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the study of plants


the parts of the tree that extend out from the trunk


the green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plant cells


an oval chlorophyll-bearing body found in the cytoplasm in cells of green plants

coniferous tree

a tree that does not lose its leaves or needles in winter; usually has needlelike leaves

daylight hours

the number of hours and minutes in a day calculated by taking the hours from sunrise to noon plus the hours from noon to sunset

deciduous tree

a tree whose leaves fall in the winter


(dicotyledon) a flowering plant with two seed leaves; flowering plants characterized by having embryos with two cotyledons, net-veined leaves, flower parts in fours or fives, and the presence of cambium


a) the seed producing structure of a flowering plant, consisting of a greatly shortened stem bearing four sets of organs, carpels at the tip of the stem and stamens beneath, which are typically surrounded by petals, usually brightly colored, and leaflike sepals. b) bloom, blossom c) the reproductive structure of any plant


an unproved theory, proposition, supposition, etc. tentatively accepted to explain certain facts, or (working hypothesis) to provide a basis for further investigation, argument, etc., a theory.


the imaginary lines that go from east to west (side to side) along the globe, but that measure distances north and south of the equator


any of the flat thin expanded organs, usually green, growing laterally from the stem or twig of a plant: it usually consists of a broad blade, a petiole, or stalk, and stipules and is involved in the processes of photosynthesis and transpiration


the imaginary lines that go from north to south (up and down) along the globe, but that measure distances east and west of the Prime Meridian


a rounded projected part, any of the rounded divisions of the leaves of certain trees


a type of tree with broad leaves found in temperate zones


(monocotyledon) any of a subclass of flowering plants having an embryo containing only one seed leaf, and usually having parallel-veined leaves, flower parts in multiples of three, and no secondary growth in stems and roots, as lilies, orchids, grasses, etc.

peak color

the time in autumn when the leaves on the trees show the most brilliant colors before the leaves fall off the trees


shaped like a hand with the fingers spread; specif.,having veins or lobes radiating from a common center as in some leaves


a little foot, a leg, stalk; the part of a leaf that connects it to a branch of a tree or bush


1) the biological synthesis of chemical compounds in the presence of light. 2) the production of organic substances, especially sugars, from carbon dioxide and water occurring in green plant cells supplied with enought light to allow chlorohhyll to aid in the transformation of the rediant energy into a chemical form


1) resembling a feather 2) bot. with leaflets on each side of a common axis in a featherlike arrangement


a living organism that, unlike an animal, cannot move voluntarily, has the ability to synthesize food from carbon dioxide, possesses cellulose cell walls, and lacks centrosomes, specialized sense organs, and digestive, nervous, and circluatory systems


any of the main veins in a leaf


the part of a tree that usually grows under the ground


a small bush; a low woody plant with several permanent stems instead of a single trunk


 1) the main stem or axis of a plant 2) a lengthened part of a plant on which an organ grows or is supported, as the petiole of a leaf, etc.


the time that the sun is first seen in the sky in the morning from a particular location


the time that the sun is last seen in the sky in the evening from a particular location


the giving off or moisture, etc., through the pores of the skin or the surface of leaves


the main part of a tree that grows out of the ground and that all other branches extend from


Some of the above definitions were taken from Webster's New World Dictionary - Second College Edition