Perno has been a' hackysackin'. Ryan has been wawa-ing. Pete's been tapping his hand over his heart while "rocking out". I (jeff) have been busy being a child care professional and working on the "McCovey......." with Ack. Watch for a darned-near complete site overhaul over xmas break.later.



Hmmm, we practiced the other day to mixed results. We've been working on the songs "Face for Radio" and "(Un)Intentional Acts of Idiocy" and we're still hoping to get a show sometime soon. On the website front, I just created a .bs. list where we'll be sending out a weekly newsletter to. Also, I put up Ryan's bio and I'm now announcing that there are a few "secret" pages on this page. I'm not going to tell you where they are, but the address for any of these pages will be something like: (you have to figure out what's in the blank). If you know me at all, you should be able to guess a few page names correctly. later.



I've got BIG news here for you kids. The .bs. is proud to welcome the BSG (matthew kalogerakis) to the band. A skilled guitar player and an excellent runner of the mouth, we are hoping his addition will take us to "the next level". On the website front, the BSG and Andrew's profiles were just added and I am currently in the process of entering this page on a few webrings (I just added it to two webrings) so that maybe it'll get a few more hits.

"Everything I say is true and everything I do is wrong to you"-Gameface-


The .bs. has been taking a break because ,frankly, we were getting really sick of each other. During our break, I, jefff, have been working on my solo project entitled "The Dingus", Drewey has been acting too cool and harrasing Sears mall security guards, Pete has been learning the ropes of being the BSG , Ryan has been watching way too much Dawson's Creek, Joe has been jamming with his side project "Parting Shot", Al has been putting time in "As We Grow", Bobby is slowly but surely learning how to crochet, and Matt has been listening to way too much bad metal.


A new voting page and shows page has also been added today.


After a lot of soul searching and after (literally) hours of thinking ,we in the .bombardment society. decided to try to work things out with the band one more time (this is our last hurrah some would say). anyway, we still have a few copies of "adventures in wal-mart" remaining, so if you're interested get in touch with ackley. bookmark the page as it's constantly changing (real band bios should be up shortly). oh ,while you're at it, feel free to sign the guestbook.

------the bombardment society..----

"ever think to yourself about an uption? a different way to be, let's round up all the no good dudes and put 'em on an island in the middle of the sea.i thought of a plan, 2 years ago, it seems to solve any problem, any single problem i ought to know. it involves a heavy piece of machinery that has the responsibility of lifting an entire country. sometimes it's hard to believe that they're brethren of you and me. i got an excellent idea, build an island where we dump the rest of the world or maybe just you and me"-atom and his package-

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