An Honorable Marriage:  Sturm

Physical Appearance:  Probably not gorgeous, but not ugly either.  Reportedly has a large, drooping mustache.  Probably somewhat regal in appearance, we hope.

Health:  Probably perfect.  After all, he works wearing 600 pound armor and probably believes that such things as excess eating, alcohol, and other vices are dishonorable.

Personality:  He's not the most exciting man that you'll meet, but he's vaguely intriguing just as you wonder "what is he thinking"?  He's super honorable, and is a man who *would* treat a woman well, whether she deserved it or  not.  However, he's very strict and would probably not allow a woman he loved to do anything that he feels is wrong which, unfortunately, is most things.

Intelligence:  He's not the brightest penny in the pile, but he's not an idiot, either.  Just remember, he swings a sword for a living.  Creativity is not his strong point, nor is original thought, but he's no moron and seems relatively street wise.

Finances:  Is technically noble, but he seems to only own his horse, his weapons, and his armor.  Figures.

Housework:  Not only believes that women should do housework, but also believes that their place is in the home.

Fatherhood:  Probably very good with children, but would you want them reciting "my honor is my life"?

Sex:  A Kitiara fling, but it was once, and she was probably bored.  He's in great shape, but probably unimaginative and unwilling to try anything beyond the necessities for procreation.

Chances:  If you're an angel, perfect.  If not, he'll not have you.

Outcome:  If you're perfect and want to be treated like a lady, he'll be perfect.  Otherwise, interesting for a few months, but dump him before you start believing that honor is more perfect than being alive.

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